Thursday, March 20, 2025

Whoever controls the climate - controls the Universe - Geoengineering is real and devilish...

Hey, people of Universe... 

#WakeUp or else you will be treated as guinea pigs by the globalists.

Watch this documentary on GeoEngineering.

There are two main types of geoengineering:

- Solar Radiation Management (SRM) – 

Techniques aimed at reflecting sunlight to cool the Earth. Examples include:

- Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) – Spraying fine particles (like sulfur dioxide) into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight.

- Cloud Seeding – Spraying silver iodide or other substances into clouds to induce rainfall.

- Marine Cloud Brightening – Increasing cloud reflectivity by spraying sea salt into the air.

- Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) – 

Techniques to capture and store CO₂ from the atmosphere. Examples include:

- Direct Air Capture (DAC) – Using machines to pull CO₂ from the air and store it underground.

- Ocean Fertilization – Adding nutrients (like iron) to oceans to enhance algae growth, which absorbs CO₂.

China, the U.S., and Russia have actively experimented with weather modification for decades. Cloud seeding has been used in China for rain enhancement, especially before events like the 2008 Olympics. The U.S. has explored weather control for military and agricultural purposes.

The "Dim the Sun" project is a solar geoengineering, specifically Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), which aims to reduce global warming by reflecting sunlight away from Earth. A notable initiative related to this is the SCoPEx (Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment), a Harvard University project funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The idea is to release tiny reflective particles (aerosols), such as sulfur dioxide, into the stratosphere.

These particles would mimic volcanic eruptions (like Mount Pinatubo in 1991), which temporarily cooled the Earth.

The goal is to reduce solar radiation and slow down global warming.

Huh... Man is trying to act as God... here's the basic problem...

Wake up.... people of Universe, before it's too late.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Vision of a leader matters a lot - Bharat is lucky to get Modiji at the helm...

The foresightedness... the vision of a greater Bharat - the planning which started with the first foreign trip of Modiji after becoming Prime Minister of Bharat to Bhutan in the year 2014 is yielding positive results.

The visionary B2B... Bharat to Bhutan...

Joint Statement on the State Visit of Prime Minister of India to Bhutan

 March 22, 2024

Bharat and Bhutan: Together for Progress and Development

1. Over centuries, Bharat and Bhutan have enjoyed close bonds of friendship and cooperation anchored in mutual trust, goodwill and understanding. Our cultural links and common geography connect us. Strong economic and financial ties bind us. The close friendship between people of Bharat and Bhutan lies at the heart of our friendship. The relations between our two nations are an example of exceptional neighbourly ties.

2. The enduring partnership between our two nations is anchored in our common values as well as our shared cultural and spiritual heritage. Bharat for Bhutan and Bhutan for Bharat is an abiding reality of the region, nurtured by the enlightened vision of successive Druk Gyalpos of Bhutan and the political leadership in India and Bhutan.

3. We express satisfaction with the cooperation between our two countries related to our mutual security. We agree to continue with our close coordination and cooperation with each other on issues relating to our national interests.

4. Together, we will pursue a transformative partnership that advances our unique and special relations. This includes promoting connectivity in its broadest form physical connectivity through rail links, roads, air, waterways, trade infrastructure for seamless cross-border movement of goods and services, economic as well as digital connectivity.

5. Since Bhutan’s First Five Year Plan in 1961, India’s development partnership with Bhutan has been empowering the people and ensuring development across sectors and regions. Our development partnership is a confluence of India’s approach of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’ and the philosophy of Gross National Happiness in Bhutan. We will continue to expand our development partnership in line with the priorities of the people and the Government of Bhutan, and the vision of His Majesty.

6. Our energy cooperation is a visible illustration of deep economic engagement, which results in mutually beneficial outcomes. We will continue to expand our clean energy partnership in the sectors of hydropower, solar and green hydrogen and jointly develop new projects, which channel our technological prowess, vibrancy of the business sector, and skilled talent of both countries to enhance energy security in the region. In this regard, we welcome the Joint Vision Statement on India-Bhutan Energy Partnership.

7. As our nations undergo profound digital and technological transformation, our joint endeavour will be to harness technologies for rapid economic growth and promoting the well-being of the two peoples. We will intensify our engagement in niche sectors of space technology, digital public infrastructure, start-ups, Artificial Intelligence, Clean Energy, STEM research and education and digital skills development.

8. We will strengthen trade and investment linkages with each other, particularly through the private sector, including in the context of His Majesty’s vision to develop the Gelephu Special Administrative Region, which will lead to greater economic connectivity in the region in a sustainable manner, promote economic partnerships and bring the people of Bharat and Bhutan closer.

