Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Africa - THEN and NOW...

Africa - in the eyes of Rabindranath Tagore - through his poem called Africa

Africa - THEN

উদ্‌ভ্রান্ত সেই আদিম যুগে

স্রষ্টা যখন নিজের প্রতি অসন্তোষে

নতুন সৃষ্টিকে বারবার করছিলেন বিধ্বস্ত,

তাঁর সেই অধৈর্যে ঘন-ঘন মাথা নাড়ার দিনে

রুদ্র সমুদ্রের বাহু

প্রাচী ধরিত্রীর বুকের থেকে

ছিনিয়ে নিয়ে গেল তোমাকে, আফ্রিকা-

বাঁধলে তোমাকে বনস্পতির নিবিড় পাহারায়

কৃপণ আলোর অন্তঃপুরে।

সেখানে নিভৃত অবকাশে তুমি

সংগ্রহ করছিলে দুর্গমের রহস্য,

চিনছিলে জলস্থল-আকাশের দুর্বোধ সংকেত,

প্রকৃতির দৃষ্টি-অতীত জাদু

মন্ত্র জাগাচ্ছিল তোমার চেতনাতীত মনে।

বিদ্রূপ করছিলে ভীষণকে

বিরূপের ছদ্মবেশে,

শঙ্কাকে চাচ্ছিলে হার মানাতে

আপনাকে উগ্র করে বিভীষিকার প্রচণ্ড মহিমায়

তাণ্ডবের দুন্দুভিনিনাদে।।


হায় ছায়াবৃতা,

কালো ঘোমটার নীচে

অপরিচিত ছিল তোমার মানবরূপ

উপেক্ষার আবিল দৃষ্টিতে।

এল ওরা লোহার হাতকড়ি নিয়ে,

নখ যাদের তীক্ষ্ণ তোমার নেকড়ের চেয়ে,

এল মানুষ-ধরার দল

গর্বে যারা অন্ধ তোমার সূর্যহারা অরণ্যের চেয়ে।

সভ্যের বর্বর লোভ

নগ্ন করল আপন নির্লজ্জ অমানুষতা।

তোমার ভাষাহীন ক্রন্দনে বাষ্পাকুল অরণ্যপথে

পঙ্কিল হল ধূলি তোমার রক্তে অশ্রুতে মিশে,

দস্যু-পায়ের কাঁটা-মারা জুতোর তলায়

বীভৎস কাদার পিণ্ড

চিরচিহ্ন দিয়ে গেল তোমার অপমানিত ইতিহাসে।।


সমুদ্রপারে সেই মুহূর্তেই তাদের পাড়ায় পাড়ায়

মন্দিরে বাজছিল পূজার ঘণ্টা

সকালে সন্ধ্যায়, দয়াময় দেবতার নামে;

শিশুরা খেলছিল মায়ের কোলে;

কবির সংগীতে বেজে উঠছিল

সুন্দরের আরাধনা।।


আজ যখন পশ্চিম দিগন্তে

প্রদোষকাল ঝঞ্ঝাবাতাসে রুদ্ধশ্বাস,

যখন গুপ্ত গহ্বর থেকে পশুরা বেরিয়ে এল-

অশুভ ধ্বনিতে ঘোষণা করল দিনের অন্তিমকাল,

এসো যুগান্তরের কবি,

আসন্ন সন্ধ্যার শেষ রশ্মিপাতে

দাঁড়াও ওই মানহারা মানবীর দ্বারে;

বলো ‘ক্ষমা কর’-

হিংস্র প্রলাপের মধ্যে

সেই হোক তোমার সভ্যতার শেষ পুণ্যবাণী।।

The translation (by Monish Chatterjee)

