Thursday, June 16, 2022

Bar Kheye Khudiram - Who does not want a good martyr - the great conundrum of human life...


love it ... 

who does not want a good #martyr? 

the biggest #conundrum of human life... 

I want to #sacrifice my life for my #country... 

the country? which country?  the geographical boundaries of the country? the people of the country? 

to protect the culture that I have imbibed? 

or to protect the powerful political class and the bureaucrat who calls the shots? 

what will happen to my #mom, #dad, #son, #daughter, or #wife?

Will my "country" take care of them after my supreme sacrifice? 

will I be just a photo frame hanging on the wall for my sobbing wife and kids? 

am I doing it because I have been given a salary? 

do I really need to sacrifice my life for this paltry sum? 

or I would rather spend my life just like the Waltzing Matilda? 

A big perplex for the people who love their "country".

#lordkrishna uttered #gita. #arjuna regained the #power

but what happened to thy neighbor who sent his only young son to the battlefield who never got a chance to be reunited with his old parents? 

is there a mention of that young boy and his parents anywhere? 

do we need to remember him at all? 

was he just destined for going into the pathway of #oblivion? can we get back his old reference? 

or should we care at all? 

the great #epic


#einstein thinking deeply in heaven... 

what a great use of his thought E=mc^2 on #hiroshima and #nagasaki. 

I love my country. I have done this research to serve my nation. I am a #scientist.

and a crew of the Enola Gay while coming back uttered …

"My God...what have we done..." 

and the pilot of the Enola Gay, when discovered that there is not enough fuel and they are in real trouble, murmured,... "Okay... we are ready to #sacrifice our lives if this is what my country wants... I am sure my family back home will remember me for the great act of valor and bravery that I have just performed... "

and the #beatles start singing "Let it be ..."

Nobody understands the pain of a soldier except close family members and friends.

Listen to the cry of such a soldier of Ukraine...

it may sound ridiculous and frivolous here... but if we think a little deeper... we will understand the sarcasm behind this great colloquial statement among the youth of Bengal...

"baar kheye khudiram...'

In a battle between political leaders - it is always a Waltzing Matilda with a tin hat who is at the receiving end...

baar kheye Khudiram - a bit details

Khudiram was hanged by the Britishers at the age of 17. 

Meaning he was fed with so much #positivity (?) that he never gave it a second thought before the supreme sacrifice for the nation.

And we - as the current citizens of #bharat have done the exact things so that the future generation will hardly remember his name...

Oh My God...

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Become the best friend of each and everyone of your family...


Some days back, I was having a discussion with my wife #reema if someone is kept in a certain environment how it might affect his/her mental development.

So, let me tell you about the practical approach, a more pragmatic approach that I have learned while passing through this dark tunnel of life.

And what it taught me is that we should never spend our time thinking about any specific matter which is not going to add any value to our lives and this is the only way we could move out of the loop of negativity.

I spent a kind of maverick lifestyle in my small hometown at one of the most backward places of #bharat called #purulia. I grew up naturally, spending time under the hot sun of May-June during the afternoon on the rooftop flying kites and then being thrashed by my dad for not taking care of my health, spending quality time with the cows at the cow shed at our backyard, eating jamuns (Indian Blackberry) directly from the tree, playing Lal-Daang (a rural game where one has to keep his wooden stick touching a red brick / or anything red) to remain safe, playing Guli-Danda, playing carrom, badminton and yet studying books like “Dytyio Biswajuddher Itihaas” by Vivekananda Mukhopadhyay, Jule Vern’s novels, Sherlock Holmes, Ramayan, Mahabharata, Nante Fonte, Handa-Bhonda, Bantul The Great, Betal (Phantom), Mandrake, Batris Singhason (Singhasan Battisi) and many such, listening to marvelous stories from my grandfather and frankly speaking never thought of choosing any specific career or as such anything special in life. It was just unplanned, absolute freedom, without anybody’s supervision.

And the moment, I entered the college, the kinds of talks (like Beshyabritti and all such stuff) were not really what I expected and the center of gravity of my thought processing was completely changed. The whole concept of adulthood where we should thrive to do something really worthwhile was kind of polluted - centered around just one physical activity.

And that was enough to kill the natural growth of a human.

Similarly, when a girl is body-shamed continuously, what happens to her, is that all her natural thought processes started revolving around her physical appearance, and the center of gravity of her thought process becomes that physical aspect of life.

