Monday, July 25, 2022

The confusion of me - a scientist of non-sense is #real - most sane people are confused about What is #Science



Bilkul confusion!!!

Bhago sab. gaon mein chale jao...

aur subah -shaam aapna bajuwala dariya mein dubki lagao

aur sudhar jao

zindagi jio

look at the above image and try to teach your next generation about how to differentiate between a #scientist and a rich #potatofarmer

the scientist will do everything for the sake of #science 

the potato farmer will do everything for the #potato - from experimentation of vaccines to making potato chips to buying farmland for cultivating potato

and what is the sign of matured #fatherhood - who knows his purpose and who is living a purposeful life

he'll teach his progeny from this image 

and make a video like this

More confusion!!!

How come these two people - both of whom are  mysterious  "doctors" - decide about the health of the global people

And not only ordinary people - the mathematicians are also confused - when people are discussing about 

can u guess who will be the next #pregnantman after this handshake

the new theory of probability discovered by the richest potato farmer

for us, who knew #BayesianProbability - we are confused in this new probability theory - coming right from the #azure sky of $Soft


aa dekhe jara - kiska aloo kitna tej

even confusion for ordinary villagers of #bharat from this very day when this drug was made popular among them

And when, we, the people of #bharat are forced to forget that

we used to use kalanchoe pinnata (পাথরকুচি) and marigold leaves for cut and bruises, the green inside the aloe vera leaf for skin burn, puffed rice (Murmura) for thick tongue due to acidity, sattu ki sarbat for burning stomach, haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan) after lunch, ,ajwain for gas, hot milk with sugar before sleep, karela and neem leaves everyday during lunch for better health 

and somehow cannot understand that

only after the medical representatives were made more powerful than the doctors, we were affected by western disease...

So, lets wake up
Let's open our eyes
And see the #truth
hence now is time for us to play the #garamhawa nikalnewali game from all these gas balloons called Pf*zer and ye sare money suckers bloody greedy pseudo scientists

kick them out from #bharat 

strip them off

let us see them dancing naked in front of the #UNIVERSE

and remind these pseudo scientists that

plastic packaged frozen food is one of the main reasons of cancer in western world having so much medical advancement

the reminder for #ballgates from a scientist of non-sense

before making poor people from #bharat and #africa as your medical guinea pigs, please understand that 

charity must begin at home


please have a look at this article

and the #guru is trying to make sense out of all these confusions by elevating his status of the size of the first-morning tea from a 

simple chota chai ka glass 


a little sexy chai ki peyala

and then realizing...

the change of the status was not really in the texture or the price of the chai ke peyala

but actually in the mindset of myself that 

now I need more hot tea in the morning as my first drink than in earlier days...

                                                                                                                                        Sabkuch dikhta nahi hain
Sabkuch koyi dikhata bhi nahin hai

Saturday, July 23, 2022

The cost of creating a psyche of a nation for celebrating the false Hero of the society and emulating their lives...

The cost of the psyche of a nation for creating false hero to celebrate and emulate with is havoc. 

And when these things are also part of the great Machiavellian plan of Break India force, which was meticulously planned by the Giasuddin Gazi progenies - generation after generation - and we, the people of #Bharat, instead of seeing through the nasty game plan, start dancing in this caustic poisonous tune

this is probably called #wilful #blindness

that's why u will be surprised when u think, how instead of great minds from Bharat like Meghnad Saha, Homie Bhaba, Satyendranath Bose and all such real heroes, how come a filmy joker like Raj Kapoor and all such people became an instant celebrity in Russia and abroad, or who was behind this creation of such a false image of #Bharat

and you guess it correct 

he is the same person who showcased the snake charmer to the foreign delegates as our indigenous skill 

the #woke mind behind the story "The Discovery of India" without doing much research or understanding anything about true #Bharat

the real rotten potato of the society

the #gigolo 

whose only motto was just to produce rotten eggs from losing chicken

and whose pen emitting white ink was more powerful than blue/black ink and with that white ink emitting pen he has put his mark on so many kora kagaz - the pure white #Hindu souls - convincing them that 

ye daag accha hai

by making them blindfolded

without even making them realize that The People of #Bharat will have to pay for the black spots created by the white ink of such a #woke manipulator which has spread like the coppice and the underwood across this beautiful nation preventing beautiful flowers to bloom.

