Saturday, November 5, 2022

The #nemo of the society is just trying to awaken the Human Of Universe - in the end #Truth will be the Winner...

Seeking TRUTH - the Biolabs of the USA in Ukraine - the Ugly Hands of Hunter and his dad

And here's the TRUTH

And here's the TRUTH

The Biolabs in Ukraine...

The Humans of the UNIVERSE - please wake up and get yourself updated

Not everything is visible...

Seek the TRUTH and enlighten yourself...

The missing TRUST in the USA society...

When Rakshak becomes Vakshak...

Missing Trust in the Govt - there are reasons for this...

Sunday, October 30, 2022

The cost of Yellow Journalism - it takes courage to speak out the #TRUTH


Enough is Enough...

You are here to seek #TRUTH - does not matter where it may take you...

It takes courage to seek the TRUTH

So, the Humans of the UNIVERSE, move out of your slumber and don't act willfully blind...

Or else...

You have to pay a very heavy price...

The Cost of Yellow Journalism is huge - it takes courage to speak the #TRUTH

I am a resident of #Bharat. 

Apparently, it really won't matter to me about the midterm election in the USA.

But... hang ON

is it really?

With the Ukraine war and the imminent threat to humanity, 

with the nuclear war lurking in the ugly face of reality 

we can no longer be just mere fence sitters anymore.

we have to act wisely.

and we must - if we really care for Humanity.

Sabkuch dikhta nahi- not everything is visible to the outsiders - wake up UNIVERSE - know the background story of the Ukraine war - WWIII

Don't believe everything that you are told by the mainstream media.

See through the ugly plan of a few warmongers.

Use the grey cells of your brain.

Don't make your head just a container of info

Analyse the vibe and the frequency that the #UNIVERSE is sending you incessantly.

Feel the power of your #thirdeye

The background of World War III - the NATO expansion after the fallout of the Ukrainian top boss who was pro-Russian during 2013-14 and the ugly power game of the USA politicians at that time to expand NATO mainly to sabotage the peaceful approach for which Gorbachov sir agreed - and it created the background of the WWIII

It was Russia who objected to this kind of aggressive expansion of NATO - the power play to control the Black Sea to downplay Russia - and the wilful blindness of the global leaders to such aggressive behavior of the US politicians led to ultimate mistrust - the war after the cold war era between USA and Russia.

Today whatever we are seeing - the seed was sown around 2013 with the toppling of the pro-Russian Ukraine boss.

Sabkuch dikhta nahi hai.

Not everything is visible to the outside world...

Wake up and kiss the #Truth

Don't put on a blinker around your eyes...

Seek and disseminate only TRUTH...

Let me add here a few words from JFK's speech... 

We must “avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating defeat or nuclear war,” as Kennedy phrased it in the speech.

It's very important not to pull a nuclear power to an war and then let  them face an humiliating defeat - because in that case we will simply head for a nuclear annihilation in which no body would survive.

So... Humans of Universe... Wake Up

" Who bears responsibility for the humanitarian disaster in Ukraine, for the death of thousands of Ukrainians, both civilians and soldiers, and for the impressment of Ukrainian civilians into the military? Who bears responsibility for the destruction of Ukrainian homes and businesses, and for the refugee crisis that is now adding to the one from the Middle East? Who bears responsibility for the deaths of thousands of young men serving in the Russian military, most of whom surely believe, like their Ukrainian counterparts, that they are fighting to protect their nation and their families? Who bears responsibility for the ongoing harm being inflicted on the economies and citizens of Europe and the United States? Who will bear responsibility if disruptions in farming lead to famine in Africa, a continent that depends heavily on the importation of grain from Ukraine and Russia? And finally, who will bear responsibility if the war in Ukraine escalates to a nuclear exchange, and then becomes a full-scale nuclear war?

How one judges the relative responsibilities of Moscow, Washington, and the various European capitals will depend on how one weighs particular historical events, the actions of the individuals involved, and the relative stress one places on proximal and distal causation. Nonetheless, I will venture the judgement that, when all is taken into account, primary responsibility lies with the West, in particular with the United States. I know of no entirely satisfactory way to argue this point; there is no validated methodology for apportioning blame among a range of actors, all of whom have at least some agency, some freedom of choice. But I believe we can gain insight by constructing a counterfactual history, which asks: Where would we be now had the United States acted differently? This is a game of “what if”—and the projections it generates can never be proven or disproven. But this counterfactual sits well with the history of the last 30 years and, to my mind, is both revealing and persuasive.

