Saturday, December 21, 2024

Gratitude - thank you God for bringing me in this universe - my search for WhoAmI continues...

The English translation of the song...

My heart sings at the wonder of my place
In this world of light and life;
At the feel in my pulse of the rhythm of creation
Cadenced by the swing of the endless time.
I feel the tenderness of the grass in my forest walk,
The wayside flowers startle me:
That the gifts of the infinite are strewn in the dust
Wakens my song in wonder.
I have seen, have heard, have lived;
In the depth of the known have felt
The truth that exceeds all knowledge
Which fills my heart with wonder and I sing.

Monday, December 2, 2024

At last - The sleeping giant is waking up - the decolonisation of bureaucracy in Bharat is an essential part of broader reforms...

At last we are experiencing the rebirth of a modern Bharat - unshackled from the colonised mindset. In recent time, the present government's effort in including Gita as the basis of retraining the brown sahibs in the government should be welcomed by everyone who wholeheartedly wants to see Bharat reclaiming her true position on the New World Order - as the Vishwaguru Bharat.

Taking inspiration from ancient Bharatiya textbook like Gita for retraining the government babus is the correct shift towards making Bharat an original Bharat - not a copy of the western world.

Remember, a copy cat cannot become glorious - its just a copy... Originality matters...

In this context, I would like to suggest of making Sanskrit as the national language of Bharat - it will solve many problems at once - the new Bharat will stand on the strong shoulders of unity through unison. This one language will be able to stitch different parts of Bharat in an unified nation - where harmony at different parts will propel better growth - the unity in Oneness...

We must not forget that the residues of our colonial masters is still very much active in the form of bureaucracy. The Britisher created the Indian Civil service to control the native Indians - which grew upon a single policy of suck the people at the top and f*ck the people of the bottom. The real freedom fighters were sidelined by the brown sahibs in the 'free' Bharat. We should have rejected it many years ago... but alas!!! this was even encouraged by a colonial system fuelled by the sycophants of Bharat. 

For the Humans of Bharat - please wake up from the slumber - you have been in the servile mode for many years - now please reclaim your position in the New World Order - as citizens of Vishwaguru Bharat.

This is why we must elect responsible multi dimensional government.

Remember, if we elect a clown, we will experience nothing but circus...

Bharat has many thousands of years of collective wisdom.... Only drawback of our Hindu society is that the river of our ancient civilisation is being polluted by external enemies and we have been purposefully made to believe that we don't have a rich past - by none other than Macaulay - the agent of the Britisher...

It's time for us to wake up and awaken others.

I hereby suggest the human resource body of Government of Bharat to take a cue from Kautilya's Arthashastra as well along with philosophy and knowledge from Gita.

Read.... Read... O my Hindus of Bharat...

Please.... wake up and awaken other Hindus...

Read... Read... the following text is from Kautylya's Arthashastra...

प्रजासुखे सुखं राज्ञः प्रजानां तु हिते हितम् ।
नात्मप्रियं हितं राज्ञः प्रजानां तु प्रियं हितम् ॥

PrajaasukhE sukham raagyaha prajaanaam cha hitE hitam
naatma priyam hitam raagyaha prajaanaam tu priyam hitam.

प्रजासुखे सुखं राज्ञः प्रजानां च हिते हितम्।
नात्मप्रियम् हितम् राज्ञः प्रजानां तु प्रियम् हितम्।।

प्रजा के सुख में राजा का सुख निहित है, प्रजा के हित में ही उसे अपना हित दिखना चाहिए । जो स्वयं को प्रिय लगे उसमें राजा का हित नहीं है, उसका हित तो प्रजा को जो प्रिय लगे उसमें है ।

In the happiness of the people lies the Ruler’s happiness
Their welfare is his welfare
What pleases him, the Ruler shall not consider good
but whatever pleases his people, the Ruler shall consider good.

Here we go...

Wake up... The Hindus of Bharat... open your eyes and feel proud of your Hindu ancestors...

And here we go... my wife Reema reciting her own poem - Swadharm...

We all are duty bound to Bhagwan for doing good to humanity...

Jai Hind...

Monday, November 11, 2024

The Clarion Call for the Hindus of Bharat - Wakeup....

"Hindu society is the only significant society in the world today which presents a continuity of cultural existence and functioning since times immemorial.

Most other societies known to human history-East and West, North and South-have suffered a sudden interruption and undergone a traumatic transformation due to the invasion and victory of
latter-day ideologies-Christianity, Islam, and Communism. The pre-Christian, pre-Islamic and pre-Communist cultural creations of these societies are now to be met only in libraries and museums,
thanks to the labours of antiquarian scholars.

Hindu culture can meet the same frightful fate if there were no Hindu society to sustain it. This is the point which is not always remembered even by those who take pride in Hindu culture.

There are many Hindus who cherish the great spiritual traditions of Hinduism and its scriptures like the Gitaand the Upanishads in which that tradition is enshrined. But they do not cherish with an
equal enthusiasm the Hindu society which has honoured and preserved these traditions and scriptures down the ages.

Again, there are many Hindus who proclaim with great confidence that Sanãtana Dharma that is Hinduism can never die. This is true in a sense. There will always be individuals in non-Hindu
societies who will recover the mystique of Sanãtana Dharma through their efforts at self-discovery.

