Thursday, April 13, 2023

Friends... Forget me not, forget me not despite if I venture at a distant place...


তবু মনে রেখো যদি দূরে যাই চলে।

যদি পুরাতন প্রেম ঢাকা পড়ে যায় নবপ্রেমজালে।

যদি থাকি কাছাকাছি,

দেখিতে না পাও ছায়ার মতন আছি না আছি–

তবু মনে রেখো।

যদি জল আসে আঁখিপাতে,

এক দিন যদি খেলা থেমে যায় মধুরাতে,

তবু মনে রেখো।

এক দিন যদি বাধা পড়ে কাজে শারদ প্রাতে– মনে রেখো।

যদি পড়িয়া মনে

ছলোছলো জল নাই দেখা দেয় নয়নকোণে–

তবু মনে রেখো।


Forget me not, forget me not despite if I venture at a distant place.

Forget me not, despite if older passion is covered with the newer lattice of ardor.

Being within proximity, I disguise myself as the shadow –

Forget me not.

If my eyes are soaked, If someday the game comes to the end in a dreamy night,

Forget me not.

If someday on an autumn morning my mission is concerned -

Forget me not.

If after recalling the corner of the eyes do not seem to be sopping –

Forget me not.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Hindus of Bharat - wake up - the proof that we knew Sun is the source of all our energy since Rigveda...

Dedicated to Sun God - the mantras are from Vedas and Upanishads

Here goes the script (written in Bengali).

I am sure somebody will soon come out of the Sanskrit script.

The first Sanskrit shloka is from RigVeda and ShuklaYayurveda and the second and the third are from Upanishad

The first stanza of the song


Shrinwantu Vishwe Amritasya PutraAa Ye Dhamani Dibyani Tasthu

vedāhametaṁ puruṣaṁ mahāntamādityavarṇaṁ tamasaḥ parastāt|
tameva viditvātimṛtyumeti nānyaḥ panthā vidyate'yanāya ||
शृण्वन्तु बिश्वे अमृतस्य पुत्राआ ये धामानि दिब्यानि तस्थुः 

वेदाहमेतं पुरुषं महान्तमादित्यवर्णं तमसः परस्तात्।

तमेव विदित्वाति मृत्युमेति नान्यः पन्था विद्यतेऽयनाय।।

―(यजु० ३१/१८)

Hear ye children of immortal bliss

मैं उस प्रभु को जानूँ जो सबसे महान् है, जो करोड़ों सूर्यों के समान देदीप्यमान है, जिसमें अविद्या और अन्धकार का लेश भी नहीं है। उसी परमात्मा को जानकर मनुष्य दुःखों से, संसाररुपी मृत्यु-सागर से पार उतरता है, मोक्ष-प्राप्ति का और कोई उपाय नहीं है।

For the Humans of the UNIVERSE, if we translate each and every shloka of this song, you will know that at least 10000 years ago, or maybe even earlier than that when the whole UNIVERSE was living in the jungle, we knew that Sun is the only source of our energy.

Here is the clarion call for the Hindus of Bharat - please wake up and reclaim #whoyouare 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

On this Hanuman Jayanti - RSS must take a pledge to create a few Gopal Patha - Gopal Chandra Mukherjee - let's focus on Bajrang Dal...

Hindus of Bharat - wake up.

You cannot fight a snake by showing a merciful character.

Of late, we were seeing some disturbing trends from the RSS head like
Don’t go looking for a shivling in every mosque...
which is obviously absolutely deplorable.

Had the Hindus of Bharat been a little bit more aggressive to protect their dharma, the story would have been totally different.

But alas! 

We maintained the status quo of willful blindness when a madrasa chaap person was made the first education minister of Bharat by a progeny of Giasuddin Gazi and the tradition is still going on.

It's very sad that the young Hindus of Bengal hardly know about the person for whom the entire of Bengal or Kolkata was not given to Pakistan.

How could the Hindus forget about the resistance that Gopal Chandra Mukherjee or Gopal Patha created and how he turned the tables and took the fight directly at the doors and mohalla of the M community after the direct action day claimed many Hindu brothers' lives and the virginity of many Hindu sisters in Bengal?

So, Hindus of Bharat.

Enough slavery...

Enough servility...

Now wake up and reclaim your true identity...

Remember, you are the progeny of people of great valor like Arjuna, Bhisma, Shivaji, Rana Pratap, and many more...

And the young Hindus of Bengal - here is a small video on Gopal Patha who rescued your forefathers from being slaughtered like lambs by fanatic M mob on the streets of Kolkata and elsewhere started on 16th August - infamously known as Direct Action Day, and thus stopped today's Bengal being part of Pakistan...

Here's why BJP must do a course correction in its approach towards Hindu sentiments. Instead, it is becoming more like Congress or the Left. The fierce right-wing leaders are not being made visible in the pan-India forum. They are ready to sacrifice firebrand supporters like Nupur Sharma or recently Kajal Hindustani.