In the chaos and confusion of those ancient eons
When the Creator, roiled by his own discontent
Shook his head violently and
Destroyed, again and again, his primeval creation
Caught in the vortex of his impatience and disapproval
The ruthless arms of the primordial oceans
Snatched you, Africa, from the breast of the primal Earth
Binding you in the impossible weave of the wakeful forest
Deep within the sanctum of miserly light.
There, surrounded by impenetrable privacy and leisure
You embarked upon your quest
To unravel the secrets of the uncharted--
learning how to read the incomprehensible signs
Of the seas, the land, and the skies
Nature's magical alchemy, unseen, unheard
Awakened mantras within your subconscious.
Emboldened, you mocked the Terrible
In the guise of the unpleasant
It was but your attempt at defying fretful apprehension
Much as creatures amplify their visage
In the spellbinding greatness of the monstrous
The cataclysmic sounds of Tandava.
Alas, O Veiled One 
Underneath the obscurity of your dark facade
lay unknown your human identity
Degraded by the collective gaze of derision.

And then they arrived, manacles in hand
Claws sharper by far than any on your wolves;
They arrived, human rustlers and traffickers all
By vanity and arrogance blinded, sightless by far
Than your darkest, sunless forests. 
Than your darkest, sunless forests.
Civilization's barbaric greed
Revealed in stark nakedness
It's shameless, remorseless inhumanity.
Your wordless bemoaning and tears
Mingled with the fetid vapors of the jungle;
Soaked in your tears and your blood
The dirt transmogrified into a noxious swamp.
The mud-laden tracks of demonic cleats
left behind for all eternity, the markers of your humiliation
Upon the pages of your history.
Just then, across the seas, in their hallowed precincts
Church bells pealed in their halls of worship
Morning and evening, invoking the name of the Compassionate Father;
Children frolicked upon mothers' loving laps;
Poets composed heavenly dirges
Touched by divine notes of offerings to Beauty.
Now, when dusk approaches the Western shores
And ominous storm clouds gather with bated breath
When from their secret lairs the animals emerge
Their menacing growls portend the end of daylight
Come, Poet of the New Age
As the last rays of light fade into darkness
Take your remorseful place next to that violated Woman
Forgive, you plead, hoping to be forgiven like a silver lining upon the clouds of your delirium
May that be, of your civilization, the very last divine pronouncement

Africa - NOW 
in the eyes of a leader

Beyond the comprehension of the common masses, there is a silent revolution going on in Africa - which might change the current global geopolitical equation. African nations have started questioning the real intents of the occidental world vis-a-vis their so-called benevolent works. African leaders have started questioning the so-called altruistic works of billionaires like Bill Gates and Soros.


Make Bharat a long-lasting friend. We, unlike, the Western colonizers won't plunder your natural resources. We are the #Vishwaguru. Our morality is pretty high. We will stand by your side when necessary.

Mark my words.

And for The Humans of the UNIVERSE...

I would like to remind you about

The Wheel of Time - the KaalChakra

Whatever goes up...

Has to come down...

Monday, April 3, 2023

The perpetrator of injustice and the people who act as willfully blind while watching it - both are equally despicable in the eyes of God...

Silence = Complicity

From early childhood, we were taught about two lines of a poem called "Tomar Nyayer Dando (Your mace of justice)" written by Rabindranath Tagore.

The poem is as follows

তোমার ন্যায়ের দন্ড

তোমার ন্যায়ের দন্ড প্রত্যেকের করে
অর্পণ করেছ নিজে। প্রত্যেকের ‘পরে
দিয়েছ শাসনভার হে রাজাধিরাজ।
সে গুরু সম্মান তব সে দুরূহ কাজ
নমিয়া তোমারে যেন শিরোধার্য করি
সবিনয়ে। তব কার্যে যেন নাহি ডরি
কভু কারে। ক্ষমা যেথা ক্ষীণ দুর্বলতা,
হে রুদ্র, নিষ্ঠুর যেন হতে পারি তথা
তোমার আদেশে। যেন রসনায় মম
সত্যবাক্য ঝলি উঠে খরখড়গসম
তোমার ইঙ্গিতে। যেন রাখি তব মান
তোমার বিচারাসনে লয়ে নিজস্থান।
অন্যায় যে করে আর অন্যায় যে সহে
তব ঘৃণা যেন তারে তৃণসম দহে।

Here is my effort to recite this beautiful poem

The crude translation is as follows (done by Dilip Mitra)

Your mace of justice You bestow upon Man
On the judge’s seat, You grant me this place
And to rule from it You have commanded, o Lord.
May I uphold your glory, with justness and grace.

