Friday, February 28, 2025

O my Bharatmata.... the blind sheep like Hindus have done terrific injustice to our true freedom fighters - will you pardon them? The untold story of Chandrasekhar Azad...

Taken from a Twitter thread...

“O old woman, don't come here, your son was a thief-dacoit, so the Goras killed him, the Bhil standing there laughingly said to an old woman wrapped in a dirty dhoti who was collecting wood in the forest.”

No, Chandu has sacrificed his life for freedom, said the old woman proudly. The name of that elderly woman was Jagrani Devi. This mother lovingly called that son Chandu and the world freed him”. Yes, we all know him by the name of Chandrashekhar Azad.

After father's death, Azad's poor destitute old mother instead of reaching out to anyone, used to collect wood and cow-dung from the forests and kept feeding herself by selling sticks and wood. Shameful thing is that his condition continued till 2 yrs (1949) after independence.

After this, Sadashiv ji brought her with him to Jhansi, keeping his promise with Chandrashekhar Azad, but his house was very small, so he arranged for Azad's mother to stay at the house of another friend of Azad, Bhagwan Das Mahore. Managed and served them.

In March 1951, when Azad's mother Jagrani Devi died in Jhansi, Sadashiv ji himself performed her last rites. After the death of Azad's mother, the people of Jhansi built a bench in her memory at a public place in her name.

The then Congress government of the state declared this construction as an illegal and illegal work done by the people of Jhansi. But the citizens of Jhansi decided to install the statue of Chandrashekhar Azad's mother, not giving importance to that mandate of the government.

When the government came to know that the statue of Azad's mother has been prepared and many former revolutionaries including Sadashiv Rao, Rupnarayan, Bhagwan Das Mahor are going to install the statue with the help of the people of Jhansi.

So he declared the establishment of the statue of the immortal martyr Chandrashekhar Azad's Matashree as a threat to the country, society and law and order of Jhansi and banned the program of establishment and imposed curfew in the entire Jhansi city.

But the public and the revolutionaries together set out to install the statue of Azad's mother. The then government, shocked by this horrendous flying on the streets of Jhansi under its order, ordered its police to shoot Sadashiv.

But keeping the statue of Azad's mother on his head, Sadashiv, who was moving towards the back, was surrounded by the public from all sides. Then the police lathi-charged the procession. Hundreds of people were injured, dozens were crippled and some even died.

The statue of Chandrashekhar Azad's mother could not be installed. Even 5 feet of land was not found in the country for a 2-3 feet statue of that great mother for whom Azad had sacrificed his life.

If even after knowing all such untold stories of the paradox called Indian Freedom Struggles, your blood does not boil.... u better remain a blind sheep - don't project yourselves as progenies of Ram, Krishna, Arjun, Bhisma, or Rana Pratap and Shivaji...

Hey Hindus of Bharat.... please wake up...

Jai Hind...

Read ON...

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