Had the United States not pushed NATO to the border of Russia; not deployed nuclear-capable missile launch systems in Romania and planned them for Poland and perhaps elsewhere as well; not contributed to the overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian government in 2014; not abrogated the ABM treaty and then the intermediate-range nuclear missile treaty, and then disregarded Russian attempts to negotiate a bilateral moratorium on deployments; not conducted live-fire exercises with rockets in Estonia to practise striking targets inside Russia; not coordinated a massive 32-nation military training exercise near Russian territory; not intertwined the U.S. military with that of Ukraine; etc. etc. etc.— Had the United States and its NATO allies not done these tings, the war in Ukraine would not have taken place.

There will be no winner or looser in a nuclear war - the human race will be in danger - it will be fatal for everybody in this Universe..."

Maybe this will be an useful book for awakening...

Not everything is visible to the Humans of Universe...

The peace talk in between Russia and Ukraine was hijacked by the western nations...

Humans of Universe ... Wake up and kiss the Truth...

Here is a gist of Minsk agreement between Russia and Ukraine signed in 2014-15

The Minsk agreements, actually consisting of two agreements (Minsk I and Minsk II) signed in 2015, aimed to end the war in Ukraine's Donbas region. Here are the key points:

  • Security:
    • Immediate and complete ceasefire by both sides.
    • Withdrawal of heavy weapons from the front lines.
    • Monitoring of the ceasefire and withdrawal by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
  • Political:
    • Dialogue on establishing temporary self-government for certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk within Ukraine, with specific details to be laid out in Ukrainian law.
    • Amnesty for combatants.
    • Release of prisoners of war.
  • Humanitarian:
    • Improved humanitarian access to the region.
    • Exchange of hostages.
    • Resumption of social and economic ties, including restoring pension payments.
  • Crucially: Ukraine would regain control of its border with Russia only after local elections were held in Donetsk and Luhansk according to Ukrainian law.

However, disagreements arose over the sequencing of these steps. Ukraine wanted the border returned first, while Russia pushed for elections and autonomy first. This lack of consensus plagued the Minsk agreements and ultimately led to their failure to bring lasting peace.

The peace is all we need because the pain of a soldier can only be felt by the close relatives and friends...

Saturday, October 29, 2022

चरैवेति, चरैवेति - Charaiveti, Charaiveti - keep walking...

Here I am with Garam Chai...

Charaiveti Mantra (33.3) is from ‘Aitreya Brahman’

The mantra is not used as a prayer and can be considered as an aphorism that is an applied aspect of spiritual thoughts in line with ‘Walk the Talk’.

It is a set of 5 mantras, each ending with ‘charivati’ which means keep walking


नानाश्रान्ताय श्रीरस्तीति रोहित शुश्रुम ।

पापो नृषद्वरो जन इन्द्र इच्चरतः सखा चरैवेति ॥


पुष्पिण्यौ चरतो जङ्घे भूष्णुरात्मा फलग्रहिः ।

शेरेऽस्य सर्वे पाप्मानः श्रमेण प्रपथे हतश्चरैवेति ॥


आस्ते भग आसीनस्योर्ध्वस्तिष्ठति तिष्ठतः ।

शेते निपद्यमानस्य चराति चरतो भगश्चरैवेति ॥


कलिः शयानो भवति संजिहानस्तु द्वापरः ।

उत्तिष्ठस्त्रेता भवति कृतं संपाद्यते चरंश्चरैवेति ॥


चरन् वै मधु विन्दति चरन् स्वादुमुदुम्बरम् ।

सूर्यस्य पश्य श्रेमाणं यो न तन्द्रयते चरंश्चरैवेति ॥

The last one is not only the most important of the five mantras but also it is the crux of the whole of the scripture of ‘Aitreya Brahman’. A loose transliteration is given below. “A man on the move gets to enjoy honey and Udambar like delicious fruits. Sun is seen with respect because it isn’t lazy despite moving all the time. Like that, one should also) keep walking, keep walking.” to celebrate the eternal motion of #bharat - the oldest civilization - the rhythm, the grace, the music ... going through the roads of the interior villages of #bharat - to experience the joy of the journey - the real success - from where we started and where we are now - and to ensure - that in the evening when the sun is just set for the day - and it will again rise tomorrow to continue the journey with new #hope - to enlighten the #universe - as the real #vishwaguru “चरैवेति चरैवेति” - keep walking - because the motion is the life - we need to move on to keep the balance of life...