But Sanãtana Dharma will surely suffer an eclipse and no more inform mankind at large with its message, if there is no Hindu society to sustain it.

Lastly, there are many Hindus who are legitimately proud of Hindu art, architecture, sculpture, music, painting, dance, drama, literature, linguistics, lexicography, and so on. But they seldom take
into account the fact that this great wealth of artistic, literary and scientific heritage, will die if Hindu society which created it is no more there to preserve, protect and perpetuate it."


Here we go...

Interesting observation by a hard-core Hindu, Gaurav Pradhan...

Who is HINDUS biggest enemy? Is it Muslims or Soros Cabal?

Let's understand

The one who arrested Advani ji during Rathyatra for Ram Mandir : Was a Hindu 

The one who fought the case against Ram Mandir: Was a Hindu

The one who ordered firing on Ram Bhakts : was a Hindu

The one who filed an affidavit to claim Prabhu Ram doesn't exist: Was a Hindu

Those who approached SC to stop surveys in lands occupied by Muslims : Are Hindu

Those who ordered them to do so : Are Hindus

The one who engineered fall of ABV govt : Was a virat Hindu

The one who went to pakistan and asked to overthrow Modi Govt : was a Hindu

The one collaborated with Dawood for 1993 Mumbai blast : was a Hindu

The one who spoke of Hindu terror : was a Hindu

Who keep advising Modi ji all the time : Hindu

Who want 370 back in valley : Hindu

Who decided to teach a lesson to Modi in LS2024 : Hindu

This is just a partial list of key events. Now show me where is a Muslim here?

Hindus are the biggest enemies of Hindus. 

They can go to any extent just to prove themselves secular and gain validation from the other side.

They'll always pick outsiders over their own brothers.

Our real and most dangerous enemies are such Hindus because they are among us.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Ahimsa Paramo Dharmo - the Half Truth - a perspective from Lala Lajpat Rai...


My Hindu brothers and sisters.... 
It's time for you to wake up and kiss the Truth.
All through these years you have been badly brainwashed and cajoled by a fad called Ahimsa of Gandhiji...
Please open your eyes...
Let's take a pledge that from now onwards we will accept and disseminate only TRUTH and nothing else.

Enjoy the poem about Hinduism written and recited by my wife Reema...

It's time for my Bharatwasi to know the Real History - not through the coloured glasses of some leftist historians...

Come ON... guys...

Wake up...

" There is no religion higher than neither truth, nor a course of conduct nobler than Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah. Rightly understood and rightly applied to life, the latter makes a man a saint and a hero. Misunderstood and misapplied, it makes a man cowardly and craven, base and stupid. There was a time when the Indians understood it rightly and made only the proper use of it and they were a race of truthful, noble and brave people. Then came a time when some good people, thoroughly well-intentioned and otherwise saintly, made a fad of it, placed it not only at the top of all other virtues, but made it the sole test of a good life. They overdid it not only in their own lives but converted it into a supreme national virtue at the cost of everything else.

All other virtues which ennoble men and nations were thrown into the background and subordinated to this, according to them, the supreme test of goodness, courage, bravery, heroism, all lapsed. Honour and self-respect were thrown into the shade. Patriotism, love of country, love of family, honour of the race was all extinguished. It was this perverted use or misuse of ahimsa (non-killing), or its exaggerated importance at the cost of everything else, that brought about the social, political and moral downfall of the Hindus. They forgot that manliness was as good a virtue as ahimsa. In fact the former was in no way inconsistent with the latter, if rightly applied. They overlooked the fact that individual as well as national interests made it incumbent that the weak should be protected against the strong, and that the aggressor and the usurper, the thief and the scoundrel, the lustful villain and the infamous violator of women’s chastity, the ruffian and the cheat, should be prevented from inflicting injustice and doing harm. They ignored the fact that humanity required that the fear of righteous indignation and of the consequences that flow there from, should deter the soul of the evilly disposed people from harming innocence, violating purity and depriving others of their just rights. They failed to realize the importance and the sublimity of the truth that whosoever allows or tolerates forceful dominance of evil or tyranny and oppression, in a way abets and encourages it and is partly responsible for the prosperity and strength of the evil-doer. Ahimsa overdone and misapplied is a gangrene that poisons the system, enervates the faculties and converts men and women into half-lunatic, hysterical, and unnerved creatures, good for nothing that requires the energetic pursuits of noble ends and noble virtues. It converts men into monomaniacs and cowards.

The founders of the Jain religion were saintly people, pledged to a life of self-abnegation and self-mortification. Their followers, the Jain sadhus, are amongst the most saintly people who have achieved the greatest possible success in killing passions and subduing desires both of the senses and the mind. The Tolstoyian ahimsa has been known and practiced in India for three thousand years. There is no country on the face of the globe which contains so many and such profound ahimsaists as India does and which she has been having for centuries. Yet there is no country on the face of the globe which is so downtrodden, so bereft of manly virtues, as India of today is or as India of the last fifteen hundred years has been. Some people may say that it was not the practice of ahimsa that brought about this fall but the desertion of other virtues. I am, however, inclined to insist that the perversion of this truth was at least one of those causes that resulted in India’s forsaking the path of honour, manliness and virtue. The worst is that people, who profess an absolute faith in the doctrine, prove by their own practice that a perverted use of such a truth necessarily leads to a life of hypocrisy, unmanliness and cruelty.