The following writings are taken from Ashish Dhar discussing about the need of Bajrang Dal and VHP.
Too many people suddenly are feeling nostalgic about Bajrang Dal and VHP. They are lamenting that they are no longer a patch on what they used to be. Well, they were cut down to size by the big shots as soon as they started smelling power in the 90s. The thing is the bigshots were uncomfortable with their existence because the so-called goons were no longer politically useful to them and only embarrassed them in the media, 5-star conferences, and lit fests. So, the big names started distancing themselves from these outfits. But the real blow came after their 2004 defeat in national elections. The state leadership of Gujarat, led by leader ji, started reopening all the closed cases against VHP and Bajrang Dal. The govt got so vicious that they forced a firebrand VHP leader, Prahlad Shastri, to commit suicide in 2005.

The party had two options back then - easy path and difficult path. Obviously, they chose the easy path of throwing the BD/VHP cadre under the bus. The bus was headed to a destination called 'Vikas'. What they ignored was that it would run out of diesel one day. The difficult option was to provide intellectual cover to the people on whose muscle power, the big names had come to power. Much like the Marxist academics give cover to their less sophisticated comrades on the street.

There is no room for pretending to take the moral high ground when it comes to the realities of electoral politics. But since the Sangh leadership had by then already embraced a culture of profound anti-intellectualism, it was too late in the day to change course. More so, because they were already the principal opposition and power was just a whiff away. There was no need to invest in intellectual capital, they felt, as they do even now. That choice was fatal, not so much for the party but its crores of supporters.

It is a sad fact of life that modern academic research in the humanities is not some sophisticated enquiry into higher truths as it was in ancient India. Rather, it is the basic ammunition in this information age, where the internet and media intrude into the privacy of living rooms. Even today, nothing of significance can be achieved "on the ground" if there is no investment in intellectual capital by the party. And since that investment is never going to happen, the party will drift more and more towards the left, eventually becoming indistinguishable from them. In fact, it has already made that transition, and anyone not blinded by the love of the party or its leaders will see the writing on the wall. Ambedkar worship, SC/ST & minority appeasement, the sudden introduction of leftist vocabulary like subaltern into their cheap rhetoric, etc. are sure signs.

Left to fend for themselves, Hindus with this basic understanding of reality must remember they are on their own. They must invest in long-term institution-building and play the infinite game well or prepare to perish. No two ways about it.
For all of the young generation of Bharat - here's what happened on 

The direct action day - the week of long knives...

The Paap...

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Africa - THEN and NOW...

Africa - in the eyes of Rabindranath Tagore - through his poem called Africa

Africa - THEN

উদ্‌ভ্রান্ত সেই আদিম যুগে

স্রষ্টা যখন নিজের প্রতি অসন্তোষে

নতুন সৃষ্টিকে বারবার করছিলেন বিধ্বস্ত,

তাঁর সেই অধৈর্যে ঘন-ঘন মাথা নাড়ার দিনে

রুদ্র সমুদ্রের বাহু

প্রাচী ধরিত্রীর বুকের থেকে

ছিনিয়ে নিয়ে গেল তোমাকে, আফ্রিকা-

বাঁধলে তোমাকে বনস্পতির নিবিড় পাহারায়

কৃপণ আলোর অন্তঃপুরে।

সেখানে নিভৃত অবকাশে তুমি

সংগ্রহ করছিলে দুর্গমের রহস্য,

চিনছিলে জলস্থল-আকাশের দুর্বোধ সংকেত,

প্রকৃতির দৃষ্টি-অতীত জাদু

মন্ত্র জাগাচ্ছিল তোমার চেতনাতীত মনে।

বিদ্রূপ করছিলে ভীষণকে

বিরূপের ছদ্মবেশে,

শঙ্কাকে চাচ্ছিলে হার মানাতে

আপনাকে উগ্র করে বিভীষিকার প্রচণ্ড মহিমায়

তাণ্ডবের দুন্দুভিনিনাদে।।


হায় ছায়াবৃতা,

কালো ঘোমটার নীচে

অপরিচিত ছিল তোমার মানবরূপ

উপেক্ষার আবিল দৃষ্টিতে।

এল ওরা লোহার হাতকড়ি নিয়ে,

নখ যাদের তীক্ষ্ণ তোমার নেকড়ের চেয়ে,

এল মানুষ-ধরার দল

গর্বে যারা অন্ধ তোমার সূর্যহারা অরণ্যের চেয়ে।

সভ্যের বর্বর লোভ

নগ্ন করল আপন নির্লজ্জ অমানুষতা।

তোমার ভাষাহীন ক্রন্দনে বাষ্পাকুল অরণ্যপথে

পঙ্কিল হল ধূলি তোমার রক্তে অশ্রুতে মিশে,

দস্যু-পায়ের কাঁটা-মারা জুতোর তলায়

বীভৎস কাদার পিণ্ড

চিরচিহ্ন দিয়ে গেল তোমার অপমানিত ইতিহাসে।।


সমুদ্রপারে সেই মুহূর্তেই তাদের পাড়ায় পাড়ায়

মন্দিরে বাজছিল পূজার ঘণ্টা

সকালে সন্ধ্যায়, দয়াময় দেবতার নামে;

