Friday, May 27, 2022

Fatherhood - a great gift from #lordshiva

 Fatherhood - a lifetime chance to deep dive into myself to know #whoami

A deep conversation between me and my son on last year's Father’s Day…

Me: Son, you are now 10 years old. In 2-3 years’ time, there will be many changes in your physiology. One change will be that your Kutu (penis) will sometimes get erected and you will feel like fondling it. Don’t worry. This is a very normal way of growing up.
Son: Baba, what will I do then?

Me: Lord Shiva will guide your brain and he will tell you to fondle it. It will come naturally to it. Don’t be afraid. It’s not anything wrong. Nobody will scold you.
Son: Baba, I am afraid. What will happen then?

Baba: After some time a jelly-like liquid will come out from your Kutu and then you will feel normal. When the liquid is about to come out of your Kutu, you will feel very satisfied physically and will be excited.
Son: Baba what is this liquid all about?

Me: That liquid, in the future, if used properly will help you to become a Dad. It’s very precious.
Son: So will I have to store it somewhere?

Me: No my dear. It will be produced regularly in your body and for the time being, you will have to wash it away. Then when you will grow up, if you and your wife use that liquid properly, you two will become parents
Me: Remember, your Kutu is one of the most valuable organs of your body. It is a very sacred part of your body. Have you seen Shiva Linga? That is the kutu of Lord Shiva. Why do we worship it? Because that’s the origin of ourselves. Without Shiva Linga, human beings would not have come to this universe. It’s the source of Origin. And that’s why it is said that we are all parts of Lord Shiva. Similar to the Shiva Linga, your Kutu is also very precious and sacred to you. You should never make it unconsecrated or dirty.

Son: Baba, how can it be dirty?
Me: If you use your Kutu with anyone else except your wife, your Kutu will become dirty. Not only your Kutu, but your whole life will also become unholy. So preserve your Kutu properly.

Son: Is this only true for boys?
Me: No son, every girl and boy has to become a woman and man respectively one day. And for boys, this is the process. Girls become women through a process called Chumming. Probably you will learn about this process someday from your Mamma. But always remember, whenever Lord Shiva guides you to fondle your Kutu, don’t be afraid, shocked, or ashamed. Remember, that day your process of Manhood will start.

After that, we discussed many aspects of life. But as I had a training schedule, I could not journal it at that time. Let me try to recollect it today.

The #humansoul hidden inside #fleshandbone

Me: Betu, when you become an adult, because of your physical need, sometimes you may feel like visiting a lady who will give this “holy service” - not for her own but for your well-being - both body and mind. Although there is no need for such physical affairs these days, you can calm down your body and mind, if you wish, by opening your laptop.

But in case, suppose, in the future, you need to visit such a holy lady to calm yourself down. Before starting the activity, at least take a few minutes of time to have a chat with her from your soul. Ask her, maybe like, why she really chose this profession - out of joy or out of poverty or out of need or anything that may arise in your mind at that moment. And let her open her soul, speak out her mind. You may learn some of the deepest lessons about human behavior and society from her if you analyze her answers while sitting alone in silence.

For example, you may hear from her that after the act, whatever money she will receive from you, she will dress up, clean herself up and then visit the nearest medical shop to purchase some of the essential medicines for her son or dad or mother or sometimes, maybe husband. After hearing such a story, you may not find the urge to do the act for which you went to her and rather will hand over the money maybe with a little more as a goodwill gesture and hug her and come back and, still, after that, if you have the mental energy, you will open your laptop and calm down your body and mind.

Such is the reality beta.

Life is not fair.

This will teach you one of the biggest lessons of your life.

Never judge anybody. And never keep a standard of what is good, bad, moral, immoral, and all such societal conditions that will be thrust upon you by the so-called leaders of our society.

Always have an uncluttered mind. Always listen to your #lordshiva. He will give you the best guidance. 

Never care for anybody else in this world. Actually… Noone!!!!

You are your own #guru and #disciple and you will learn from the people around you and from the nature that #lordshiva has given - free of cost. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Let's discard Unity in diversity and Embrace Unity in Unison...

The Bengali version written by Tagore...

realized in the early morning...

The English translation....