I was born in a Jain family. My grandfather had an all-covering faith in ahimsa. He would rather be bitten by a snake than kill it. He would not harm even a vermin. He spent hours in religious exercise. To all appearances, he was a very virtuous person, who held a high position in his fraternity and commanded great respect. One of his brothers was a sadhu, a high priest who was an exalted leader of his order. This last-named gentleman was one of the “noblest” types of ascetics I have ever met with in my life. He lived up to his principles and excelled in the mortification of the flesh and in keeping down his passions and desires. Yet according to the best standards of ethics, his life was barren and unnatural. I loved and respected him, but I could not follow his creed, nor did he ever show any anxiety to make me do it. His brother, however, i.e., my own grandfather, was a different sort of person. He believed in ahimsa, that perverted ahimsa which forbids the taking of any life under any circumstances whatsoever, but he considered all kinds of trickeries in his trade and profession as not only valid but good. They were permissible according to the ethics of his business. I have known many persons of that faith who would deprive the minor and the widow of their last morsel of food in dealings with them but who would spend thousands in saving lice or birds or other animals standing in danger of being killed. I do not mean to say that the Jains of India are in any way more immoral than the rest of the Hindus or that ahimsa leads to immorality of that kind. Far be it from me to make such an unfounded insinuation. In their own way the Jains are great community, charitable, hospitable, and intelligent and shrewd men of business. So are some of the other communities 0among the Hindus.

What I mean is that the practice of ahimsa in its extreme form has in no way made them better than or morally superior to the other communities. In fact, they are the people who pre-eminently suffer from hooliganism and other manifestations of force, because they are more helpless than others, on account of their inherited fear and dislike of force. They cannot defend themselves, or the honour of those dear and near to them. Europe is the modern incarnation of the divine right of force. It is good for Europe to have given birth to a Tolstoy. But the case of India is different. In India we do not advocate force and violence for purposes of oppression or usurpation or aggression. India, I trust, will never come to that. But we cannot afford to be taught that it is sinful to use legitimate force for purposes of self-defence or for the protection of our honour and the honour of our wives, sisters, daughters and mothers. Such a teaching is unnatural and pernicious. We condemn illegal or unlawful force in the attainment of a lawful object, but we cannot afford to sit silent when a great and a respected man tells our young men that we can only “guard the honour of those who are under our charge by delivering ourselves into the hands of the men who would commit the sacrilege” and that this requires “far great physical and mental courage than delivering blows”. Suppose a ruffian assaults our daughter. Mr. Gandhi says that according to his conception of ahimsa, the only way to protect the honour of our daughter is to stand between her and her assailant. But what becomes of the daughter if her assailant fells us and then completes his diabolical intention? According to Mr. Gandhi, it requires greater mental and physical courage to stand still and let him do his worst than to try to stop him by matching our force against his. With great respect for Mr. Gandhi, this has no meaning. I have the greatest respect for the personality of Mr. Gandhi. He is one of those persons whom idolizes. I do not doubt his sincerity.

I do not question his motives. But I consider it my duty to raise an emphatic protest against the pernicious doctrine he is reported to have propounded. Even a Gandhi should not be allowed to poison the minds of Young India on this subject. No one should be at liberty to pollute the fountains of national vitality. Not even Buddha, much less Christ, even preached that. I do not know if even the Jains would go to that length. Why! Honourable life would be impossible under such conditions. A man who has such a faith cannot consistently resist anyone acting as he likes. Why did Mr. Gandhi then injure the feelings of the white men of South Africa by raising the standard of revolt against their cherished policy of excluding the Indians from that country? To be logical he should have left the country bag and baggage and advised his countrymen to do the same as soon as the South Africans expressed a wish to exclude them. Why, under such circumstances, any resistance would be himsa. After all physical himsa is only a development of mental himsa. If it is a sin to contemplate the wresting of a thief or a robber or any enemy, of course, it is a greater sin to resist him by force. The thing is so absurd on the face of it, that I feel inclined to doubt the accuracy of the report of Mr. Gandhi’s speech. But the Press has been freely commenting on the speech and Mr. Gandhi issued no disclaimer. In any case I feel that I cannot sit silent and let this doctrine go as an unquestioned sublime truth to be followed by Young India, so long as the speech remains uncontradicted or unexplained Mr. Gandhi wants to create a world of imaginary perfection. Of course he is free to do it, as he is free to ask others to do it. But in the same way I consider it my duty to point out his error."

My Hindu brothers and sisters.... remember you are the pro genies of great warriors like LordRama, LordKrishna, Arjuna, Bheem, Abhimunya, Rana Prataap, Shivaji, Netaji, Bhimsa and many other bravehearts, warriors and stalwarts...

Don't loose your own perspective polluted by our spineless people...
It's time for you to wake up...

Here goes my global perspective of Ahimsa...

Read... Read...

Now... humans of Bharat... try to join the dots...