This granted honour, this onerous task,
I pray to You that I perform,
With head bowed and a reverent heart,
And without fear, uphold Your norm.

Where mercy is a flaw, if You sound
May my ruthlessness know no bound
And at Your gesture, through my voice
May truth strike falsehood down to ground.

He who commits wrong or condones the same,
May your contempt singe like a reed in flame.

– Rabindranath Thakur

Look at the last two lines of the poem.

It carries a tremendous weight of its own.

When the people of the society remain silent for far too long, when we act as willful blind people - acting as if we did not see the injustice that is happening in the society - we ourselves become the perpetrator of the crime along with the criminal.

So, the Humans of the UNIVERSE, please wake up - acquire the necessary knowledge of what is going on at present and at least try to awaken the neighborhood people. 

If you remain silent in the face of injustice, if you act as a willful blind guy, the contempt of the almighty will burn you as well alongside the perpetrator of the injustice in the society.


Speak out...

Make others awakened and carry the burden of society together along with other sane people.

And here is my wife Reema with her own definition of TRUTH and JUSTICE

Remember, the Humans of the UNIVERSE

TRUTH is naked

Here is some TRUTH - the business of fear-mongering called COVID all pre-planned during event201 - of which one of the sponsorers was the Gates Foundation. Watch this video and you will be surprised to see how meticulously the pandemic (or plandemic) was planned.

TRUTH may take time to establish itself - but it will surely - undoubtedly - the truth will defend itself and burn the falsehood into ashes...

Now... with the advent of 2024 USA election - the lies called BirdFlu is spreaded...
Humans of Universe... please wake up...
Open your eyes - decipher the frequencies that good people around you are spreading - accept the TRUTH.
Call out the people responsible for mass killing...


Wake up...

Sunday, April 2, 2023

My Purulia diary - plates made of Sal tree ( Shorea robusta) leaves...

What Bharat has thought some 10 thousand years ago is really enviable. Having food on Sal tree leaves is one of them.

The image above is from my recent tour to Purulia - my home town.

It's amazing to see that a few guys from Germany are taking a cue from Bharat vis-a-vis this Sal tree leaves' plates.

Besides being environment friendly, these plates have so far been a great source of income for many people of Bharat.

We are here to show the #UNIVERSE about our ancient wisdom - about our healthy lifestyle.

Hence in this context, we must include the benefits of having a meal on Banana leaves - another very common aspect of a Bharatiya lifestyle.

Having hot sambar rice on a banana leaf was one of our major attractions at a restaurant at Shivaji Nagar market in Bangalore during our stay over there after marriage.

Eating on banana leaves is a very healthy trend. Eating on banana leaves is not only flavourful, eco-friendly, hygienic, and practical but also chemical free. Eating on banana leaves is healthy in every way. It is packed with polyphenols, which are natural antioxidants that is also found in green tea. These polyphenols battle all the free radicals in the body and prevent diseases. Banana leaf is also rich in polyphenol oxidase which is an enzyme to treat Parkinson’s disease. Banana leaves also have peculiar anti-bacterial properties that can kill germs in the food and aid proper digestion. Banana leaves also have a wax coating that gives them a glossy finish that adds a subtle flavor to the hot food that is served on them.

And my Purulia diary won't be completed if I don't mention the earthen water bottles that we bought at a pretty cheap price at Purulia.

At present, we have a very good collection of earthen utensils in our kitchen. 

Now here is the message for the common Humans of Bharat - please get back your confidence - reclaim your true self - never forget where you have come from - you are part of an ancient civilization.