for the people of Bharat, as u watch the movie made on the life of the scientist who was falsely accused by the gang of the pole dancer, please remember, the problem is deep rooted

here i am referring to another great scientist of Bharat, 

Tapan Mishra, 

a very knowledgeable scientist of #ISRO, who was given poison at the canteen of #ISRO before he was about to attend the interview for the #ISRO topmost position and the film industry of Bharat has a responsibility to awaken the people of Bharat through this person's story as well

just to showcase that if the scientists also have to think about how to save their asses, then the ghastly picture of real insecurities of the #Hindu will come in front of the society and the real awakening will start

Maybe it will help the #govtofindia as well to open its eyes and see through it..

people of Bharat, please open your eyes

don't remain blindfolded anymore

aankhe phar phar ke dekh

nahi to baad me pastauge

tab mujhko mat bolna ki - 

#guru ji -

aapne kyun nahi bola humko ye sare kahaniya

read between the lines

and become a responsible citizen

before asking what the nation has done to you

please ask yourself

what have I done to the nation


For the parents of modern Bharat - try to encourage your kids with intrinsic motivation and always avoid extrinsic motivation like ByJu's advertisement featuring SRK.

Find out the difference between me, a father trying to create a formidable intellectual Kshatriya for modern Bharat, and SRK/ByJu enticing gullible parents of Bharat to learn science/computer science...

The top photo is from Fluid Simulation on my laptop...

And the photo at the bottom - I believe I don't have to explain to you...

Hindus of Bharat...

wake up and reclaim your true spirit before it's too late...

Thursday, July 21, 2022

#fatherhoodrocks - the many lessons for a father

One of the most awkward time frame of a boy happens at around 13-14 yrs old of age - when he cannot be claimed as an adult, nor can he be claimed as a child.

this is how Rabindranath Tagore tried to explain the characteristics of boys at this age in his short story "Chooti"

The problem with boys of this age period (12-14-years-old) is that they are in-betweeners – no longer children, but not yet adults.  Thus they are no longer given the accommodating tolerance that little kids get, and at the same time their often confused early adult-like assertiveness is not tolerated and given gentle refinement, either.  This story “Chhooti” is about one such boy and his struggles.  In connection with this awkward age for boys, Tagore made these explicit authorial comments in his story  "Chooti"

“In this world of human affairs there is no worse nuisance than a boy at the age of fourteen. He is neither ornamental nor useful. It is impossible to shower affection on him as on a little boy; and he is always getting in the way. If he talks with a childish lisp he is called a baby, and if he answers in a grown-up way he is called impertinent. In fact any talk at all from him is resented. Then he is at the unattractive, growing age. He grows out of his clothes with indecent haste; his voice grows hoarse and breaks and quavers; his face grows suddenly angular and unsightly. It is easy to excuse the shortcomings of early childhood, but it is hard to tolerate even unavoidable lapses in a boy of fourteen. The lad himself becomes painfully self-conscious. When he talks with elderly people he is either unduly forward, or else so unduly shy that he appears ashamed of his very existence.“

Tagore goes on to say that what a young teenage boy in these circumstances needs – and what he for the first time in his life feels a craving for – is love.