Lala Lajpat Rai died as a result of injuries sustained during a lathi (baton) charge ordered by the British police. This incident occurred on October 30, 1928, during a peaceful protest in Lahore against the Simon Commission.

Do you think it was accidental? No... it was a cold blooded murder as he saw through the smog of Ahimsa of Gandhiji.

Wake up...

No more wilful blindness...

Open your eyes and feel the strength of your forefathers...

Come ON.... guys...

My perspective.... here we go...

Now my dear Bharatwasi... create an uncluttered mind about who is youur enemy - believe in your strength - the way we have worshipped powerful God and Goddess like Maakaali, Maa Durga, Maa Chandi and many others...

Who will you follow - Gita or ahimsa of Gandhiji...

My Hindu brothers and sisters.... wake up - enough servility - now please pick up your Gandib like Arjuna did in the dreaded battlefield of Kurukshetra...

Read.... o my Hindus of Bharat.... read.... read.... open your eyes...

शक्ति और क्षमा

क्षमा, दया, तप, त्याग, मनोबल
सबका लिया सहारा,
पर नर-व्याघ्र सुयोधन तुमसे
कहो, कहाँ, कब हारा?

क्षमाशील हो रिपु-समक्ष
तुम हुये विनत जितना ही,
दुष्ट कौरवों ने तुमको
कायर समझा उतना ही।

अत्याचार सहन करने का
कुफल यही होता है
पौरुष का आतंक मनुज
कोमल होकर खोता है।

क्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को
जिसके पास गरल हो
उसको क्या जो दंतहीन
विषरहित, विनीत, सरल हो।

तीन दिवस तक पंथ मांगते
रघुपति सिन्धु किनारे,
बैठे पढ़ते रहे छन्द
अनुनय के प्यारे-प्यारे।

उत्तर में जब एक नाद भी
उठा नहीं सागर से
उठी अधीर धधक पौरुष की
आग राम के शर से।

सिन्धु देह धर “त्राहि-त्राहि”
करता आ गिरा शरण में
चरण पूज दासता ग्रहण की
बँधा मूढ़ बन्धन में।

सच पूछो, तो शर में ही
बसती है दीप्ति विनय की
सन्धि-वचन संपूज्य उसी का
जिसमें शक्ति विजय की।

सहनशीलता, क्षमा, दया को
तभी पूजता जग है,
बल का दर्प चमकता उसके
पीछे जब जगमग है।

∼ रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

IITians are refusing to join ISRO - the role of schools to instil the sense of patriotism - the role of parenthood...

ISRO is finding it difficult to recruit IITians. According to the chairman of ISRO, Somanath, 60% of the IITians opt out from ISRO recruitment drive because of the low salary structure, 

It has forced me to think if we should overhaul our education system in Bharat. I feel sorry to say that our schools have been completely captured by the Christian missionaries. In this age of consumerism, the role of schools to build the character of the young children is of utmost importance.

The role of parents is also very important in this matter. We have to break free from the mindset that the goal of life is just earning enough money and living a lavish life.

We must instill a deep sense of patriotism right inside the minds of our young children if we want to recreate Bharat. And this is only possible by teaching them the right history - not the falsified history written by some leftist historians. 

Not only this, we must unite Bharat and for that, a common language is must... It's high time we make Sanskrit the national language...

Let's discard Unity in diversity and welcome Unity in Unison... 

and let Sanskrit be that unifying thread across Bharat...

Let there be harmony among us.... in a true sense...

Let our body, mind and senses be in synchronicity with the purpose of nation building... 

Let's feel a sense of pride as a Bhartiya scientist serving our motherland...

Life is not just salary and job... It has a bigger purpose. Everyone in this universe is sent with a purpose. But one has to find out that purpose on his own - and i am sure that purpose can never be just doing a job and spending the whole life as wage-slaves.

The lofty ambition to serve the nation must be instilled in the minds of the children of Bharat. 

Come ON.... guys...

At the end of our lives, we must ask ourselves...

Not what the nation has done to us... but what we have done for the nation...

Wake up - the Hindus of Bharat and capture...

Reclaiming whoweare...

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Cancer Train of Punjab.... Humans of Bharat.... please wake up.... or else....

Green revolution!!! right?


The same thing will happen if we don't stop pushing EV right now...The battery wastage will pollute the ground water beyond repair.

Wake up...

Humans of Bharat...

The term "Cancer Train" of Punjab refers to a tragic phenomenon where a significant number of cancer patients from the Malwa region of Punjab, India, travel to the city of Bikaner in Rajasthan for treatment. This region has witnessed unusually high cancer rates, often attributed to pesticide exposure, poor water quality, and environmental pollution from agricultural practices.

Pesticide Usage: 

Punjab’s agricultural landscape is characterised by extensive use of pesticides, which has had severe health impacts. Over the decades, the Green Revolution, which introduced high-yield crops along with fertilisers and pesticides, led to soil and water contamination. Residents of the Malwa region, known as the "cotton belt" of Punjab, are particularly affected due to intensive cotton cultivation, which involves high pesticide use .

Train from Bathinda to Bikaner: 

Many cancer patients travel on the train from Bathinda (a city in the Malwa region) to Bikaner, where the Acharya Tulsi Regional Cancer Treatment and Research Institute offers affordable cancer treatment. This train, sometimes called the “Cancer Train” or “Cancer Express,” has become symbolic of the region’s health crisis.