You are honourably present with the halo at the blissful world.
Your majestic appearance gorgeously fills the sky,
The mortal world coiled around your adorned feet.
The Sun, Moon, the planets, stars anxiously drink and bathe
In your everlasting beam, with incredible speed.
Springs dance down the earth, what a beauty
Flowers, leaves, melodious sound add to colours.
Ever new stream of life continues to flow day and night,
Your kindness is reflected in life and death without rest.
Love-affection, kindness, respect softens the heart,
Your raining consolation cools down.
What a grand celebration all around, revere the whole world
In the carefree, omnipresent shelter, where the beauty is wealth.

Unity in diversity


however, I think, at this moment what #bharatmata needs is just the opposite - 

unity in unison 

to recreate the crescendo - the resonance of the true #bharat - the #bharat that was there from the early days of human existence on this planet - the river of civilization on the banks of which great kingdoms were established - great philosophy was discovered - great sages enlightened the whole mankind - unselfish - purposeful - and the most surprising of all - the same river is still flowing - with a little pollution from external forces thrust upon it - and we have lost the #true #pure #bharat - to accommodate, to fit ourselves in the outside world.

but as the very basic principle of commerce and economics suggests - it's the originality that sells - it's the original that attracts everybody - and not any duplicate - hence we must bring back that original #bharat - without any doping effect. We were the harbinger of originality - starting from discovering the origin of this #universe to science to philosophy to medicine to humanity and even to the greatest language - #sanskrit

and having a common thread of language is essential to bind each and every citizen of this great place called #bharat.

and as it was the #sanskrit language that was original - hence i am of the opinion to make #sanskrit the national common language for the people of #bharat.

Let's take a pledge to bring back #Sanskrit

Let's become the Original version of ourselves...

we have lost many years just to prove ourselves smart - but while doing so we just took the help of a duplicate world - which we are not inherently - hence we were always treated as just the outsider in that world - just like the Colorful Jackal of the jungle from the ancient story.

For the people of #universe here is the story of the Colorful Jackal.

Colorful Jackal

Once a jackal was very hungry as it did not get food for many days. While searching for food, the jackal reached a town. Once the jackal entered the town, he was greeted by a pack of ferocious dogs. The dogs began chasing the jackal. The jackal ran for its life and finally jumped into a big drum. The drum was filled with a blue dye and hence when the jackal finally came out, it became a blue jackal.

Jackal becomes king

Jackal went back to the safe heaven of forest. When other animals saw the jackal, they could not recognize him because of blue color. They thought that it must be a strange and powerful animal. All the animals bowed to the jackal and pronounced him as their king.

The jackal was very pleased to become the king of the jungle. The lion and tiger were always at his service. They used to bring freshly killed prey for the jackal. Thus, life was going quite smoothly for the jackal.

Jackal's secret is out

One night, all the animals were sleeping near the abode of blue jackal. Suddenly the blue jackal heard the howling of another jackal. It was natural for the blue jackal to howl in answer. He tried to control his urge but it was so strong and natural that he could not help but begin to howl in a high tone.

When other animals heard a recognizable voice, they could understand that it was a jackal under the blue coat. The animals became very angry and thrashed the jackal blue and black.

The moral of the story is, 

"You cannot change your natural ways by changing your getup."

Let's bring back #sanskrit as our national language for a new #bharat

we have waited many years for this

the time is NOW.

act today wisely

and reap the benefits for the rest of your life.

The idea of a nation becomes realistic only when we all remain on a common solid ground. If we recall our days of freedom struggle, we all have to remember, that, Congress, under the guidance of Gandhiji first divided Bharat on a linguistic basis. So, it's time for us NOW to create ONE NATION - ONE LANGUAGE - and let Sanskrit be that language.


United we stand ...

Divided we fall...

And here we go - my wife #reema and my son, 11 yrs old Ridit - are trying our best to offer respect to this great language - the language of God...

Here I must admit that Sanskrit is the most suitable language for AI and Computer Science.

They don't want the Humans of Bharat to know about this.

The Humans of Bharat...

please wake up...

Read the following document and see why we must embrace #Sanskrit for our future generation to excel.

Humans of Bharat...

Enjoy the learning process...

rediscover yourself...

I am happy to see that at last the engineers of Bharat are waking up. We must if we want to showcase our #trueselves...

Let's embrace Sanskrit...