We have a lot of stuff to offer to the global community as Vishwaguru Bharat.

Jai Hind...

Jai Bharat... 

Friday, March 17, 2023

Luck vs Destiny...

Luck vs Destiny...

Many years ago I went to a family get-together where one elderly person raised a nice issue - it's about luck vs destiny... 

I could not add anything at that moment... 

but after I pondered on this subject in the morning I have my own conclusion...

at every stage in our lives, we have a choice... 

now which choice we pick up, is called luck because we have to face the consequences of our choice... 

thus by picking up choice at every stage, the way towards which we move forward is called destiny…

There is an adage that my wife Reema says pretty often

It says

"Samoyer age aar Bhagyer beshi" (Bengali)

meaning before the appropriate time in life and beyond destiny, it's very difficult to achieve something in life.

And the survivors of this UNIVERSE know it pretty well.

Hence they always keep their feet firmly grounded.

And always try to remain focused - because they know that Time is the most powerful element in this UNIVERSE - time - Kaal - and they know that although the distance between the cup and the lips may be very little, whether the man will be able to drink it or not, depends upon his 




Thursday, March 16, 2023

Bharat has changed - no more slogans like "India is devoid of an all-inclusive growth" that i wrote back in 2007

I wrote the following piece of writeup exclaiming the non-inclusive growth of Bharat back in 2007 while traveling on a Volvo bus from Bangalore to Mysore. However after Modi sir took over and the links between the bank account and the Aadhar cards were established, the financial benefits were put directly in the bank accounts of the poor hapless people of Bharat, the housing scheme for the downtrodden, and many such poverty alleviation schemes that were taken over by the Modi sir government, Bharat has really changed in front of our eyes. Now Bharat is a major global economy eyeing the fourth position on the global economic ladder.

The lesson that I learned while watching my Mom starting the fire in a clay chulla was that the best practice is not flaming the fire on top of the chulla - but rather absolutely at the bottom of the chulla. Modi sir knew it. So, he started the fire in the belly of our Bharatmata to improve, to rise to the top in the global order - right at the lowest stratum of the society - at the bottom of the pyramid - unlike the previous many Congress govt who benefitted the wealthy people of Bharat and took percentage from their loot through schemes like NPA.

Enjoy the marchpast of Bharat - my latest experience while traveling by Purulia Express train from Purulia - one of the most backward districts of Bharat to Kolkata and feel the change

The Changing Face of Bharat...

The following write-up I wrote in 2007.

Bharat has changed a lot after that

A few days back while I was traveling on the newly built highway of Mysore-Bangalore route on a high-end Volvo bus at a speed of 95 Kmph I was amused by the smooth ride. I started thinking about the progress that we have made after liberalization. The discussion of the open economy which was one of the hottest topics during my student life seemed not to be outdated till today. 

But then suddenly the true picture came in front of me when I saw some bullock carts, loaded with huge hey stack and pulled by some tired bulls blocking the free movement of our high-speed vehicle. I started thinking about what kind of growth path my country has taken. Instead of having an all-inclusive growth, what we have got is nothing but a growing difference between the upwardly moving middle class and the people living in abject poverty. 

One bengali poem by Rabindranath Tagore came to my mind. It goes like this : 