9. Excellent people-to-people relations provide the foundation for our exceptional bilateral ties. We will nurture our people to people linkages by promoting exchanges of scholars, academics, tourists, students, youth, sport persons. We will continue to nurture our spiritual and cultural affinities including through visits of people to revered cultural heritage sites in each others’ countries.

10. We recognize the imperative of accelerating our partnership in sectors which promote youth development through education, skilling, entrepreneurship, technology, sports and creative and cultural industries. The Bharat-Bhutan partnership will respond to the dreams and aspirations of our youth for a better future.

11. Bharat has entered a new chapter in its history, one which is characterised by rapid socio-economic progress and technological advancements, and striving to become a developed nation by 2047 in the Amrit Kaal. Bhutan has the vision to become a high-income nation by 2034 and is embarking on a new phase in its economic development. In the common quest for progress and prosperity, Bharat and Bhutan will continue to be the closest of friends and partners.

March 22, 2024

The more we watch the moves of Modiji, the more we will learn about true statesmanship.

Thank you, sir, for taking the onus of making Bharat The Vishwaguru - without expecting anything back from us.

I respect you.

The young leaders of Bharat must analyse to learn the vision of Modi sir - a true leader.

The greater Bharat is work in progress... it's just a matter of time...

The plunderer of Bharatmata - teach your children not how we got back Freedom... but how we lost it...

"After the Battle of Plassey “the shower of wealth fell copiously on the company and its servants, A sum of 800 thousand pounds sterling, in coined silver, was sent down to Fort William. ‘Trade revival and the signs of affluence appeared in every English house.”
Capital accumulation and Industrial Revolution in England followed capital depletion and industrial devolution in India. As Brook Adams rightly remarks “In themselves inventions are passive, many of the most important having lain dormant for centuries waiting for a sufficient store of force to have accumulated to set them working....Before the influx of the Indian treasure and the expansion of credit which followed, no force sufficient for this existed and had
Watt lived fifty years earlier, he and his invention must have perished together.” In 1841 Labouchere, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, stated “The British have utterly destroyed the manufactures of India by their manufactures. The district of Dacca, the Manchester of India, has dwindled into insignificance.”

And with the aid of this loot, Britain vanquished Napoleon and built her political supremacy in the world."

O my Hindu brothers and sisters - accumulate knowledge and become a force to reckon with.

Come ON... guys ... wake up.

Read... Read...

The Ruin that Britain Wrought...

Friday, February 28, 2025

O my Bharatmata.... the blind sheep like Hindus have done terrific injustice to our true freedom fighters - will you pardon them? The untold story of Chandrasekhar Azad...

Taken from a Twitter thread...

“O old woman, don't come here, your son was a thief-dacoit, so the Goras killed him, the Bhil standing there laughingly said to an old woman wrapped in a dirty dhoti who was collecting wood in the forest.”

No, Chandu has sacrificed his life for freedom, said the old woman proudly. The name of that elderly woman was Jagrani Devi. This mother lovingly called that son Chandu and the world freed him”. Yes, we all know him by the name of Chandrashekhar Azad.

After father's death, Azad's poor destitute old mother instead of reaching out to anyone, used to collect wood and cow-dung from the forests and kept feeding herself by selling sticks and wood. Shameful thing is that his condition continued till 2 yrs (1949) after independence.

After this, Sadashiv ji brought her with him to Jhansi, keeping his promise with Chandrashekhar Azad, but his house was very small, so he arranged for Azad's mother to stay at the house of another friend of Azad, Bhagwan Das Mahore. Managed and served them.

In March 1951, when Azad's mother Jagrani Devi died in Jhansi, Sadashiv ji himself performed her last rites. After the death of Azad's mother, the people of Jhansi built a bench in her memory at a public place in her name.

The then Congress government of the state declared this construction as an illegal and illegal work done by the people of Jhansi. But the citizens of Jhansi decided to install the statue of Chandrashekhar Azad's mother, not giving importance to that mandate of the government.

When the government came to know that the statue of Azad's mother has been prepared and many former revolutionaries including Sadashiv Rao, Rupnarayan, Bhagwan Das Mahor are going to install the statue with the help of the people of Jhansi.

So he declared the establishment of the statue of the immortal martyr Chandrashekhar Azad's Matashree as a threat to the country, society and law and order of Jhansi and banned the program of establishment and imposed curfew in the entire Jhansi city.

But the public and the revolutionaries together set out to install the statue of Azad's mother. The then government, shocked by this horrendous flying on the streets of Jhansi under its order, ordered its police to shoot Sadashiv.

But keeping the statue of Azad's mother on his head, Sadashiv, who was moving towards the back, was surrounded by the public from all sides. Then the police lathi-charged the procession. Hundreds of people were injured, dozens were crippled and some even died.

The statue of Chandrashekhar Azad's mother could not be installed. Even 5 feet of land was not found in the country for a 2-3 feet statue of that great mother for whom Azad had sacrificed his life.