Water Contamination: 

The groundwater in many areas of Malwa is reported to contain high levels of toxins, including heavy metals, pesticides, and uranium. This contamination, combined with air pollution from burning crop residues, has been linked to the increasing cancer rates.

Here's the nemo of the society is just doing his duty to awaken the people of Bharat.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The modern day H1B visa holders - are there any similarities between Indian Indentured Laborers of the British empire and H1B holders......

The comparison between Indian indentured laborers of the 19th and early 20th centuries and modern-day H-1B visa holders in the United States is complex, as these two groups operate under very different historical, economic, and social conditions. However, there are parallels as well as critical distinctions.

Here are some details of indentured labors from Bharat...


The term "Girmit" is derived from the word "agreement" and refers to the system of indentured labor under which Indian workers were recruited to work on plantations and other industries in British colonies during the 19th and early 20th centuries. These workers, known as "Girmityas", were primarily sent to places like Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, South Africa, and other parts of the British Empire to fill the labor shortage after the abolition of slavery.

Girmit... ‘A document to deceive innocent people into slavery’
What made the indenture contract, often called ‘girmit’, so dangerous for the indentured?

The modern day H1B holders... do you understand it when you are forced to sign a bond agreement before your visa sponsoring company send you to USA? Girmit in the modern context...
the tradition is still going on...

Wake up... please.... the time is NOW...

The ‘girmit’ had the imprints of desperate people who had left due to dire situations back home. They were told they’d get food, lodging and medical facilities. They were also told that they’d get passage back to their countries after service for two to three years. But the contract didn’t say all this. They were never told they’d have to cultivate sugar, which they weren’t used to. No medical facilities or lodging was provided to the indentured, just some basic breakfast and dinner. The British used to say that ‘girmit’ distinguished slavery and indenture. But it was a document to deceive innocent people into slavery. It was a farce. Sometimes it was written in French, but usually in English. The people putting their thumb marks knew neither. In reality, the period of indenture would be 10 years, during which the indentured would be tied to the plantations in the Caribbean, Mauritius or Fiji. Even when they somehow got time off, they weren’t allowed to leave the plantation and were escorted throughout. In Fiji, they tried to put the indentured people and the slaves against each other. The browns were kept away from the
blacks, in an apartheid-esque system. They weren’t allowed to interact or intermarry and their children couldn’t go to the same schools. It was the typical British policy of divide and rule,
involving partitioning land and people.

The British had tried to get the Chinese, too. 

The British had a misconception that Indians were meek and docile people, good at taking orders and asking no questions. They also believed that the Chinese were undisciplined opium addicts who weren’t hardworking. All this is documented.

In Mauritius, a tiny community of Chinese was recruited in the early stages of indenture and then stopped. Because the Chinese refused to go. But the Indians continued to go because of their dire economic circumstances and possibly to save money for their families back home. Plus, many of them died on the plantations, too. The British initially took only men. But later they changed it by having 60 women for every 40 men. Women weren’t willing to go in such numbers, and that’s when the kidnapping spree began.

So what was the general experience of the indentured like on the long voyages that took them from India to other British colonies?

It was a horrible experience. Many died on the way, often by contracting cholera. If you fell ill, there was a chance you’d be thrown overboard. The food that was given was inadequate. It was
canned food, the kind Indians weren’t used to. Plus, the spaces were small and tight and the conditions were unsanitary. However, as a result of their struggle, the indentured people also formed bonds on board. Caste, food and other barriers were cast aside as the survivors became each other’s jahaji bhais and jahaji behens.

Wake up... The Hindus of Bharat...

Open your eyes.... enough servility.... enough slavery...

Watch the following video... It's about Indian Indentured Laborers...

And now... read from an H1B holder (taken from Quora) - the feelings of a guest worker in USA...

Read.... Read...

1. Do not get used to American way of life or American attitude to life. You do not belong to their country, you are just a guest worker. Remember this every month, you will feel a little less bad if they ask you to leave.

2. That said, do not go super-cheap. Live a little.

3. Also, you are a guest worker. The word “guest” is as important as “worker”. Do not do things you would not expect guests to do.


5. Be aware of the laws that are designed to protect you. Be aware of the laws that were designed so that opportunist lawyers can sue employers. Just in case.

6. Related to #5, keep backup of all employer/client communications somewhere in the cloud. I have managed to avoid two different threats by citing old communication that could bring very unwelcome attention from department of labor (I never had to spell it explicitly to them).

7. Be ready to change your job. Just because you have fallen in love with your employer, your employer would not stop considering you a cost-center worthy of optimization. You, the foreigner exist in their office because their perfect business process operate in an imperfect world. Folks with MBA degree spend more money in figuring out ways to fire you than they spend in paying you and running your payroll. Why? It is a great mystery to me, even after 12 years.

8.Do not fall in love. In fact, if H1B is your target, finish the fall-in-love business in your home country. Doing courtship while staying on H1B is a nasty way to live your life. It also costs way too much. Also, do not fall in love with US citizen of any race. Divorce would be nasty and expensive. Have seen friends go through it.