We must not stop.

The movement is essential.

Life is like a bicycle

The moment it stops - the balance goes for a toss

Life is like a stream.

The moment the flow of the stream is lost, all sorts of fungi pollute the water - and the water becomes dirty and ceases to be a potable one.

So, we have to keep moving all throughout our lives - physically - spiritually - and metamorphically - we must not stop the movement - because the

Ultimate Stop comes with Death.

life is like an ice cream...
enjoy it before it melts...

Friday, October 28, 2022

The Free Bard - Just like the Uncaged Bird...

খাঁচার পাখি ছিল সোনার খাঁচাটিতে, 
বনের পাখি ছিল বনে।
একদা কী করিয়া মিলন হলো দোঁহে, 
কী ছিল বিধাতার মনে।
বনের পাখি বলে, খাঁচার পাখি ভাই, 
বনেতে যাই দোঁহে মিলে।
খাঁচার পাখি বলে, বনের পাখি আয়, 
খাঁচায় থাকি নিরিবিলে।
বনের পাখি বলে, না, 
আমি শিকলে ধরা নাহি দিব।
খাঁচার পাখি বলে, হায়, 
আমি কেমনে বনে বাহিরিব।
বনের পাখি গাহে বাহিরে বসি বসি
বনের গান ছিল যত,
খাঁচার পাখি গাহে শিখানো বুলি তার
দোঁহার ভাষা দুইমত।
বনের পাখি বলে খাঁচার পাখি ভাই, 
বনের গান গাও দেখি।
খাঁচার পাখি বলে, বনের পাখি ভাই, 
খাঁচার গান লহো শিখি।
বনের পাখি বলে, না, আমি শিখানো গান নাহি চাই।
খাঁচার পাখি বলে, হায়  আমি কেমনে বনগান গাই।
বনের পাখি বলে, আকাশ ঘন নীল 
কোথাও বাধা নাহি তার।
খাঁচার পাখি বলে, খাঁচাটি পরিপাটি 
কেমন ঢাকা চারিধার।
বনের পাখি বলে, আপনা ছাড়ি দাও 
মেঘের মাঝে একেবারে।
খাঁচার পাখি বলে, নিরালা কোণে বসে 
বাঁধিয়া রাখো আপনারে।
বনের পাখি বলে, না, সেথা কোথায় উড়িবারে পাই
খাঁচার পাখি বলে, হায় মেঘে  কোথায় বসিবার ঠাঁই।
এমনি দুই পাখি দোঁহারে ভালোবাসে, 
তবুও কাছে নাহি পায়।
খাঁচার ফাঁকে ফাঁকে পরশে মুখে মুখে, 
নীরবে চোখে চোখে চায়।
দুজনে কেহ কারে বুঝিতে নাহি পারে, 
বুঝাতে নারে আপনায়।
দুজনে একা একা ঝাপটি মরে পাখা
কাতরে কহে, কাছে আয়।
বনের পাখি বলে না, কবে খাঁচায় রুধি দিবে দ্বার
খাঁচার পাখি বলে হায়, মোর শকতি নাহি উড়িবার।

Cage bird was in the golden cage, free bird was in the forest.
The Master knew how he managed to meet each other.
Free bird says, 'Let us go to the woods'.
Cage bird says, 'Let us enjoy quiet enclosure'.
Free bird says, 'No, I shall not surrender to the chains'.
Cage bird says, 'Alas, how would I get myself out'.
Free bird sings songs of the jungle.
Cage bird repeats taught words, each having a different tune.
Free bird asks, 'Dear – let us sing the natural song'.
Cage bird suggests, 'Take a lesson of the cage tune'.
Free bird answers, 'No need for a song of captivity'.
Cage bird exclaims, 'How would I sing a wild song'.
Free bird describes, 'Deep blue is the sky, no hitch whatsoever'.
Cage bird replies, 'Look how clean is my enclosure'.
Free bird suggests, 'Let yourself loose within the cloud'.
Free bird replies, 'Control yourself within confinement'.
Free bird asks, 'Where should I free my wings'.
Cage bird is confused, 'Where to settle on the cloud'.