হে মোর দুর্ভাগা দেশ, যাদের করেছ অপমান,
অপমানে হতে হবে তাহাদের সবার সমান!
             মানুষের অধিকারে
             বঞ্চিত করেছ যারে,
সম্মুখে দাঁড়ায়ে রেখে তবু কোলে দাও নাই স্থান,
অপমানে হতে হবে তাহাদের সবার সমান।
মানুষের পরশেরে প্রতিদিন ঠেকাইয়া দূরে
ঘৃণা করিয়াছ তুমি মানুষের প্রাণের ঠাকুরে।
              বিধাতার রুদ্ররোষে
              দুর্ভিক্ষের দ্বারে বসে
ভাগ করে খেতে হবে সকলের সাথে অন্নপান।
অপমানে হতে হবে তাহাদের সবার সমান।   
তোমার আসন হতে যেথায় তাদের দিলে ঠেলে
সেথায় শক্তিরে তব নির্বাসন দিলে অবহেলে।
              চরণে দলিত হয়ে
              ধুলায় সে যায় বয়ে
সে নিম্নে নেমে এসো, নহিলে নাহি রে পরিত্রাণ।
অপমানে হতে হবে আজি তোরে সবার সমান।   
যারে তুমি নীচে ফেল সে তোমারে বাঁধিবে যে নীচে
পশ্চাতে রেখেছ যারে সে তোমারে পশ্চাতে টানিছে।
              অজ্ঞানের অন্ধকারে
              আড়ালে ঢাকিছ যারে
তোমার মঙ্গল ঢাকি গড়িছে সে ঘোর ব্যবধান।
অপমানে হতে হবে তাহাদের সবার সমান।   
শতেক শতাব্দী ধরে নামে শিরে অসম্মানভার,
মানুষের নারায়ণে তবুও কর না নমস্কার।
              তবু নত করি আঁখি
              দেখিবারে পাও না কি
নেমেছে ধুলার তলে হীন পতিতের ভগবান,
অপমানে হতে হবে সেথা তোরে সবার সমান।
দেখিতে পাও না তুমি মৃত্যুদূত দাঁড়ায়েছে দ্বারে,
অভিশাপ আঁকি দিল তোমার জাতির অহংকারে।
              সবারে না যদি ডাক',
              এখনো সরিয়া থাক',
আপনারে বেঁধে রাখ' চৌদিকে জড়ায়ে অভিমান--
মৃত্যুমাঝে হবে তবে চিতাভস্মে সবার সমান।

The English translation goes like the following...

O my wretched country

For each one upon whom you have heaped insult

Through insult it is, one day, you shall be their equal!

Him you have denied the very rights of a human being

Left standing before you, degraded, yet took not into your lap-

Through insult it is, one day, you shall be their equal!


Rejecting their human touch, those you kept afar

It is the divine within that demeaned human you have insulted

By retribution from the Lord of Destiny, at the doorway of famine

Will you sit down to a shared meal, there with the downtrodden

Through insult it is, one day, you shall be their equal!


There, where you pushed them derisively from your hallowed seat

There, too, in stupefying nonchalance, you banished your own power

Crushed under the merciless boot, there they fell to the dust

Come down to that degraded nether world, else there is no salvation

Through insult it is, today, you shall be their equal!


Him that you push underfoot- he shall bind you to the lowest depth

Him that you have purposefully left behind, shall pull you right back.

Him that you heap the blemish of ignorance upon in an obscure world

Covering anything blessed in your fate, he shall create a chasm

Through insult it is, one day, you shall be their equal!


For a hundred centuries a mountain of insults has descended upon them

Yet you refuse to bow before the very Narayana in your fellow Man-

Yet, lowering your gaze, do you see not yet

The God of the insulted and downtrodden has joined them there in the dirt?

Through insult it is, one day, you shall be their equal!


Do you not see, today, the Messenger of Death, there, at the door-

Placing an appalling curse upon your all-consuming racial vanity?

If you do not call one and all to the human pageantry, if you still stay apart

If you still keep yourself narrowly bound in the decrepit world of arrogance

It is in Death, then, in the ashes of your funeral pyre, you shall be their equal!

The gist of this poem is that people left behind will pull back society. 

Although this poem was written keeping in mind the social backwardness and the menace called untouchability of our society, the same is true for economic backwardness as well. 

If we let the divisions between the haves and the have-nots grow, then Naxalite movements in rural India are bound to happen. 

We must remember that the Naxalite movement in West Bengal during the '70s was mainly dominated by the educated students of Kolkata, but the Naxalite movements of modern India are dominated by the penniless people who is left with no other options but to turn to violence for mere survival. 