If even after knowing all such untold stories of the paradox called Indian Freedom Struggles, your blood does not boil.... u better remain a blind sheep - don't project yourselves as progenies of Ram, Krishna, Arjun, Bhisma, or Rana Pratap and Shivaji...

Hey Hindus of Bharat.... please wake up...

Jai Hind...

Read ON...

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Sabkuch dikhta nahin hai - part II - Not everything is visible...


People of Bharat... It's good that Modiji and BJP survived and emerged as winner in three consecutive elections - but the threat was real. 

I have taken a cue from Mike Benz, a free internet lover.

Join the dots backward.... everything will be clear.

Starting from the limited sharing option of Whatsapp to USAID funding to various so-called mis-information companies' sudden birth in Bharat during 2019.

Sab kuch dikhta nahi hain...

Wake up.... Hindus of Bharat....

Read ON...

From Mike Benz...

Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO), a non-profit watchdog dedicated to protecting digital liberties and restoring the free and open Internet. Previously. I was in charge of the cyber and "Big Tech" portfolios for the US State Department. where I served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology. That role included formulating and negotiating US policy on cyber issues as well as in- terfacing with private industry and civil society in the Big Tech space.

Prior to this, I served as a White House speechwriter for President Trump and advised on tech matters. Before that, I served as speechwriter to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr Ben Carson and was a policy adviser on economic development. Before my roles in the public sector, I practised business law for seven years as an attorney in New York. primarily representing technology companies and financial firms.

Where were you posted and in what position when these alleged interference occurred? 

A: If you're talking about US tech platforms interfering with the free flow of political information in India. that started before my time at the State Department. In late 2018/early 2019, the US-UK foreign policy establishment began a campaign to paint Modi's political success as being the result of "misinformation" online. For instance:

BBC: Nationalism a driving force behind fake news in India, research shows (Nov 2018)

*Time: How Volunteers for India's Ruling Party Are Using WhatsApp to Fuel Fake News Ahead of Elections (January 2019) 

*Quartz: There's no stopping fake news in India when the prime minister's
of the United States. 

New York Times: India Has a Public Health Crisis. It's Called Fake News (April 2019)


"Misinformation" is a censorship predicate. When the US foreign policy establishment says a foreign country has a "misinformation crisis," that is a cue to US tech companies to work with entities like the State Department's Global Engagement Center or cut-out think tanks like the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensics Research Lab or counter misinformation USAID fundees to censor the "mis information" in that foreign country.

Q: What was the modus operand that was put in play?

They censored chat apps like WhatsApp because Modi supporters were spreading pro-Modi messages there.

Poynter Institute: Inside WhatsApp's battle against misinformation in India (Dee 2018)

BBC: Whats App blocks two million Indian accounts (July 2021)

The US foreign policy establishment leaned on Facebook, which owns WhatsApp, very heavily to limit the amount of WhatsApp messages that could be shared, which would therefore limit the amount of pro-Modi content that could circulate in India (Modi supporters dispro- portionately shared con- tent on WhatsApp).

Like here, you can see in January 2019 WhatsApp started limiting sharing in India explicitly to stop Modi's misinformation" sharing

CNN: WhatsApp tightens limit on the number of people you can share messages with (Jan 2019)

When I was at the State Department. I saw all these same think tanks like the "Atlantic Council" were inundating me and my policy peers with recommendations to promote censoring "misinformation" abroad in so-called "nationalist or "authoritarian" governments. Modi's name was always circulated in lists that hit my inbox of places where US tech companies should be more aggressively engaged in "content moderation" (meaning censorship).

Which tech companies were involved in this? And why were they doing it? 

Facebook, WhatsApp. YouTube, Twitter, and probably others, but I do not want to speculate beyond that.

Q: Were the US government agencies, including the State Department, aware of this interference to defeat BJP and Modi?

A: That was not my direct portfolio, so I cannot answer that. It would be surprising to me if the State Department's Global Engagement Center was not talking to and placing pressure on US tech company liaisons to fa cilitate censorship of Modi BJP in India. The State Department keeps close tabs on social media influence of political parties and when they are hostile to a foreign leader, they tend to let US tech companies know early and often.

Q During that time, President Trump, who had an excellent equation with Prime Minister Modi, was in power. So bow do you explain this dichotomy? Was the State Department and other agencies working inde- pendently against their boss (Trump)?

A: Yes. Trump had very little influence over the rank-and-file of the State Department. There were many pockets of rogue factions that simply never accepted Trump's foreign policy and did not even pretend to 
accept Trump was their boss. 

Q: Did you come across any evidence that suggests other India-based political entities were coordinating with these tech companies in order to impact BJP's and Modi's poll campaign?