Both love each other, unable to come close yet.
Beaks touch through cage gaps, silently eyes connect.
Neither one can express to the other, nor console oneself.
Flapping tormented wings each asks, 'Come close'.
Free bird is afraid, 'I would be captivated and locked'.
Cage bird's anguish, 'Have lost fly-power, my wings are locked'.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Everyone looks at the #UNIVERSE through his/her own Colored Glasses...

I wrote this 10-11 years ago when Human of Bharat was not very enthusiastic about ISRO. 

Now, it has changed. People are aware of the contribution of ISRO - from GPS satellite to Mangalayan to Chandrayan.

Then I used to think why the phenomenal success of ISRO just only remains as the page 5 or page 6 item of a newspaper... may be the reason lies elsewhere...

Everyone likes to see the world through his own colored glasses. These glasses are colored by the successes, joys, and failures of one's own life. Let me try to elaborate it a bit with a practical example... 

One day we were gifted a bed cover by one of our relatives... Once my wife opened the packet, she was happy and said it was very nice in looks... I commented that it must be very costly... and the maid who was present at that time commented that the color won't fade away after a few washing... 

so it was the same object... however our first reaction to that object was totally different... because we tried to look at that from our own colored glasses...

So for a farmer, the arrival of monsoon is important... for a daily worker, the means to commute to his workplace is important... for a daily passenger of the Mumbai train, the train schedule is important... for a daily roadside hawker, the way he handles the cops is important... for a daily office goer, the less congested road is important...and as most of the Indian population is constituted by these people, they hardly bother about any achievements attained by ISRO.

People fail to see themselves against the background of ISRO's success... when our country was reeling under the license-permit raj and the associated corruption, the ordinary people were able to relate themselves with the angry young man image of Big B. when India wins a cricket match, the common citizens of Bharat viewed it as the victory of their own over the rest of the world...

Any scientific innovation, it gets due importance only if it is able to create a big societal impact... That's the reason probably, Windows became popular quite some time back... And that's the only reason, probably Google has become a blue-eyed company in this internet age...

So for ISRO to make news on the front page of the newspaper, we must try to change our priorities...

Otherwise, every big achievement of ISRO will be greeted with "To kya hua" by the common people...

So, for the image on the top - how do you interpret it...

Maybe, I will view it as an Electronics engineer saying

you heat up the #twitter space. 

Never mind...

My heat sink is perfect now"

Maybe my wife would say like 
(as we had a verbal chit-chat yesterday)
hey Som, it does not matter what you do with your brain and brawn, if the kitchen sink is OFF, you guys are all gone from the scene...

So, everyone sees the #UNIVERSE with his own colored glasses.

This is the universal #TRUTH

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Satyameva Jayate - In the end it will be the #TRUTH that will win...

তোমার ন্যায়ের দন্ড

তোমার ন্যায়ের দন্ড প্রত্যেকের করে

অর্পণ করেছ নিজে। প্রত্যেকের ‘পরে

দিয়েছ শাসনভার হে রাজাধিরাজ।

সে গুরু সম্মান তব সে দুরূহ কাজ

নমিয়া তোমারে যেন শিরোধার্য করি

সবিনয়ে। তব কার্যে যেন নাহি ডরি

কভু কারে। ক্ষমা যেথা ক্ষীণ দুর্বলতা,

হে রুদ্র, নিষ্ঠুর যেন হতে পারি তথা

তোমার আদেশে। যেন রসনায় মম

সত্যবাক্য ঝলি উঠে খরখড়গসম

তোমার ইঙ্গিতে। যেন রাখি তব মান

তোমার বিচারাসনে লয়ে নিজস্থান।

অন্যায় যে করে আর অন্যায় যে সহে

তব ঘৃণা যেন তারে তৃণসম দহে।

Tomar Nyayer Dando (Your Mace of Justice)

Translation based on an original by Dilip Mitra

Your mace of justice You bestow upon Man

On the judge’s seat, You grant me this place

And to rule from it You have commanded, o Lord.

May I uphold your glory, with justness and grace?

This granted honor, this onerous task,

I pray to You that I perform,

With head bowed and a reverent heart,

And without fear, uphold Your norm.

Where mercy is a flaw if You sound

May my ruthlessness know no bound

And at Your gesture, through my voice

May truth strike falsehood down to the ground.

He who commits wrong or condones the same,

May your contempt singe like a reed in flame.