Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Mental Health - Consider human life as a source of Vibe, Frequency and Energy...

Consider human life as a source of vibe, frequency, and energy. The more positive energy you inject into the surroundings, the more the environment will energize you. This is life.

The moment we meet a person, we can feel the flow of energy - it may be positive or it may be negative. Our senses pick up these vibes without our conscious efforts.

So it’s very important to carry the positive energy along with you. If you emanate positive energy, the Universe will reflect positive energy back to you.

Have you ever noticed that if you meet a certain person, you are automatically charged and excited and you look forward to meeting that guy soon? These are the kinds of people who attract positivity.

At the same time, certain people emanate so much negative energy that the experience of meeting them is absolutely off-putting. These are the negative people whom you must avoid in your lifetime.

The negative people are those who complain a lot, are very judgemental, and are always in a competitive mood with whomever they meet. Their vibe is poisonous and they make your flame of enthusiasm absolutely dim.

The kind of energy that you will emanate depends upon your past karma, your mindset, your dominant thoughts, your perception of the Universe, and your surroundings.

You will feel secure near a person emanating positive energy and you will always want to spend time with such a person. On the other hand, you will feel insecure in front of a negative guy and you will always try to avoid this kind of people.

Sometimes it is easy to see how others affect you, but many times you may not even realize the effect others are having on you or the effect you are having on others. Building self-awareness of how situations or people make you feel can help correct or deflect this negative energy.

Be responsible with the kind of energy you carry along with you because it has immense power. Reflect on your energy often and be conscious of how it is getting mixed up in the outside world and how it is creating ripples in other people meeting you.

My search for #WhoAmI continues.

There is no such thing as mental illness...

Read... Read...

Here is a critical discussion...

Enjoy my morning vibe today - feel the energy and positivity...

So Who Am I...

The scariest question of mankind...

Feel my vibe... feel my energy... feel my positivity...

I am a voice without a shape...

Last but not least - the psychiatrists must reflect on their own energy level and conscience...

The following text is taken from a psychiatrist's Twitter post...
Dear Psychiatric and Family Medicine Colleagues

It's time to acknowledge we've let good mental health care become completely derailed by industry/commercial influence. 

We all wanted to do good initially, but much like the frog in boiling water, we've slowly come to accept a completely broken system that has overmedicated millions. 

It's easy to rationalize our role in this broken system. I know because I made the same excuses myself for many years. I've told myself things such as:

"Medications are better than nothing in a system with limited resources"

However, over time I started to believe the evidence in front of my own eyes rather than the 1-sided story of psychiatric success that was blasted out in journals and conferences.

The truth that you know deep down but may be afraid to admit is that medications are not better than nothing.... in fact sometimes the best thing you can do is to honestly tell a patient who's depressed, that there is no drug that is going to help them.... and that you wished you could do more but you can't.... and that you wished the mental healthcare system truly supported people but that it is mostly set up to dispense meds rather than help people with the support and resources that actually need to thrive.  

The truth is that telling people medications are going to help, when you know for damn sure they aren't going to do anything to fix the majority of normal life problems like financial stressors or relational problems that contribute to depression is simply misleading. And at worst prescribing in these situations is just making people dependent on medications and exposing them to side effects. 

I don't really have an easy solution to the mess we've gotten ourselves in.

And I know many of us remain financially dependent on a system that is simply painful to work in, because of the near absence of actual psychotherapeutic/social support resources

But what I can say is that there is an action we can take every day that will slowly start to fix this.....

Become more comfortable telling patients that we don't have the solutions to their problems, especially when the issues causing the depression clearly won't be fixed by blunting their emotions with antidepressants (I get it... this sometimes might help some people- but most of the time it doesn't). 

Somewhere along the lines,  meaningless diagnostic categories like MDD (Major Depressive Disorder), somehow convinced doctors that we had all the solutions to solve universal human problems that made up these "diagnoses" with pills. 

Come on, we know this is BS for the majority of people.

This small step is the first in undoing this massive cluster we've gotten ourselves into.

Psychiatric drugs must be the last option for the patients as these drugs are dangerous.

Reclaiming #WhoIAm

Say NO to Psychiatric drugs...

Enjoy the song...

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Came to know about Edward L Bernays book called "Propaganda"

Humans of the Universe.

Please wake up

Seek the #TRUTH

and avail salvation.

 "Truth is mighty and must prevail, and if any body of men believe that they have discovered a valuable truth, it is not merely their privilege but their duty to disseminate that truth. If they realize, as they quickly must, that this spreading of the truth can be done upon a large scale and effectively only by organized effort, they will make use of the press and the platform as the best means to give it wide circulation. Propaganda becomes vicious and reprehensive only when its authors consciously and deliberately disseminate what they know to be lies, or when they aim at effects which they know to be prejudicial to the common good."

And this is exactly the problem with the MSM - Mainstream media houses. They deliberately propagate falsehoods.

For the Humans of Bharat, please start asking questions about the history that you were taught.

Mostly that was wrong information.

So don't accept everything blindly.

Go back to the days when the Britishers just left Bharat.

Question the motive behind making a madrasa chaap as the first education minister when there were a plethora of scientists and educationists at that time.

Ask questions like was it really the Quit India movement or the effect of Netaji's INA soldiers' trial at Red Fort which triggered the mutiny in the Bharatiya army men under the British rule that gave us freedom?

Ask questions like was Akbar really a great Sultan - but then why there was maximum conversion from Hindu to Muslim during the period of Akbar?

Was Bharat really made independent in 1947 and truly started taking all of her decisions on her own without the influence of the Britishers - but then why Lord Mountbatten was the first Governor General of Independent Bharat?

Moreover, what is the role of British Intelligence MI5 in Bharat well after 1947?

Until we correct our historical perspective from the angle of #Truth, we won't get a national-level salvation.

A country cannot go far with all of its population fed with the wrong history.

If we don't learn from correct History, History will repeat itself.

There is still time for the Humans of Bharat to wake up and kiss the Truth.

No more delay.

Read the book


In chapter I, it starts like this.

THE conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

      We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.

Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.

     They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure. Whatever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons—a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million—who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.