Monday, November 23, 2009

Future generation of Indians - in my eyes

We have invested hell lot of money and energy to build the infrastructure of the country... But have we ever given it a thought how the future generations of India should look like... I think the time has come when we should invest all our energy to develop future Indians... Otherwise we will get India without Indians...

I was just thinking how our future generation should be like... I would prefer a moral Indian to a smart Indian - a simple Indian who will stick to his morality instead of getting his work done by hook or by crook... A student who would study by heart instead of taking help of unfair means to qualify the examination - a student who would stick to the fair means whatever may be the outcome of the exam... An Indian above corruption...

To fight the corruption we must change the mindset of our future generation... We must create simple Indians, ( and i mean it... not ultra smart Indians) who just cannot think of getting corrupted... Its not easy to fight corruption only by RTI because as the adage goes..."prevention is better than cure..." Hence we must create Indians who just cannot think of getting the things done in whatever possible way, even if it is by unfair means... but Indians who stick to their moral grounds, unsucceptible to the outcome...

We got India from British Raj almost 60 years back... but in the ecstasy that followed to build modern India did we somewhere forget to start the process of building Indians in the line of Buddha, Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Bhagat Singh or Netaji?

I know its very difficult to create such Indians without proper nurturing and it becomes more difficult as the surroundings have already become corrupted... But we should give it an honest try...