শিশুরা খেলছিল মায়ের কোলে;

কবির সংগীতে বেজে উঠছিল

সুন্দরের আরাধনা।।


আজ যখন পশ্চিম দিগন্তে

প্রদোষকাল ঝঞ্ঝাবাতাসে রুদ্ধশ্বাস,

যখন গুপ্ত গহ্বর থেকে পশুরা বেরিয়ে এল-

অশুভ ধ্বনিতে ঘোষণা করল দিনের অন্তিমকাল,

এসো যুগান্তরের কবি,

আসন্ন সন্ধ্যার শেষ রশ্মিপাতে

দাঁড়াও ওই মানহারা মানবীর দ্বারে;

বলো ‘ক্ষমা কর’-

হিংস্র প্রলাপের মধ্যে

সেই হোক তোমার সভ্যতার শেষ পুণ্যবাণী।।

The translation (by Monish Chatterjee)

In the chaos and confusion of those ancient eons
When the Creator, roiled by his own discontent
Shook his head violently and
Destroyed, again and again, his primeval creation
Caught in the vortex of his impatience and disapproval
The ruthless arms of the primordial oceans
Snatched you, Africa, from the breast of the primal Earth
Binding you in the impossible weave of the wakeful forest
Deep within the sanctum of miserly light.
There, surrounded by impenetrable privacy and leisure
You embarked upon your quest
To unravel the secrets of the uncharted--
learning how to read the incomprehensible signs
Of the seas, the land, and the skies
Nature's magical alchemy, unseen, unheard
Awakened mantras within your subconscious.
Emboldened, you mocked the Terrible
In the guise of the unpleasant
It was but your attempt at defying fretful apprehension
Much as creatures amplify their visage
In the spellbinding greatness of the monstrous
The cataclysmic sounds of Tandava.
Alas, O Veiled One 
Underneath the obscurity of your dark facade
lay unknown your human identity
Degraded by the collective gaze of derision.

And then they arrived, manacles in hand
Claws sharper by far than any on your wolves;
They arrived, human rustlers and traffickers all
By vanity and arrogance blinded, sightless by far
Than your darkest, sunless forests. 
Than your darkest, sunless forests.
Civilization's barbaric greed
Revealed in stark nakedness
It's shameless, remorseless inhumanity.
Your wordless bemoaning and tears
Mingled with the fetid vapors of the jungle;
Soaked in your tears and your blood
The dirt transmogrified into a noxious swamp.
The mud-laden tracks of demonic cleats
left behind for all eternity, the markers of your humiliation
Upon the pages of your history.
Just then, across the seas, in their hallowed precincts
Church bells pealed in their halls of worship
Morning and evening, invoking the name of the Compassionate Father;
Children frolicked upon mothers' loving laps;
Poets composed heavenly dirges
Touched by divine notes of offerings to Beauty.
Now, when dusk approaches the Western shores
And ominous storm clouds gather with bated breath
When from their secret lairs the animals emerge
Their menacing growls portend the end of daylight
Come, Poet of the New Age
As the last rays of light fade into darkness
Take your remorseful place next to that violated Woman
Forgive, you plead, hoping to be forgiven like a silver lining upon the clouds of your delirium
May that be, of your civilization, the very last divine pronouncement

Africa - NOW 
in the eyes of a leader

Beyond the comprehension of the common masses, there is a silent revolution going on in Africa - which might change the current global geopolitical equation. African nations have started questioning the real intents of the occidental world vis-a-vis their so-called benevolent works. African leaders have started questioning the so-called altruistic works of billionaires like Bill Gates.


Make Bharat a long-lasting friend. We, unlike, the Western colonizers won't plunder your natural resources. We are the #Vishwaguru. Our morality is pretty high. We will stand by your side when necessary.

Mark my words.

And for The Humans of the UNIVERSE...

I would like to remind you about

The Wheel of Time - the KaalChakra

Whatever goes up...

Has to come down...

Monday, April 3, 2023

The perpetrator of injustice and the people who act as willfully blind while watching it - both are equally despicable in the eyes of God...

Silence = Complicity

From early childhood, we were taught about two lines of a poem called "Tomar Nyayer Dando (Your mace of justice)" written by Rabindranath Tagore.