Humans of Bharat... please wake up from the slumber...

Nikola Tesla and Swami Vivekananda
Mr. Toby Grotz, President, Wireless Engineering

Swami Vivekananda, late in the year l895 wrote in a letter to an English friend, "Mr. Tesla thinks he can demonstrate mathematically that force and matter are reducible to potential energy. I am to go and see him next week to get this new mathematical demonstration. In that case, the Vedantic cosmology will be placed on the surest of foundations. I am working a good deal now on the cosmology and eschatology of the Vedanta. I clearly see their perfect union with modern science, and the elucidation of the one will be followed by that of the other." (Complete Works, Vol. V, Fifth Edition, 1347, p. 77).

Here Swamiji uses the terms force and matter for the Sanskrit terms Prana and Akasha. Tesla used the Sanskrit terms and apparently understood them as energy and mass. (In Swamiji's day, as in many dictionaries published in the first half of the present century, force and energy were not always clearly differentiated. Energy is a more proper translation of the Sanskrit term Prana.)

Tesla apparently failed in his effort to show the identity of mass and energy. Apparently, he understood that when speed increases, mass must decrease. He seems to have thought that mass might be "converted" to energy and vice versa, rather than that they were identical in some way, as is pointed out in Einstein's equations. At any rate, Swamiji seems to have sensed where the difficulty lay in joining the maps of European science and Advaita Vedanta and set Tesla to solve the problem. It is apparently in the hope that Tesla would succeed in this that Swamiji says "In that case, the Vedantic cosmology will be placed on the surest of foundations." Unfortunately, Tesla failed and the solution did not come till ten years later, in a paper by Albert Einstein. But by then Swamiji was gone and the connecting of the maps was delayed.

Hindus of Bharat... please wake up and know your worth... 

Feel proud for being a Bharatwasi.


Jai Hind...

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Hindus of #bharat - wakeup - never forget #whoweare and where we have come from...

When a mind is developed with uncluttered philosophy mixed with wisdom and #truth, his feet always remain firmly grounded and aligned with his true self.

And the #aham of that person becomes so powerful and resonating that weak, moribund people can’t withstand it and the powerful people enjoy the vibe and the energy emanating from that person and eventually feel and become powerful by themselves.

This is the basic principle of #leadership - don’t let people remain #weak and feel that you are great

rather make them equally powerful and 

create a 

pride of #lions

and not a

herd of sheep.

This is exactly what Rabindranath Tagore said in his song,

“Amra sabay raja amader-y rajar rajotye”


‘“We are all equal with the king himself in our kingdom”

The feelings of a king of such a kingdom will always resonate with the same mindset as his people and he roars

“I got your back”

This is the basic principle behind democracy and freedom.

And this is exactly mentioned in Kautilya's Arthashastra

Read... Read... the following text is from Arthashastra...

प्रजासुखे सुखं राज्ञः प्रजानां तु हिते हितम् ।
नात्मप्रियं हितं राज्ञः प्रजानां तु प्रियं हितम् ॥

PrajaasukhE sukham raagyaha prajaanaam cha hitE hitam
naatma priyam hitam raagyaha prajaanaam tu priyam hitam.

प्रजासुखे सुखं राज्ञः प्रजानां च हिते हितम्।
नात्मप्रियम् हितम् राज्ञः प्रजानां तु प्रियम् हितम्।।

प्रजा के सुख में राजा का सुख निहित है, प्रजा के हित में ही उसे अपना हित दिखना चाहिए । जो स्वयं को प्रिय लगे उसमें राजा का हित नहीं है, उसका हित तो प्रजा को जो प्रिय लगे उसमें है ।

In the happiness of the people lies the Ruler’s happiness
Their welfare is his welfare
What pleases him, the Ruler shall not consider good
but whatever pleases his people, the Ruler shall consider good

for your reference

And this is what #bharat was known for until the bastard Mackauly understood it very deeply and created his Machiavellian ploy to destroy it and thus the management theory

“Suck the people at the top

Fuck the people at the bottom”

was established and it was properly nurtured through multiple layers of sycophants pushed through bureaucracy and judiciary - the layer and parasites community of #bharat who spend and glorify their great acts of sucking and fucking all through their lives with just an empty sold-out soul and act just like a stand-up comedian in the real glory of the world of #yamraj after their death

The sad demise…

Everyone forgets immediately

some sufferers whisper “Oh God… at last, the bastard has died…”

The Humans of Bharat, never forget we are from a great nation - we are the careers of a great religion - Hinduism...