Not directly, it wasn't my direct portfolio. But I'm sure you can look up all the little counter-misin- formation companies that popped up in India and see to what extent they got State Department or USAID funding.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

It's Light that matters - Light.... My light... Happy Republic Day...

Happy Republic Day to all of you.
This morning my heart is singing this song...

The English translation :

Light, my light, the world-filling light, the eye-kissing light, heart-sweetening light!
Ah, the light dances, my darling, at the centre of my life; the light strikes, my darling, the chords of my love; the sky opens, the wind runs wild, laughter passes over the earth.
The butterflies spread their sails on the sea of light. Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light. 
The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling, and it scatters gems in profusion.
Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf, my darling, and gladness without measure. The heaven's river has drowned its banks and the flood of joy is abroad.


lead me from untruth to truth...
lead me from darkness to light...
lead me from mortality to immortality...

Light symbolizes wisdom while darkness symbolizes ignorance — a profound metaphor that has resonated through ages, encapsulating the human experience of seeking understanding amidst the unknown.


Bestow light to the unsighted,
Endow life to the dead.
Tender a drop of mercy, O' Gracious.
Rock-hard is my arid heart -
Soak my parched eyes with flowing love.
Send your hearty call to him
Who doesn't call you,
Protect him intimately
Who looks away from you.
He who roams thirsty
On the banks of your ocean of nectar -
Sooth him with your flow of affection,
Help him drink the divine potion.
That I had obtained you,
That I had lost you, unwittingly,
That I fell asleep
To rise and find all plunged in the dark.
Whom do I exchange my estrangement,
Who would console me,
Years passed quietly looking for love -
Unveil yourself, O' do it,
My sobbing heart is down.

And here's my wife's poem...

अंधेरा - उजाला

अंधेरे और उजाले के बीच युद्ध छिड़ी।
कौन है श्रेष्ठ की तर्क भिड़ी।
अंधेरा बोला अहंकार से
मैं आऊं तो सबको लुप्त कर जाऊं।
मेरे समक्ष किसी की क्या पहचान!
न उम्र की भेद करूं मैं न जात की,
न देश की न धान्य की।
सबको अपने रंग में रंग देता हूं 
पक्षपाती नहीं हूं मैं। 
उजाला शांत न रह सका‌ दहाड़ कर बोला,
अरे मूर्ख! यह सोचा कभी तूने
कि अज्ञानता, पाप, क्रोध, द्वेष भी हैं तेरे रंग के?
मैं प्रतीक हूं ज्ञान का, सत्य का, जीवन का।
नहीं रंगता मैं दूसरों को अपने रंग में,
वरन् सबका सही रंग दिखलाता हूं।
अपनी चादर ओढ़ सबको भ्रमित न कर
मैं सबकुछ स्पष्ट दिखलाता हूं।
किंतु यह भी सत्य है कि तुम अगर ना होते 
तो सब मेरा महत्व भी न समझते।

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Having an uncluttered mind is an essential leadership quality...

Having an uncluttered mind in whatever we do - be it identifying the enemies of our nation to performing daily chores - is an essential leadership quality. We, the Hindus of Bharat have suffered maximum for not having it abundantly. 

Our history was distorted, our Dharma had been villainized, in both the world wars, we, as a community were butchered like lambs, a not-so-great person was made our father of the nation - but what we did - we kept silent.

You know....

Silence = Complicity ...

We have not learned our lessons.

I have tremendous respects for Putin sir for having an uncluttered mind about Right and Wrong...

Read... o my Hindus of Bharat... Read...

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, passed away on August 30, 2022. While he was widely recognized internationally for his role in ending the Cold War and implementing reforms like glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring), his legacy in Russia is more controversial.

Vladimir Putin did not grant Gorbachev a full state funeral, which is typically reserved for figures of significant national importance. Instead, Gorbachev was given a farewell ceremony at Moscow's House of the Unions and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery beside his wife, Raisa. Putin did not attend the funeral, citing scheduling conflicts.

This decision was likely influenced by Gorbachev's divisive reputation within Russia. Many Russians associate him with the collapse of the Soviet Union, which some view as a period of national humiliation and economic hardship. Meanwhile, Putin has often expressed regret about the Soviet Union's dissolution, calling it a "major geopolitical catastrophe."

This was how Putin sir's Russia treated Gorbachev sir - a puppet of the Western world.

Now juxtapose this kind of behaviour of Putin sir with the current leadership of Bharat in the context of how we have been acting as wilfully blind people to treat Gandhi ji.

And I am not exaggerating - watch the video of 15th August 2022, when our beloved Modiji paid tributes to Gandhiji and I am also sure that he knows the Truth of our current Father of the Nation... 

The historical blunder of Bharat must be corrected if we want to be recognised as a nation of Lions and not a herd of blind sheep...

Jai Hind...