9. Keep your skills updated. And keep hopping job. Demanding stability is a human thing but it is not for you, dear H1B holder. Better make peace with that.

10. Always look for cash (not stock options, chance of deportation is exceedingly higher when stock market goes down), negotiate well and never sacrifice more money in search for better title or promise for a faster green card processing. Not worth it.

11. If #1-#10 look cynical, adjust your mindset...

The grass on the other side always seems to be greener...

So.... please wake up...

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Olympic 2024 - reading between the lines - just symbolism?


"And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunderOne of the four beasts saying,'Come and see.' and I saw, and behold a white horse"
There's a man goin' 'round takin' namesAnd he decides who to free and who to blameEverybody won't be treated all the sameThere'll be a golden ladder reachin' downWhen the man comes around
The hairs on your arm will stand upAt the terror in each sip and in each supWill you partake of that last offered cupOr disappear into the potter's ground?When the man comes around
Hear the trumpets hear the pipersOne hundred million angels singin'Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettledrumVoices callin', voices cryin'Some are born and some are dyin'It's alpha and omega's kingdom comeAnd the whirlwind is in the thorn treeThe virgins are all trimming their wicksThe whirlwind is in the thorn treeIt's hard for thee to kick against the pricks
Till armageddon no shalam, no shalomThen the father hen will call his chickens homeThe wise man will bow down before the throneAnd at his feet they'll cast their golden crownsWhen the man comes around
Whoever is unjust let him be unjust stillWhoever is righteous let him be righteous stillWhoever is filthy let him be filthy stillListen to the words long written downWhen the man comes around
Hear the trumpets hear the pipersOne hundred million angels singin'Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettledrumVoices callin', voices cryin'Some are born and some are dyin'It's alpha and omega's kingdom comeAnd the whirlwind is in the thorn treeThe virgins are all trimming their wicksThe whirlwind is in the thorn treesIt's hard for thee to kick against the prickIn measured hundredweight and penny poundWhen the man comes around
"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beastsAnd I looked, and behold a pale horseAnd his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed with him"

Is there any message hidden at France Olympics?

The following text has been taken from ChatGPT.

Johnny Cash's song "The Man Comes Around" is a powerful and reflective piece with deep spiritual and apocalyptic themes. The song, which is one of Cash's later works, delves into the concepts of judgment and redemption, drawing heavily from Christian eschatology and the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

Key Themes and Meaning

  1. Biblical References:

    • The song is filled with imagery and references from the Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament that describes the end times and the second coming of Christ. For instance, the song opens with a spoken word segment quoting Revelation 6:1-2 about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
  2. Judgment Day:

    • The central theme of the song is Judgement Day, when "the man" (interpreted as Jesus Christ or an angel of God) comes to judge the living and the dead. It speaks to the inevitability of this day and the ultimate accountability of all souls.
  3. Universal Reach:

    • Cash's lyrics suggest that no one is exempt from this judgement, touching on the universal nature of this event. Lines such as "There'll be a golden ladder reaching down" and "The hairs on your arm will stand up" evoke the awe and fear associated with the divine judgement.
  4. Reflection on Mortality:

    • The song also serves as a reflection on mortality and the moral state of humanity. Cash's delivery, imbued with his own experiences and gravitas, adds a layer of personal contemplation about life, death, and what lies beyond.
  5. Symbolism of the Horsemen:

    • The Four Horsemen mentioned in the song symbolize conquest, war, famine, and death, representing the various trials and tribulations that accompany the end times. Cash uses these symbols to paint a vivid picture of the apocalyptic vision.

Impact and Reception

  • Personal Significance:

    • For Cash, this song was particularly significant as it was written during a period of his life when he was grappling with health issues and reflecting deeply on his own faith and mortality.
  • Cultural Impact:

    • The song has been widely acclaimed for its haunting melody and profound lyrics. It resonates with listeners for its raw emotional power and the weighty themes it addresses.
  • Musical Style:

    • "The Man Comes Around" blends elements of country, folk, and gospel, staying true to Cash's roots while also delivering a message with universal appeal.

Friday, July 26, 2024

My dual role - as a father and a computer science teacher of my son...

It's raining cats and dogs at Purulia.

Great atmosphere.

I am of the opinion that the lifestyle quality at rural places of Bharat is much better than that of a congested city.

While enjoying the rain through the window with a cup of tea I feel happy and satisfied - as a computer science teacher of my son - while watching him picking up new areas of computer science absolutely on his own.

I am happy to announce that my son, Ridit has mastered the 3D modelling software called Blender absolutely on his own.

And now he has started exploring Java FX - and in this journey too, he is going solo - without much help from me.

What else does a Guru want? 

Watching his son advancing in a complicated subject of Computer Science.

And for me...

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   
But I have promises to keep,   
And miles to go before I sleep,   
And miles to go before I sleep.

And my promise to Lord Shiva is to raise my son as a future
computer scientist working for Bharat...

Jai Hind... Jai Bharat...

Here are Ridit's latest works on JavaFX...

Many more to come...


Friday, July 19, 2024

Judicial system in Bharat - who is going to bell the Cat...

The visual advertisements work as a mirror to reflect the current societal norms and trends. In our early days of DD of Bharat, there were many great pieces of visual adv which we still remember.