“Yet it is at this very age when, in his heart of hearts, a young lad most craves for recognition and love; and he becomes the devoted slave of any one who shows him consideration. But none dare openly love him, for that would be regarded as undue indulgence and therefore bad for the boy.

i ll tel u, another kind of dillemma of the children of #bharat at this age who are growing up at a small town like my childhood days

in our time, normally there used to three-four siblings on an avg in a family

and it was very common when all of them were taken to a neighbouring house by their mom on, maybe , a winter evening

and mostly, in such visits, the host used to offer few sweets put on a single plate and keep on the centre table

so far so good

in the group of guests, there used to be definitely one boy at that age group of 13-14 yrs

now... let me narrate the confusion

towards the end of the sweets from the plate, that boy who would like to take the last sweet on the plate, would definitely hesitate to grab it -  not because he could not, but because that was the age when he was under the lens of the senior family members.

so his each movement will be observed - at least the person would be under such impression

so, in most of the cases, the young fellow would avoid taking the last sweet from the plate - just to make sure that others think of him not as a greedy person

sabkuch dikhta nahi hain re...

ye andar ka baat hai bhai...

Sunday, July 17, 2022

The best way to empower the youth is through enlightenment...


The #guru - trying to work as a lighthouse for his disciples

Today i would like to narrate my yesterday’s experience in one of the largest public sector banks of #Bharat. 

As, sometimes, i make many comments, a little loudly ( so that people around me cannot say we are deaf and blind - we have not heard anything - so please think of us as Gandhiji’s bandar - with all the external senses blunted ), maybe sometimes mixed with a little bit of sarcasm, sometimes a bit of scathing remarks, sometimes a bit of lewd words, sometimes a little bit of physical aggressive vulgar gesture (this experimentation i have started recently), just to get a vibe of the modern society of #Bharat- are we really capable of handling different situations with grace, keeping our eyes and ears open to see if there is any validity of the behaviour of any arbitrary guy  in the public domain is at all acceptable norms of behaviour - from all angles - without any conditioned mindset - and if this is not acceptable - then why not - or rather - who am i to decide what is an acceptable behaviour and what is not - or is it okay to judge anybody at all - and in case the person whom we are observing suddenly starts specific behaviour to understand how the observer behaves - then what - are we really capable enough to withstand such a behaviour - and if not - then what should be done?

So i was trying to listen to the various conversations, the young employees of the banks were making - openly - in Bengali (that is okay, that is not at all a problem) , the tone they use, is it friendly, or is it authoritarian, the verbal words they speak out - and i got the feelings that - okay - in general, the atmosphere of a public sector bank is exactly like the core sector of the society - the middle class of the society - unlike a centrally ac, glass building with all security cameras in place - and everyone kind of showing their busyness as a form of business - like the corporate power corridor - foreign bank - maybe like (u guess)...

Next, i asked a lady employee of the bank, is this an everyday norms, that u ladies use so many paper works signing here and there, passing bunch of papers, then verifying with human eyes - just to understand her POV that at the end of the day - when she just goes back to her home - and then if she thinks how she spent the whole day - was it worth - or did she feel empowered - or is there any scope of improvement - or am i capable of asking questions against it - or rather am i feeling that i am an empowered youth to contribute to the growth of the nation - and if not how can i change the system - or chalo yaar - why waste the evening TV serial - let me forget - let me have a cup of garam tea made by my Mom and have dinner and wait for the next day same story - and this way - after the retirement - i won’t really have enough story to enlighten my younger generations - and then i would suggest - yaar - zindgi to bilkul time pass hai - zyada serious hone ka zarrorat nahi hain - and this way train my next generations to spend their lives just as time-pass - doing absolutely bakwas - just as a time pass.

She answered vaguely, yes sir. eta to kortey hobe. na hole cholbe ki kore?

And exactly that kind of answer shocked me.


Kano eybhabey korte hobe?

Can’t we use the Aadhaar API system to reduce all the paper works  and utilise all these young generations to more creative works - the works of a thinker - and not exactly of a kalur balad - the oilman’s bullock - blinded - purposeless - and obviously thinking - subah kab hogi - and then never got back the answer from the other side.

