Thursday, February 29, 2024

From the dot joiner - joining the dots backward...

Contagion (2011) is a medical thriller that gained a lot of attention during the COVID-19 pandemic because of its uncanny similarities to the real-world situation.

Conspiracy theory? Universe, you decide...

The movie Contagion depicted almost everything that the universe went through during the plandemic. The surprise is that the movie was released in 2011 and COVID crippled the global population almost after a decade.

The narrative for the gullible ordinary citizens of universe was created - the brainwashing started many years ago.

#Wakeup - guys. It's time for you to get back your consciousness - come out of the slumber...

Sabkuch dikhta nahi - not everything is visible - we must join the invisible dots to awaken ourselves.

Déjà vu !!! surely...

It was all planned much before 2020...

Please go through the next few points. You will understand why the universe thinks that it was all well planned

Similarities Between Contagion and COVID-19

  • Origin: In Contagion, the deadly virus originates from a bat, which infects a pig, then transmits to a human. Similarly, COVID-19 is believed to have originated from bats (at least the brainwashing part of the COVID claims like this).

  • Ease of Transmission: Both the fictional virus in Contagion and COVID-19 spread rapidly through respiratory droplets and contact with contaminated surfaces (fomites).

  • Global Pandemic: The movie, like the real-life COVID-19 situation, depicts a virus escalating into a full-blown global pandemic.

  • Social Effects: Both showcase the breakdown of social order, panic buying, and the struggle to contain the spread.

  • Race for a Cure: Contagion highlights the intense efforts of scientists and medical professionals scrambling to develop a vaccine—a process mirrored in the real-life response to COVID-19.

  • Misinformation: The film portrays the spread of false information and conspiracy theories, similar to what was experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Differences

  • Mortality Rate: The fictional virus in Contagion has a much higher mortality rate than COVID-19.

  • Timeline: The development of a vaccine and the eventual containment of the virus in Contagion happen at a much faster pace than the real-world COVID-19 pandemic.

Why the Resurgence in Popularity?

The COVID-19 pandemic made Contagion eerily relevant. Viewers found themselves revisiting the film for several reasons:

  • Understanding the Pandemic: The movie provided a somewhat simplified and dramatized visual representation of how a pandemic unfolds, helping people understand the mechanisms of viral spread and its consequences.

  • Sense of Foreboding: The film's chilling accuracy reinforced the fears and anxieties people were already experiencing during the pandemic.

  • Seeking Solace (in a strange way): Seeing a fictional pandemic with eventual resolution offered a strange sense of hope for some viewers in the midst of the real-world crisis.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Are we heading for doomsday - HAARP - the Earthquake weapon of USA...

HAARP, which stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, is a research facility located in Gakona, Alaska. Its primary purpose is to study the ionosphere, the uppermost layer of Earth's atmosphere. The ionosphere is ionized by radiation from the Sun, and it plays an important role in radio communications and navigation.

HAARP uses a powerful radio transmitter to send beams of radio waves into the ionosphere. These beams can cause changes in the ionosphere, which can be studied by other instruments at the facility. This research helps scientists to understand how the ionosphere works and how it can be affected by natural and man-made phenomena.

Now the crux...

Conspiracy theories !!! Universe you decide...

Here's another ... Wake up Humans of the Universe