To overcome that, the best way is just to stop talking about those things. Stopping in the sense, just stop giving any importance at all to those thought processing.

And that’s why when I say the thoughts of living a life of chastity by Hanuman were much better than the thoughts of Gandhiji’s seeking TRUTH by suppressing his testosterone it has a profound meaning.

The former just gave the thought process about sex an absolute zero-second time, while the latter (Gandhiji) spent a whole lot of time just experimenting or rather revolving his thought process on the same subject - called SEX.

So if Hanumaan could become a  kind of became Indrajit (A person who can control his Indriya or senses), the latter (Gandhiji) actually became just a slave of the lowest part of the Muladhara Chakra - and even didn't gather enough courage to build his physical strength to do this physical activity with perfection - and then he thought this process as a TRUTH instead of an outcome of a Corrupt Mind which could not produce any fruitful result.

I remember, in the engineering college, I used to call these kinds of personalities Theory fucking bustards. Although at that time, the college professors were my target, with age I can easily call M K Gandhi just by that name.

So, when yesterday, my son #ridit came out of the bathroom and exclaimed, Baba, as you told me to sometimes fondle my kutu, today I did that and as you explained, the liquid came out with a force.

After listening to that, when I started dancing in front of him, saying, Voila, you have become a Man from a Boy and congratulated him for not being ashamed of this act and gave him a loving pat on his back for being courageous to explain it to me, he answered, Baba, did you forget the Father’s Day conversation with me last year where you explained everything to me and that’s why I take it as a natural growth of a Human Body and Psychic and that’s the reason i first told it to you.

Here goes my Father's Day conversation with my son :

And, hence for me, particularly in the nuclear family of modern city lives, maintaining friendly relationships among the family members is one of the most important aspects of modern parents.

And, probably, I am the best friend of my wife as well as my son in my small family and I am proud to lead a life like this.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Passing the baton - raising a multitalented young son...


Here is #ridit - our only son - in his different avatar - outside the world of technologies...

The singer - the tea maker - the chapati maker - the painter...

Haq - a poem written and recited by my wife Reema - meant for all the opportunists...


Udaan - the ultimate flight - written and recited by my wife Reema...


Udaan - the ultimate flight...


When life pushes a person against the wall when destiny just creates a miserable life when there was absolutely no hope for survival, 
when a person reaches the absolute bottom of his/her life...

After that...

the eagle in the person takes its

famous flight of rebirth...

My different shades of #fatherhood - as a soldier committed to raise his only son to reclaim the rightful position of #bharat - in the new global order


Nobody can feel the pain of a soldier, or a national player, who was forced to sit by the sideline - and then gradually forget the real purpose of his life - why #lordshiva sent him to be born as a citizen of #bharat

And when he wakes up from his slumber, gradually opens his eyes and feels that he was just forced to play the second fiddle throughout his life and he could not really contribute much, which he could have had he not badly been conditioned by various woke personalities - the pain is REAL, the TEARS are REAL

wake up, the people of #bharat

reclaim your lost glory

let's all work together to place #bharat high on the ladder of the new global order


The animation was done by my only son - #ridit - currently an 11 years-old boy.

My different shades of #fatherhood - as a patriot deeply pained by the hijacking of #bharat by #leftist historian promoted by Nehru


For the young generation of #bharat, my earnest request to you to know the #truth - don't just blindly believe everything you are said or taught.

The history that we, the people of #bharat are taught is an absolute falsehood.

All these were meticulously planned by the first gigolo of #bharat when your forefathers were busy following the confused feeble #fatherofnation who was just another mole placed by 


just to keep the real fighters at bay so that there is no actual damage in their grand plan -

To plunder the Sone Ka Chiriya - #bharat

Open your eyes.

Get an uncluttered mind about the #truth

And fight to establish that - without having any feeling of shame or guilt.

Remember, we are the progenies of #lordkrishna, #bhisma, #lordrama, #daupradi, #vidur #karn #dronacharya

Don't just play it small in life

We are here to reclaim our truthful position in the new world order.

Read R.C Majumdar's History Book to know the facts of the freedom movement of #bharat

Come out of the camouflage that you are being put into to realize that you are a very powerful person.

The music is the full version of the song from where our national anthem was picked up.


The animation is done by my young son - currently 11 years old #ridit