And I came to a conclusion.

That we need #guru everywhere - for everybody - just to enlighten them to become capable enough to ask the system - not exactly with a zhanda - street fight - but with an uncluttered mind - not exactly showing a trait of an aberrant behaviour - but just as a norms of a society where we encourage constructive debates on any subjects - unlike the previous - gala dawanewali  system - where nobody dared to ask anything against the norms - the authorities - but rather  in a way to improve upon our daily routine and then at the end of the day sleeping on an ordinary cot with hope - that aab sayed subah ho jayegi 

The morning sun will rise again for #bharatmata - and we are here to make it possible

And then enjoy the sweet dream in the deep sleep and go back to the workplace the following day with more vigour and courage and in fact with an attitude -

yaar aaj kuch karke dikhana hai…

Life is not a time pass….

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Human of #bharat - wake-up now - know the real history of #bharat - find out the Gaddar from inside the team...



 थे अंश हमारे पर कभी हुए ना हमारे
छोड़ साथ हमारा सिक्कों के पीछे भागे
दंभ भरने के लिए ताकत की
मां के आंचल को भी फा‌‌ड़ा
फिर भी अतृप्त रही तुम्हारी पिपासा…
मां को टुकड़ों में ही बांट डाला?
ऐसी क्या खु़मार चढ़ी थी
इंसानियत को ही बली चढ़ा दी
काटा लूटा इंसानों को
दरिंदगी की नई मिसाल बना दी
जो मिला था उसे संवार ना‌ सके
और, हमारी हस्ती मिटाने को
नए हथियार जुटाने लगे?
हम वहीं हैं वहीं रहेंगे
कहीं तुम मिट्टी में ना मिल जाना
अभी चाहे जितना भी मुस्कुराओ
आखरी हंसी हमारी होगी
सोचो और घबराओ।

By #reema

Explanation from #reema - the poetess

1st 2 lines conversion of Hindus
3rd and 4th divisions of Bengal
5th-6th Partition of India
7th-10th Hindu holocaust during the division of Bengal and partition
11th their economic and developmental downfall
12th and 13th terrorism, attacks on India, our soldiers, and aid from China

The #truth - the real story of Gaddari - from the era of Bangabhanga days during the British period

R C Majumdar - the #truth behind Banga Bhanga aandolon

The character of the agitation and its universality deeply impressed even Lord Morley, the Secretary of State for India from 1906, and he flatly contradicted the great Pro-Consul Lord Curzon and his apologists when he admitted that the agitation against the Partition was not "the work of political wire-pullers and political agitators," but was the result of genuine feelings in the minds of the people "that they were going to suffer a great wrong and inconvenience."" Morley had also the candor to admit that the measure went solely and decisively against the wishes of most of the people concerned.

There is, however, no doubt that the solidarity of opposing the Partition was gradually weakened. 

Lord Curzon won over Salimullah, the Nawab of Dacca, partly by advancing a loan at a very low rate of interest, and partly by holding out the hope that the interests of the Muslims will dominate the administration of the new Province, and the Nawab, as their leader, will occupy a unique, position there, with Dacca, his own home, raised to the status of a great capital city of an opulent Province. The Nawab gradually became a great supporter of the Partition and gathered a section of Muslims around him. The new administration, in its actual operation, openly favored the Muslims, and the first Lieutenant Governor, Fuller, said with reference to the two main sections of the population, the Musalmans, and Hindus, that they were like his two queens of Indian legends, the first being the #suo (favored) and the second, #duo (neglected) 

No wonder the followers of Salimullah would gain in strength

When the partition led to the Swadeshi, i.c.the movement for the use of indigenous and boycott of English goods, the Englishmen gradually became hostile to anti-partition agitation and withdrew their support from it. Injury to material interests proved a much stronger force than sympathy for a just cause.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

My transformation story - from a broken soldier to a daring warrior...


let me admit it openly...