For example, who could ever forget the Rasna ad, the Dunlop tyre ad, the Bajaj scooter ad, the Laal Dantamanjon ad and so many - their creativity through visual advertisement was unparalleled.

After more than 7 decades of independence from British rules, if one thing all of us wholeheartedly want  is the reform of our judicial system.

Watch this beautiful ad campaign done by Greenply which depicts so nicely the concept of Tarikh pe tarikh of Judicial system of Bharat...

If we want to rise as a developed nation, our judiciary must be reformed. This needs 2/3rd majority in both the houses of the parliament.

Come ON... Humans of Bharat...
Raise your concern....
Or else...
suffer till you die...

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Salutations to Sri Rudra...

श्रीरुद्राष्टकम् - नमामीशमीशान निर्वाणरूपम्

Sri Rudrashtakam: Namamisham Ishana Nirvana Rupam

नमामीशमीशान निर्वाणरूपं

विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्मवेदस्वरूपम् ।

निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं

चिदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ॥१॥

Namaam-Iisham-Iishaana Nirvaanna-Ruupam

Vibhum Vyaapakam Brahma-Veda-Svaruupam |

Nijam Nirgunnam Nirvikalpam Niriiham

Cidaakaasham-Aakaasha-Vaasam Bhaje-[A]ham ||1||


1.1: (Salutations to Sri Rudra) I Salute the Lord Ishana (another name of Sri Shiva) whose Form represents the state of the highest Nirvana (extinction of all desires and passions leading to the highest bliss),

1.2: Who Manifests taking a Form though in essence He is Pervading everywhere; and His Form embodies the Highest Knowledge of Brahman present in the core of the Vedas.

1.3: Who remain absorbed in His Own Self which is Beyond the three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas), which is Beyond any Vikalpas (Change and Manifoldness), and which is Free from any Movement (due to desires etc),

1.4: Who Abides in the Sky of the Chidakasha (Spiritual Sky); I Worship that Ishana.

निराकारमोङ्करमूलं तुरीयं

गिराज्ञानगोतीतमीशं गिरीशम् ।

करालं महाकालकालं कृपालं

गुणागारसंसारपारं नतोऽहम् ॥२॥

Niraakaaram-Ongkara-Muulam Turiiyam

Giraa-Jnyaana-Go-[A]tiitam-Iisham Giriisham |

Karaalam Mahaakaala-Kaalam Krpaalam

Gunna-[A]agaara-Samsaara-Paaram Nato-[A]ham ||2||


2.1: (Salutations to Sri Rudra) Who is Formless and the very Root from where the Sacred Omkara arises; Who Abides in the state of Turiya (the fourth state in which Brahman is experienced in meditation)

2.2: He is the Lord Who is Beyond the Knowledge which Speech can express and Beyond the Perception which Sense Organs can perceive; He is Girisha (another name of Sri Shiva literally meaning the Lord of the Mountains)

2.3: Taking the Terrible form of Mahakala He can tear apart Kala (Time) himself; at the same time He is an embodiment of Compassion to His devotees,

2.4: I Bow down to Him Who helps in Crossing this Samsara (delusion of worldly existence) which is like a Dwelling Place made of Gunas.

तुषाराद्रिसंकाशगौरं गभिरं

मनोभूतकोटिप्रभाश्री शरीरम् ।

स्फुरन्मौलिकल्लोलिनी चारुगङ्गा

लसद्भालबालेन्दु कण्ठे भुजङ्गा ॥३॥

Tussaara-Adri-Samkaasha-Gauram Gabhiram

Mano-Bhuuta-Kotti-Prabhaa-Shrii Shariiram |

Sphuran-Mauli-Kallolinii Caaru-Ganggaa

Lasad-Bhaala-Baale[a-I]ndu Kanntthe Bhujanggaa ||3||


3.1: (Salutations to Sri Rudra) Who is Shining White Resembling a Mountain of Snow; and His Being is very very Deep, ...

3.2 ... in the depth of Whose Mind exist Millions of Rays of Splendour, which expresses themselves on His Auspicious Body,

3.3: Over Whose Head, the Beautiful Ganga Throbs and Surges forth towards the Worlds,

3.4: Over Whose Forehead the Newly Risen Moon Shines spreading its Rays, and around Whose Neck adorns the beautiful Serpents.

चलत्कुण्डलं भ्रूसुनेत्रं विशालं

प्रसन्नाननं नीलकण्ठं दयालम् ।

मृगाधीशचर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं

प्रियं शङ्करं सर्वनाथं भजामि ॥४॥

Calat-Kunnddalam Bhruu-Sunetram Vishaalam

Prasanna-[A]ananam Niila-Kannttham Dayaalam |

Mrga-Adhiisha-Carma-Ambaram Munndda-Maalam

Priyam Shangkaram Sarva-Naatham Bhajaami ||4||


4.1: (Salutations to Sri Rudra) Whose Ear-Rings Sway near His beautiful face, which is adorned with a striking Eyebrow and Large Beautiful Eyes,

4.2: Whose Face is beaming with Joy and Grace, Whose Throat is Blue (due to drinking the poison during samudra manthana) and Who is extremely Compassionate,

4.3: Whose Clothes are the Skin of the Lord of Animals (signifying Tiger) and Whose neck is adorned with a Garland of Skulls,

4.4: I Worship Him Who is Beloved of His Devotees, Who is Shankara (another name of Sri Shiva) and Who is the Lord of All.

