love it ...
who does not want a good #martyr?
the biggest #conundrum of human life...
I want to #sacrifice my life for my #country...
the country? which country? the geographical boundaries of the country? the people of the country?
to protect the culture that I have imbibed?
or to protect the powerful political class and the bureaucrat who calls the shots?
what will happen to my #mom, #dad, #son, #daughter, or #wife?
Will my "country" take care of them after my supreme sacrifice?
will I be just a photo frame hanging on the wall for my sobbing wife and kids?
am I doing it because I have been given a salary?
do I really need to sacrifice my life for this paltry sum?
or I would rather spend my life just like the Waltzing Matilda?
A big perplex for the people who love their "country".
#lordkrishna uttered #gita. #arjuna regained the #power
but what happened to thy neighbor who sent his only young son to the battlefield who never got a chance to be reunited with his old parents?
is there a mention of that young boy and his parents anywhere?
do we need to remember him at all?
was he just destined for going into the pathway of #oblivion? can we get back his old reference?
or should we care at all?
the great #epic
#einstein thinking deeply in heaven...
what a great use of his thought E=mc^2 on #hiroshima and #nagasaki.
I love my country. I have done this research to serve my nation. I am a #scientist.
and a crew of the Enola Gay while coming back uttered …
"My God...what have we done..."
and the pilot of the Enola Gay, when discovered that there is not enough fuel and they are in real trouble, murmured,... "Okay... we are ready to #sacrifice our lives if this is what my country wants... I am sure my family back home will remember me for the great act of valor and bravery that I have just performed... "
and the #beatles start singing "Let it be ..."
Nobody understands the pain of a soldier except close family members and friends.
Listen to the cry of such a soldier of Ukraine...
it may sound ridiculous and frivolous here... but if we think a little deeper... we will understand the sarcasm behind this great colloquial statement among the youth of Bengal...
"baar kheye khudiram...'
In a battle between political leaders - it is always a Waltzing Matilda with a tin hat who is at the receiving end...
baar kheye Khudiram - a bit details
Khudiram was hanged by the Britishers at the age of 17.
Meaning he was fed with so much #positivity (?) that he never gave it a second thought before the supreme sacrifice for the nation.
And we - as the current citizens of #bharat have done the exact things so that the future generation will hardly remember his name...
Oh My God...