But what is the Hindu religion? What is this religion which we call Sanatan, eternal? It is the Hindu religion only because the Hindu nation has kept it, because in this Peninsula it grew up in the seclusion of the sea and the Himalayas, because in this sacred and ancient land, it was given as a charge to the Aryan race to preserve through the ages. But it is not circumscribed by the confines of a single country, it does not belong peculiarly and forever to a bounded part of the world. That which we call the Hindu religion is really the eternal religion, because it is the universal religion which embraces all others. If a religion is not universal, it cannot be eternal. A narrow religion, a sectarian religion, an exclusive religion can live only for a limited time and a limited purpose. This is the one religion that can triumph over materialism by including and anticipating the discoveries of science and the speculations of philosophy. It is the one religion which impresses on mankind the closeness of God to us and embraces in its compass all the possible means by which man can approach God. It is the one religion which insists every moment on the truth which all religions acknowledge that He is in all men and all things and that in Him we move and have our being. It is the one religion which enables us not only to understand and believe this truth but to realise it with every part of our being. It is the one religion which shows the world what the world is, that it is the Lila of Vasudeva. It is the one religion which shows us how we can best play our part in that Lila, its subtlest laws and its noblest rules. It is the one religion which does not separate life in any smallest detail from religion, which knows what immortality is and has utterly removed from us the reality of death.


#wakeup the people of #bharat

Look at the image below...

Who do you think is powerful...

have an uncluttered mind

If you don’t know the answer ask me

I am here to help you

Otherwise, be ready to be put in jail and suffer ignominy if you dare to call the lady in the picture dancing around the pole by her real name...

And... here we go...

Enjoy the vibe of #Hinduism - my wife #Reema reciting her own poem on #Hinduism...

Last but not least...

For the young generation of Bharat...

Here is a book that was published in 1916 by Benaras Hindu University...

Not available now. All the copies were destroyed.

It is a beautiful introduction to Hinduism, without any school affiliations. 

This is a rare book on

“Sanatana Dharma”

Read.... Read...

Friday, May 13, 2022

A lifetime chance for a Human soul to transform from a Caterpillar to a Butterfly...

Towards the Mid of April, when the frequency of eruption of hot lava coming out from my bottled up soul was gradually dwindling, when I, as a family head, again started behaving like a normal person, the way people think about normal behavior as normal, although in reality it actually represents a bit cowardice, self-centered sheepish behavior, absolutely thinking not for anyone else but for his own self and whoever is with him in the four walls of the small city apartment, not as anybody capable enough of judging many other real problems and issues faced by the world outside his four walls, particularly the poor, weak people, a selfish family man who does not even bother if anything happens in his neighborhood, forget about global problems, appropriate for many wives for whom family comes first and for those who think like, "Men will be men. Pati ko malum nahin patni kaysi hain , lekin Patna mein kya ho raha hain, uski khabar barabar hain...”, the personal husband, the personal loving, caring dad of the little son, the smiling, soothing kind of Som we knew for so many years while having morning tea and breakfast with my wife Reema murmured, with a deep perplexed look, who was still not sure how I would react,

”Som, you know, the past few months were just nightmares for Ryan and Me. We never thought that you could be so much enraged and remain like this for such a long period of time. We were really bruised. Our whole family got almost burnt from the fire coming out from yourself. I had to update myself about the way anti-depressant actually works and how it actually covers up the internal trauma of a person so that the outside world thinks that he is behaving normally although the person himself is not actually soothing from the inside. It's just like covering up the dirt under the clean red carpet of the corporate corridor. A real #mask for the outside world. And as a wife, although I could not withstand the attacks you were directing towards me and everybody around us whom we thought of differently, and the whole day I had to lock myself up inside the closed-door room to protect my inner soul when our son Ryan was also kind of looking for an escape route through Minecraft and we actually lost our computer scientist son, your best student whom you trained so meticulously, a real bright kid who was getting ready for the nation, but i had to just wait and pray - iss shaam ki bhi subah hogi.