प्रचण्डं प्रकृष्टं प्रगल्भं परेशं

अखण्डं अजं भानुकोटिप्रकाशं ।

त्र्यःशूलनिर्मूलनं शूलपाणिं

भजेऽहं भवानीपतिं भावगम्यम् ॥५॥

Pracannddam Prakrssttam Pragalbham Pare[a-Ii]sham

Akhannddam Ajam Bhaanu-Kotti-Prakaasham |

Tryah-Shuula-Nirmuulanam Shuula-Paannim

Bhaje[a-A]ham Bhavaanii-Patim Bhaava-Gamyam ||5||


5.1: (Salutations to Sri Rudra) Who is Terrible, Eminent and extremely Strong; Who is the Highest Lord,

5.2: Who is ever Unborn and Whole; and with the Effulgence of Million Suns,

5.3: Who has a Trident in Hand, the Three Spikes of which Uproots the bondages of the Three Gunas (Tamas, Rajas and Sattva),

5.4: I Worship the Consort of Devi Bhavani Who can be Attained only by Devotion.

कलातीतकल्याण कल्पान्तकारी

सदा सज्जनानन्ददाता पुरारी ।

चिदानन्दसंदोह मोहापहारी

प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी ॥६॥

Kalaatiita-Kalyaanna Kalpa-Anta-Kaarii

Sadaa Sajjana-[A]ananda-Daataa Pura-Arii |

Cid-Aananda-Samdoha Moha-Apahaarii

Prasiida Prasiida Prabho Manmatha-Arii ||6||


6.1: (Salutations to Sri Rudra) Whose Auspicious Nature is Beyond the Elements of the gross material world and Who Brings an End to a Kalpa (a cycle of creation when all gross elements are dissolved),

6.2: Who Always Give Great Joy to the Wise Men and Who is the Enemy (signifying Destroyer) of the Tripurasuras (who represents Adharma),

6.3: By Taking Away the Great Delusion, He plunges the prepared Soul in the Fullness of Cidananda (the Bliss of Brahman or Pure Consciousness),

6.4: O, the Enemy (signifying Destroyer) of Manmatha; Please be Gracious to me; Please be Gracious to me, O Lord.

न यावद् उमानाथपादारविन्दं

भजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम् ।

न तावत्सुखं शान्ति सन्तापनाशं

प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वभूताधिवासं ॥७॥

Na Yaavad Umaa-Naatha-Paada-Aravindam

Bhajanti-Iha Loke Pare Vaa Naraannaam |

Na Taavat-Sukham Shaanti Santaapa-Naasham

Prasiida Prabho Sarva-Bhuuta-Adhi-Vaasam ||7||


7.1: (Salutations to Sri Rudra) As Long as the Lotus Feet of the Lord of Uma ...

7.2: ... is not Worshipped in This World or Later by the Human Beings, ...

7.3: ... So Long (i.e. Till then) Joy, Peace and End of Sorrows will not be experienced in life.

7.4: Therefore O Lord, Please be Gracious, You Who Reside within All Beings.

न जानामि योगं जपं नैव पूजां

नतोऽहं सदा सर्वदा शम्भुतुभ्यम् ।

जराजन्मदुःखौघ तातप्यमानं

प्रभो पाहि आपन्नमामीश शंभो ॥८॥

Na Jaanaami Yogam Japam Naiva Puujaam

Natoham Sadaa Sarvadaa Shambhu-Tubhyam |

Jaraa-Janma-Duhkhau-[A]gha Taatapyamaanam

Prabho Paahi Aapanna-Maam-Iisha Shambho ||8||


8.1: (Salutations to Sri Rudra) I do Not Know how to perform Yoga, Japa or Puja.

8.2: I Always at All Times only Bow down to You, O Shambhu (another name of Sri Shiva),

8.3: Please Protect me from the Sorrows of Birth and Old Age, as well as from the Sins which lead to Sufferings,

8.4: Please Protect me O Lord from Afflictions; Protect me O My Lord Shambhu.

रुद्राष्टकमिदं प्रोक्तं विप्रेण हरतोषये

ये पठन्ति नरा भक्त्या तेषां शम्भुः प्रसीदति ॥९॥

Rudraassttaka-Idam Proktam Viprenna Hara-Tossaye

Ye Patthanti Naraa Bhaktyaa Tessaam Shambhuh Prasiidati ||9||


9.1: This Rudrashtaka (eight verses in praise of Rudra) has been Said (i.e. Composed) by the Wise for Pleasing Hara (another name of Sri Shiva),

9.2: Those Persons who Recite this with Devotion, with them Sri Shambhu will be always Pleased.

इति श्रीगोस्वामितुलसीदासकृतं श्रीरुद्राष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ।

Iti Shrii-Gosvaami-Tulasiidaasa-Krtam Shriirudraassttakam Sampuurnnam |

Thus ends Rudrashtakam composed by Sri Goswami Tulsidas.