Thursday, June 27, 2024

My search for #WhoAmI continues...

My journey of knowing #WhoAmI continues...

Knowing thyself is knowing God...

Everybody in this Universe is sent with a specific purpose - but the irony is that nobody will be able to tell you - what is your purpose. It has to be discovered through various ways by yourself.

Self reflection and introspection is the need of the hour in this so-called modern busy society...

Everybody is running behind something.

But what is that something?

Nobody knows.

Slowing down in the journey of life is important. Once the muddy water settles down - you will be able to see your reflection absolutely clearly.

So.... here we go...

Enjoy my morning vibe today.


মহারাজ, একি সাজে এলে হৃদয়পুরমাঝে!
  চরণতলে কোটি শশী সূর্য মরে লাজে ॥
গর্ব সব টুটিয়া   মূর্ছি পড়ে লুটিয়া,
সকল মম দেহ মন বীণাসম বাজে ॥
  একি পুলকবেদনা বহিছে মধুবায়ে!
  কাননে যত পুষ্প ছিল মিলিল তব পায়ে।
          পলক নাহি নয়নে,  হেরি না কিছু ভুবনে--
          নিরখি শুধু অন্তরে সুন্দর বিরাজে ॥

English Translation...

O lord, you step in to my heart with such splendor!
Million moons adorn your holy feet, sun falls pale, such is your glory
As my ego and pride crumbles to the ground to make way for you,
My mind, body and soul pulsates like the Veena string
The spring breeze brings with it such ecstasy,
My newly enlightened mind blossoms at your feet
As I observe your grace within me,
I turn blind to the worldly pleasures.

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