It took Ryan and me a hell of a lot of courage and bravery and faith in the almighty that we will get back you within us - a real charming you - but as a new version - the original version - that was missing somehow - that I never knew - and that our son never saw - a person who came out from the solid, secured Purulia family, and lost his soul to fit himself in the society.

In fact, I and Ryan used to have a discussion like, “Betu, don’t worry. we will bring back your Baba with love and care...”

I remember, how you used to express your agony at the workplace when your colleagues were openly discussing you like “Usko daba. Aur daba. Bolne mat de” and I now feel how it actually happened for so many years.

And then statements like “uska time pass kar de. Sirf time pass” from a senior person holding a responsible position in a big corporate house. 

And now I can only regret, how a nation has actually lost a nice engineer who might work as a lighthouse for many people in the tech sector or a #dronacharya - for actually nothing but a big Zero.

This is the destiny of this poor nation - where weak, and manipulative, people will be pushed to the top to clear the pathway for other such people to move up the same way and there will be absolutely no place for the real patriots at the top.”

I then soothed her emotion saying…

“Now think about how Gumnami Baba or Shyma Prasad Mukherjee died with bottled up emotive powers and pray for their souls to cool down in the heaven”

A few days after that conversation, I referred her to the R C Majumdar history book to study along with Sanskrit.

And a few days back, when she was discussing different aspects of the Indian bastards, and all the backstabbing of the Indian history, that is meticulously described in that history book and said, ‘Som, the knowledge that I am gaining is not entering my brain, but my heart” and then I told her, 

“Okay, now please pray for the soul of the author of the book as well to cool down in the heaven because even he was harassed badly by the first gigolo of Bharat, and even he died with a bottled-up soul just like your own husband who died in front of your own eyes to take a rebirth as a new person  and you yourself saw the transformation from a  caterpillar to a butterfly for a human soul... and we can do that only if we somehow convince the education ministry of #bharat to include his book as the main source of historical knowledge for the students and kick out all the leftist historian's books and their influences from the minds of the young students of our nation... this will be our own way to cool down the sad, depressed soul of R C Majumdar sir spending sleepless nights alone in the heaven crying silently...”


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

For a Child - who plays a more significant role - his foster father or his biological father...


from one of the posts from a #linkedin connections, the first thing that came to my mind was that the time is

 #now for #everyone to #think, to #ponder, are we really, as a

 #society, or as a collection of people strong enough or wise enough to understand this very basic principle or #truth

 that there are many times when a person will not be allowed to keep a trace of his own #gene on this universe, and instead, he will have to take a helping hand of his so-called friend to give him a child to raise for the betterment of the society and when this happens almost regularly instead of keeping the real #father as a #ghost #character for the upcoming #child who will take birth after a few months

 can we transpire this #truth to this kid at a proper time?

 or maybe questions like, what will be the kinds of stuff to consider to pick up such a father for one's child

 do the man and the woman participants in the role who will ultimately be given the charge of raising the child and making him/her an #asset to the #society, which is obviously more important than just giving the birth have a say in picking up the #father or who exactly decides the real #father of the would-be child?

 is this done under #compulsion or is this done for a better #purpose and then what does  that #purpose mean anything to the foster parents? Does it align to their own thinking or their own purpose?

 I know this was very common in the ancient #bharat

 the #pandava of #mahabharata were created through this process of #preserving the best #gene for the overall good of the society. 

 now again our #hindu society had such a clear cut #conscience unlike today's rotten society producing just foul smells coming out of #falsehood and #camouflage

 that only #karna did not know who was his real father because when he was born when #kunti was unmarried and of course all the other brothers of #pandava knew who their real father were and they never shied away in accepting it. in fact, they sometimes celebrated and if this was our society many years ago then have we really progressed or have we really lost the game of creating strong 

 #characters capable of fighting against the real enemies of the society to establish


 by concealing this basic #truth of his/her birth from the person himself/herself?

 and if a person, after many years has to work as a spy or whatever to know this very basic #truth and then the #universe celebrates it as his/her #awakening or opening up #eyes


 such a  #childish society we have created. almost all of the people behave just very small, little #dickheads in comparison to the #truthfulness of our ancient society and then we can't really expect such a person whom we cannot trust even to let him/her know who his/her real father is will ever be able to do anything good for the society.