That's why probably we should have been happier reading the news that a major percentage of the Indian population can avail of the basic amenities instead of the news that one or two Indians have made it to the list of the world's richest.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

If we take out Hinduism from Bharat - Bharatmata will be absolutely naked - it's time to remove the secular poison from the constitution...

Bharatmata cannot be separated from Hinduism

Is Bharat really a secular nation?


The secularism term is absolutely abused here and it is almost always used against the Hindu majority of people of Bharat

A country that cannot take care of the sentiments of the majority of people, cannot sustain anything good on a long-term basis. Because it's the majority of people, whose priorities must be considered first to create the laws and regulations.


This is Bharat...

The Hindu communities here have been pushed backward so badly that we are considered third-class citizens in our own country.

We have forgotten the massacre that Indira Gandhi led govt did on the sadhus of Bharat. 

Of late, the cases against a few Hindu saints must be studied to know how tilted are the judiciary system against the Hindu ethos and norms. 

For example, consider the Jallikattu case of Tamil Nadu, or the Dahi handi case of Maharastra - where the laws are abused and used against the Hindu religion and faith system.

However, there are a very limited number of cases of complicated ancient practices against the other two major religions.

This is the reality of being Hindu in Bharat.

And if Bharat were secular then...

- How could Indian courts recognize Sharia-based Muslim Personal Law? 

- How could Central and State governments take over the management of Hindu temples?

- How could a secular government provide financial assistance to educational institutions run by religious organizations? 

- How could government codify and modify Hindu personal law?

- How would the government extend the existing caste-based reservations to minority religions?

You name a great holy place for Hindus in Bharat - Kashi, Mathura, Ayodhya, Somenath, and many more - all were razed during the Muslim period and the Hindus are now fighting legal cases for their own birth rights -  The great clown show in the corridor of justice. 

All of us know the History but the burden is placed on the Hindus to prove what is legitimately their own. 

Such is the misery in the judicial system of Bharat.

So, the Hindus of Bharat - please don't remain as wilful blind people.

Wake up...

And reclaim your identity.

And... here we go...

Enjoy the vibe of #Hinduism...

Here's my wife Reema with her own poem on #Hinduism...

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Bharat has taken the right step of incremental building - the δ improvement format from Bharat...

δ improvement format from Bharat

In the software industry, there is a term called incremental building.

Here is one short write-up taken from the internet about the incremental building in the eclipse IDE

The Eclipse Platform distinguishes between full and incremental builds. Incremental builds are much faster than a complete rebuild of a project because only the resources that have changed since the last build need to be considered for compilation. Incremental builders are invoked each time a file is saved.

Now, it seems Bharat has also taken the right steps - that is an incremental building approach. When I say the changing face of Bharat - I really mean that Bharat is changing for the betterment - and this is happening every day, in an δ improvement format, in front of our eyes.

So, at one corner of Bharat, the municipality of an unknown district like Purulia is trying to improve upon the waste disposal system at the same time as the Delhi-Mumbai expressway is being inaugurated.

This is the real change.

Change at every aspect of a national brand.

As if we have pledged to offer a better Bharat to our children.

We cannot compare Bharat with smaller nations like Singapore or maybe as a matter of fact, Japan where most people are kind of aware of many aspects of the global tech world and how it functions.

Implementing something pan-Bharat basis is really painful.

The humans of the UNIVERSE, we all know how diversified we are. Forget about the multi-linguistic nation, if you cross one district in West Bengal, the dialects of the Bengali language change and believe me, you can identify the native place of a Bengali-speaking guy from his way of talking.

Under these circumstances, I always plead for a common language all through Bharat, and for that, we must promote Sanskrit throughout Bharat.

Although while implementing such a scheme, there may be pushback from many sources, who may take it as an infringement on their culture, however, there is no other way other than doing it. The GoI has to take a call now if we really want to be a nation of birds of a feather.

Remember the adage...

United we stand.... divided we fall...