in 2002, when I got married, I was almost kind of a broken soldier -  physically, emotionally, financially, knowledge-wise

my wife #reema probably sensed it and roared 

ok... I got ur back...

we went to #bangalore

in the first one or two months, #reema gifted me 


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I took it very seriously

I started listening to it - kind of imbibed it 

and started thinking me just like #arjun - absolutely confused - perplexed - no idea what to do next - helplessly looking for his #Sakha - #lordkrishna

and it went for many years - the dreaded long period of struggle

then, one day, suddenly started watching the training of the commandos of the Indian Army - and I remembered my childhood version of myself - the fighter - the real player in the competition - the never-say-die attitude - the young version of me with a cool head but an agile body...

and believe me - I started walking backward - towards the roots - from where I started...

and I got back myself - my true self

gradually got back my power

got back my voice

and the real #aham - my true self - came out - under many layers of conditional false societal norms

and today i am playing one of the most important roles of my life


as the 


of my young son


weaponizing him with knowledge and wisdom

to fight the battle of life

just like a warrior

and not as a feeble person

so I highly recommend #gita 

for all those broken soldiers who are trying to find out a solution to come back with even greater force to reckon with-to serve the human society

and obviously- 

#Gita is for the people who are at the prime time of their energy - who think they can move the mountain - and surely should not be taken as post-retirement time pass

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

A strong family unit - the need of the hour for modern #Hindu society


When I saw the #twitter trend #swamysamarth is moving towards north, I felt really jubilant. And I requested my wife #reema to find out an equivalent phrase to be trended by the husbands of the #hindu society.

I strongly feel, that once we are able to recreate the strong family bonding and trust among the #Hindus, many of the modern societal problems will be solved in #bharat. 

So, to start with, let us encourage the #husband of a family to praise even for a little bit of achievement by his wife in the global forum, and similarly, let the wife of our small family should take the initiative to praise her husbands’ achievements with a really open mind and hearts across the global forum.

Once this becomes viral and absolutely normal, the children will feel physically and emotionally secure inside the strong arms of their supportive parental units and once they become secure - they can utilize their raw creativity to really create beauty for human society.

And once they start showing their real creative talents, the responsibility of the strong parental units should be to promote them globally with an open mind and heart. Appreciate them wholeheartedly - in front of others. Let them feel important in society. And see the magic happens.

Now, in modern society, everybody actually focuses more on short-term physical health instead of long-term emotional and mental stamina - however, for a real champ or leader - it’s actually the second option that matters more.

So, my suggestions for the #Hindu family of #universe, if with age, when the physical stamina of you and your partners dwindle in a natural way, don’t make it as the mote point to break up - you better speak to one another and sort it out with the most suitable available solution - but don’t make it an issue to break a long term relationship which will ultimately hamper all of your next generations and it will continue generation after generation.

The result will be devastating.

Society will be fragmented.

And we will become inherently weak.

Just vulnerable enough to be gobbled up by external enemies.

And this is what our enemies want.

So, we better be careful and wise.

Here we go... My heart is singing today to express gratitude towards my family...

The English Translation...

Allow me to touch your feet,
Please, please do not step back.
Offering my life and death, my happiness and sorrow –
I shall embrace your feet with my chest.
How long should I carry along
My desires that are complete disarray –
Please do not scatter them all,
Reconstruct them in a garland.
Annihilate disappointments of my wishes
Undone and ever thirsty,
It must come out triumphant at last –
Defeated by you.
I can't bear anymore moving door to door
Exchanging my poverty,
I may belong to you, Please accept me,
Offering me your majestic welcome-garland.

And last but not the least - for the Hindus of the UNIVERSE - the dilemma of a Hindu NRI mom watching her own daughters deviating from the path of Dharma that she tried to instill among them from their early childhood.

Hindus of Bharat - wake up and reclaim #whoyouare

The Danger called wokism targetting the family...