The poem is as follows

তোমার ন্যায়ের দন্ড

তোমার ন্যায়ের দন্ড প্রত্যেকের করে
অর্পণ করেছ নিজে। প্রত্যেকের ‘পরে
দিয়েছ শাসনভার হে রাজাধিরাজ।
সে গুরু সম্মান তব সে দুরূহ কাজ
নমিয়া তোমারে যেন শিরোধার্য করি
সবিনয়ে। তব কার্যে যেন নাহি ডরি
কভু কারে। ক্ষমা যেথা ক্ষীণ দুর্বলতা,
হে রুদ্র, নিষ্ঠুর যেন হতে পারি তথা
তোমার আদেশে। যেন রসনায় মম
সত্যবাক্য ঝলি উঠে খরখড়গসম
তোমার ইঙ্গিতে। যেন রাখি তব মান
তোমার বিচারাসনে লয়ে নিজস্থান।
অন্যায় যে করে আর অন্যায় যে সহে
তব ঘৃণা যেন তারে তৃণসম দহে।

Here is my effort to recite this beautiful poem

The crude translation is as follows (done by Dilip Mitra)

Your mace of justice You bestow upon Man
On the judge’s seat, You grant me this place
And to rule from it You have commanded, o Lord.
May I uphold your glory, with justness and grace.

This granted honour, this onerous task,
I pray to You that I perform,
With head bowed and a reverent heart,
And without fear, uphold Your norm.

Where mercy is a flaw, if You sound
May my ruthlessness know no bound
And at Your gesture, through my voice
May truth strike falsehood down to ground.

He who commits wrong or condones the same,
May your contempt singe like a reed in flame.

– Rabindranath Thakur

Look at the last two lines of the poem.

It carries a tremendous weight of its own.

When the people of the society remain silent for far too long, when we act as willful blind people - acting as if we did not see the injustice that is happening in the society - we ourselves become the perpetrator of the crime along with the criminal.

So, the Humans of the UNIVERSE, please wake up - acquire the necessary knowledge of what is going on at present and at least try to awaken the neighborhood people. 

If you remain silent in the face of injustice, if you act as a willful blind guy, the contempt of the almighty will burn you as well alongside the perpetrator of the injustice in the society.


Speak out...

Make others awakened and carry the burden of society together along with other sane people.

And here is my wife Reema with her own definition of TRUTH and JUSTICE

Remember, the Humans of the UNIVERSE

TRUTH is naked

Here is some TRUTH - the business of fear-mongering called COVID all pre-planned during event201 - of which one of the sponsorers was the Gates Foundation. Watch this video and you will be surprised to see how meticulously the pandemic (or plandemic) was planned.

TRUTH may take time to establish itself - but it will surely - undoubtedly - the truth will defend itself and burn the falsehood into ashes...

Now... with the advent of 2024 USA election - the lies called BirdFlu is spreaded...
Humans of Universe... please wake up...
Open your eyes - decipher the frequencies that good people around you are spreading - accept the TRUTH.
Call out the people responsible for mass killing...


Wake up...

Sunday, April 2, 2023

My Purulia diary - plates made of Sal tree ( Shorea robusta) leaves...

What Bharat has thought some 10 thousand years ago is really enviable. Having food on Sal tree leaves is one of them.

The image above is from my recent tour to Purulia - my home town.

It's amazing to see that a few guys from Germany are taking a cue from Bharat vis-a-vis this Sal tree leaves' plates.

Besides being environment friendly, these plates have so far been a great source of income for many people of Bharat.

We are here to show the #UNIVERSE about our ancient wisdom - about our healthy lifestyle.

Hence in this context, we must include the benefits of having a meal on Banana leaves - another very common aspect of a Bharatiya lifestyle.

Having hot sambar rice on a banana leaf was one of our major attractions at a restaurant at Shivaji Nagar market in Bangalore during our stay over there after marriage.

Eating on banana leaves is a very healthy trend. Eating on banana leaves is not only flavourful, eco-friendly, hygienic, and practical but also chemical free. Eating on banana leaves is healthy in every way. It is packed with polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants that is also found in green tea. These polyphenols battle all the free radicals in the body and prevent diseases. Banana leaf is also rich in polyphenol oxidase which is an enzyme to treat Parkinson’s disease. Banana leaves also have peculiar anti-bacterial properties that can kill germs in the food and aid proper digestion. Banana leaves also have a wax coating that gives them a glossy finish that adds a subtle flavor to the hot food that is served on them.

And my Purulia diary won't be completed if I don't mention the earthen water bottles that we bought at a pretty cheap price at Purulia.

At present, we have a very good collection of earthen utensils in our kitchen. 

Now here is the message for the common Humans of Bharat - please get back your confidence - reclaim your true self - never forget where you have come from - you are part of an ancient civilization.

We have a lot of stuff to offer to the global community as Vishwaguru Bharat.

Jai Hind...

Jai Bharat...