Sunday, May 22, 2022

Let's discard Unity in diversity and Embrace Unity in Unison...

The Bengali version written by Tagore...

realized in the early morning...

The English translation....

You are honourably present with the halo at the blissful world.
Your majestic appearance gorgeously fills the sky,
The mortal world coiled around your adorned feet.
The Sun, Moon, the planets, stars anxiously drink and bathe
In your everlasting beam, with incredible speed.
Springs dance down the earth, what a beauty
Flowers, leaves, melodious sound add to colours.
Ever new stream of life continues to flow day and night,
Your kindness is reflected in life and death without rest.
Love-affection, kindness, respect softens the heart,
Your raining consolation cools down.
What a grand celebration all around, revere the whole world
In the carefree, omnipresent shelter, where the beauty is wealth.

Unity in diversity


however, I think, at this moment what #bharatmata needs is just the opposite - 

unity in unison 

to recreate the crescendo - the resonance of the true #bharat - the #bharat that was there from the early days of human existence on this planet - the river of civilization on the banks of which great kingdoms were established - great philosophy was discovered - great sages enlightened the whole mankind - unselfish - purposeful - and the most surprising of all - the same river is still flowing - with a little pollution from external forces thrust upon it - and we have lost the #true #pure #bharat - to accommodate, to fit ourselves in the outside world.

but as the very basic principle of commerce and economics suggests - it's the originality that sells - it's the original that attracts everybody - and not any duplicate - hence we must bring back that original #bharat - without any doping effect. We were the harbinger of originality - starting from discovering the origin of this #universe to science to philosophy to medicine to humanity and even to the greatest language - #sanskrit

and having a common thread of language is essential to bind each and every citizen of this great place called #bharat.

and as it was the #sanskrit language that was original - hence i am of the opinion to make #sanskrit the national common language for the people of #bharat.

Let's take a pledge to bring back #Sanskrit

Let's become the Original version of ourselves...

we have lost many years just to prove ourselves smart - but while doing so we just took the help of a duplicate world - which we are not inherently - hence we were always treated as just the outsider in that world - just like the Colorful Jackal of the jungle from the ancient story.

For the people of #universe here is the story of the Colorful Jackal.

Colorful Jackal

Once a jackal was very hungry as it did not get food for many days. While searching for food, the jackal reached a town. Once the jackal entered the town, he was greeted by a pack of ferocious dogs. The dogs began chasing the jackal. The jackal ran for its life and finally jumped into a big drum. The drum was filled with a blue dye and hence when the jackal finally came out, it became a blue jackal.

Jackal becomes king

Jackal went back to the safe heaven of forest. When other animals saw the jackal, they could not recognize him because of blue color. They thought that it must be a strange and powerful animal. All the animals bowed to the jackal and pronounced him as their king.

The jackal was very pleased to become the king of the jungle. The lion and tiger were always at his service. They used to bring freshly killed prey for the jackal. Thus, life was going quite smoothly for the jackal.

Jackal's secret is out

One night, all the animals were sleeping near the abode of blue jackal. Suddenly the blue jackal heard the howling of another jackal. It was natural for the blue jackal to howl in answer. He tried to control his urge but it was so strong and natural that he could not help but begin to howl in a high tone.

When other animals heard a recognizable voice, they could understand that it was a jackal under the blue coat. The animals became very angry and thrashed the jackal blue and black.

The moral of the story is, 

"You cannot change your natural ways by changing your getup."

Let's bring back #sanskrit as our national language for a new #bharat

we have waited many years for this

the time is NOW.

act today wisely

and reap the benefits for the rest of your life.

The idea of a nation becomes realistic only when we all remain on a common solid ground. If we recall our days of freedom struggle, we all have to remember, that, Congress, under the guidance of Gandhiji first divided Bharat on a linguistic basis. So, it's time for us NOW to create ONE NATION - ONE LANGUAGE - and let Sanskrit be that language.


United we stand ...

Divided we fall...

And here we go - my wife #reema and my son, 11 yrs old Ridit - are trying our best to offer respect to this great language - the language of God...

Here I must admit that Sanskrit is the most suitable language for AI and Computer Science.

They don't want the Humans of Bharat to know about this.

The Humans of Bharat...

please wake up...

Read the following document and see why we must embrace #Sanskrit for our future generation to excel.

Humans of Bharat...

Enjoy the learning process...

rediscover yourself...

I am happy to see that at last the engineers of Bharat are waking up. We must if we want to showcase our #trueselves...

Let's embrace Sanskrit...

Humans of Bharat... please wake up from the slumber...

Nikola Tesla and Swami Vivekananda
Mr. Toby Grotz, President, Wireless Engineering

Swami Vivekananda, late in the year l895 wrote in a letter to an English friend, "Mr. Tesla thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go and see him next week to get this new mathematical demonstration. In that case, the Vedantic cosmology will be placed on the surest of foundations. I am working a good deal now on the cosmology and eschatology of the Vedanta. I clearly see their perfect union with modern science, and the elucidation of the one will be followed by that of the other." (Complete Works, Vol. V, Fifth Edition, 1347, p. 77).

Here Swamiji uses the terms force and matter for the Sanskrit terms Prana and Akasha. Tesla used the Sanskrit terms and apparently understood them as energy and mass. (In Swamiji's day, as in many dictionaries published in the first half of the present century, force and energy were not always clearly differentiated. Energy is a more proper translation of the Sanskrit term Prana.)

Tesla apparently failed in his effort to show the identity of mass and energy. Apparently, he understood that when speed increases, mass must decrease. He seems to have thought that mass might be "converted" to energy and vice versa, rather than that they were identical in some way, as is pointed out in Einstein's equations. At any rate, Swamiji seems to have sensed where the difficulty lay in joining the maps of European science and Advaita Vedanta and set Tesla to solve the problem. It is apparently in the hope that Tesla would succeed in this that Swamiji says "In that case, the Vedantic cosmology will be placed on the surest of foundations." Unfortunately, Tesla failed and the solution did not come till ten years later, in a paper by Albert Einstein. But by then Swamiji was gone and the connecting of the maps was delayed.

Hindus of Bharat... please wake up and know your worth... 

Feel proud for being a Bharatwasi.


Jai Hind...

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