with your every sense, curiosity, mindfulness, tenacity, consciousness, conscience, and especially the #lordshiva inside you being awake and let them pick a wrong sample
then enjoy the game - the name of which will be ...
who fools whom...
Sometimes wearing a mask of a fool is also important to fool others.
sounds like a little #conundrm
but this is the essence of life.
In the end surrender to the #lordshiva
He will take care of you...
I will tell you a real-life story that was very popular in the rural parts of #bharat during the '80s. I was not very aware of what was happening outside my small town, because I was just a kid, but this was a reality in West Bengal at that time under the leftist government.
The game was called "phool patano" - meaning two girls will become "phool" to each other and they will call each other "phool" instead of their real names.
in Bengali, the meaning of "phool" is #flower
Now if we twist the term "phool" with the English version of "fool"...
a new game will start in life...
fool the fool
who fools whom...
but during the whole process never stop searching for #whoami
so that you never forget the real purpose of why #lordshiva has sent you to this #universe
Now, I will tell you how the #lordshiva plays this big game of heavenly life.
You will then realise why the actors always admit they are just the kathputli (puppet) of the director.
Because the director keeps himself outside the ring and plays the role of an observer.
The idea is that if someone goes very close to a problem he becomes blinded and will never succeed.
The best scientist knows this secret.
So the people who spend their whole lives digging into the source code to fix bugs will always remain like this.
To get the big picture keep yourself out of the battlefield and observe.
And learn how to use the strings properly.
#lordshiva hardly participates in the #gameoflife
Enjoy the soulful music which transpires the same message.
Khelicho E Bisso Loye
খেলিছ এ বিশ্বলয়ে
বিরাট শিশুর আনমনে।
প্রলয় সৃষ্টি তব পুতুল খেলা
নিরজনে প্রভু নিরজনে।।
শূণ্যে মহা আকাশে
তুমি মগ্ন লীলা বিলাসে
ভাঙ্গিছ গড়িছ নীতি ক্ষণে ক্ষণে
নিরজনে প্রভু নিরজনে।।
তারকা রবি শশী খেলনা তব
হে উদাসী
পড়িয়া আছে রাঙা পায়ের কাছে
রাশি রাশি।
নিত্য তুমি হে উদার
সুখে-দুখে অবিকার।
হাসিছ খেলিছ তুমি আপন সনে
নিরজনে প্রভু নিরজনে।।
English Translation
You are such an enormous childBusy playing with the universe
Creating an destroying like a doll’s house
Unmindfully, in a pin drop silence.
In the barren wide wide sky
You are meditating luxurious thoughts
Of developing and massacring things you like
Unmindfully, in a pin drop silence.
The sun, the moon and thousands of stars
Are left there at your crimson feet.
Oh great generous omnipotent soul
Constant in all well and woe
Laughing and playing to yourself
Unmindfully, in a pin drop silence.