 because whatever he will do will be just a cover-up like the

 upri or the under the table bribe of a govt officer and ultimately live a life of misery. a bojha, for everyone in the society.

 however, if this whole process is made transparent

 then there will be a lot of benefits for the society including the kid who will come into this universe

 - the real reason or purpose for picking up a such a father instead of the current husband will be clear cut with purpose and the whole thing will not be taken just as a game of cooling down a hot sausage by cold water of a hapless poor mother taking poverty as an excuse

 - the responsibility of the biological father  - does it end with the birth or just it end with paying the money afterwards or will he have to participate actively in the upbringing of his kid created this way? we know this the kind of #fatherhood of a mediaval person like ghenghis khan, but then it was just by means of sheer force which i think does not have any role to play at present scenario , and it was even not the case in our ancient society as well. All such things were kept open and discussed and debated.

 Hence the responsibility of such fatherhood must be properly defined to get a better benefit out of it if we really sincerely think of it that way. 

 - let the husband and wife decide or ponder upon it. let both of them decide what kind of gene they would really like to preserve. And because the foster father has to play even a bigger role ater the birth, he cannot be kept in dark at all. In fact, his judgement on choosing such a biological father must be given the top most priority. Otherwise, it will be solely the responsibility of the mother of that child after the birth. And if the foster father says in the future, that i was not at all consulted or my opinion was not at all taken care of during this great decision, so now i have no role to play here. And then the mother has to accept it without keeping any grudges.

 - let us not make the whole process a hush-hush sex realted offense just to show to the husband or the foster father who will have to take charge after the birth that we are good people. it makes this holy concept an impure just as a black spot where the kid's life is stigmatized for the whole time of his/her life with falsehood and many times, that kid has to fight with his/her friends who unknowingly try to divulge this #truth to him/her.

 And let us  be hundred percent sure if this is the way we make this holy process a murky, dark satanic part of our society instead of celebrating it as our ancient #wisdom


 the #girls produced under such circumstances will be the targets of the #fleshandbone society

 and the #boys produced under such circumstances will live their whole lives

 just as a #bojha of the society to continue the tradition

 and nobody will either become a fighter like

 #draupadi or #arjun

 and all of us will have to be satisfied just as a creator of a failed rotten society producing foul smells of #falsehood and thus polluting the clean environment of the #universe


Creation of my son - #Ridit

Today, I would like to discuss my yesterday’s conversation with my wife and son, in the evening.

Yesterday, I was telling my family members, why, according to the ancient #hinduism, renunciation is considered as one of the most important characteristics or behavioral traits of a high achiever.

And why do we call, #lordshiva #bholababa or #atmabhola - meaning a person who is actually not at all aware of anything #worldly as such or a person who remains unperturbed by whatever #worldly stuff is happening around Him although He knows very well about each and everything in details.

And why it was important for Him to spend His whole life just wearing a simple #baghchal or the skin of a tiger, absolutely bare body, without any makeup or anything as such, leading an absolutely secluded life, far away from the normal crowd, not even surrounded by His close family members to keep His third eye always opened.

And this is the highest form of renunciation one can only do if he really wants to remain # truthful to himself and authentic as much as possible.

And exactly, this is the problem with the modern day’s definition of success of a person - where society usually burdens the person himself who really can be successful or who has already become a little bit of success with a whole package of expectations, norms, the way the person must behave in the public, the way he will behave in the private, his attitude, his concepts of sense and sensuality and everything that actually matters to the outside world and not really for the person himself, thus polluting the very basic nature of the person for which he became successful or exactly for which the people started liking him.

So, eventually, with success, the real person is hidden behind many layers of cosmetic surgery in society, and he becomes a #bhanrua - a comic character, a piece of entertainment for everyone else, just like a stand-up comedian or a joker- always ready for serving others hiding his authentic self.

One of the most painful transformations is because of the modern sick society.

And, you know…

The end result.

The person becomes a hansjaru - a mixed breed of Hans (swan) and Sajaru (the porcupine) as shown by one of the poets of #bengal

For the people in the tech world, if you remember when I posted the below image of myself as to how I suspected my hero, #linustorvalds would become

And I think this might happen to him eventually when he will have to transform himself, the real powerful one with an uncluttered mind about what he does in the most authentic manner and mellow down his real power to abide by the rules of the society just to make others happy, it was actually the pain coming out from me because this is the way people devastated me, a joyful, inquisitive, matilda of a rustic place of #bharat into a corporate zombie. in the name of bloody #grooming and that’s why I actually hate this kind of mindset or rather the corporate mindset.

It steals the authentic self and creates a lot of cosmetic layers on top of his real face and character and what the outsider actually gets, is not at all that real person - we get a person wearing a #mask

And if that very person himself realizes this basic transformation during his lifetime that has happened to him with age and so-called success, that he has lost himself, his true authentic self to make others happy and actually has become a joker of the society, a stand-up comedian for everyone else, 

he actually removes all the masks from his face, 

removes all the cosmetic junk jewelry that society forced him to wear, 

becomes bare-body

a person exactly like 


wearing just a 


and nothing else

Not perturbed by anybody’s




or anything as such

And only then his


gets opened

Not before that

And it is not possible by external forces

It will only be possible by his own awakening

Through the painful process of




Enjoy the music...

Sunday, May 8, 2022

The great lizard show in the history of mankind is ON - free for all to watch...

When every innovation is hijacked by the wrong people of the society driven solely by money power, this is what happens. 

thanks to one of my preferred LinkedIn connections for reminding me of this great scientist - Stanley Meyer - the innovator of Water Fueled car - many years ago  - who was allegedly murdered by the greedy wolves of society...

please have a look at how he was betrayed by his own society driven by money...

This is how even the  Tesla Tower became a nightmare for the very scientist who created it which ultimately broke his mental peace and all of you know the end result.

Here is my tearful tribute to him, the victim of money who could have rewritten the history of energy for #mankind

But we are here not to learn from history

That's why #gillbates sponsor 70% of expenses of #who

the great money-spinning business called Philanthropy

the fraudulence called modern-day #philanthrophy

I am, the #nemo of society is just an observer watching how people change colors to suit their money-earning capacity...

so the young boy after stealing the engineering work done by a real creator became the inventor of #dos, then after growing up, he kicked his partner who actually designed the #windows and told the world that he designed it, then took the help of unholy laws and patent system to f*ck the original scientists, then when got badly exposed, became philanthropist with great fanfare and media galore, then used this new #avatar to capture public health and turned into a doctor, then again into a virologist, then a genetic scientist of mosquitoes and did the experimentation of hungry people of #africa, then a potato farmer after purchasing the farmlands, and let's wait for the next avatar of this girgitiya...

anyway the food processing farms and all related to #food in the USA are on fire...

this may be the push, the motivation for all people of USA to taste the sweet, big potato from the new farm-land zamindar of USA

the #lizard show is ON...

people are more amused by the power of changing the colors of a living individual...

i think the cosmetic company or maybe the bahurupiya may use this as a base study project...

even the #drama companies may use it in their makeup room

the Darwin principle of evolution is creating a new species from mankind 

or maybe the missing link between the #lizard and #human is in the show

we are here no more in the Black and White age...

big people are showing how to use all the colors by changing their own colors...

free for all to watch...


sab Maja luto bhailog...

after the caustic shower of  US$

enjoy the colorful rainbow of the demigod...


Read... Read...


The agenda of the global cult is not to eradicate COVID completely but rather to control - depopulation is one of the primary agendas. 
The Humans of the UNIVERSE - please wake up before it's too late

Was it a pandemic or a plandemic.

Don't fool yourself with the agenda of the globalists - protect your children...

The Reality of Bill Gates...

"But, what about polio!!" Let's see...

Written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017.

In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously. In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.

In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, "We are guinea pigs for drug makers"

Nelson Mandela's former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates' philantropic practises as "ruthless" and immoral".

In 2010, Gates committed $ 10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a Ted Talk that new vaccines "could reduce population". In 2014, Kenya's Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony "tetanus" vaccine campaign.

Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.

A 2017 study (Morgensen http://et.Al.2017) showed that WHO's popular DTP is killing more African than the disease it pretends to prevent. Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children.
Gates and the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO forces upon millions of African children annually.

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of - hijacking WHO's agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition, and economic development. They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish - that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical-industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates' power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.