Monday, October 3, 2022

Human Of Bharat - the Freedom that you are enjoying has not come automatically - we had to pay the price by giving away our lives - so please wake up...

Freedom that we enjoy today did not come freely - we had to pay by offering our lives

Human of Bharat
Never Forget 

বন্দী বীর (bondi bir)


Rabindranath Tagore

          পঞ্চনদীর তীরে

          বেণী পাকাইয়া শিরে

দেখিতে দেখিতে গুরুর মন্ত্রে

          জাগিয়া উঠেছে শিখড্ড

      নির্মম নির্ভীক।

হাজার কণ্ঠে গুরুজির জয়

          ধ্বনিয়া তুলেছে দিক্‌।

          নূতন জাগিয়া শিখ

নূতন উষার সূর্যের পানে

          চাহিল নির্নিমিখ।


          "অলখ নিরঞ্জন'

মহারব উঠে বন্ধন টুটে

          করে ভয়ভঞ্জন।

বক্ষের পাশে ঘন উল্লাসে

          অসি বাজে ঝন্‌ঝন্‌।

পঞ্জাব আজি গরজি উঠিল,

          "অলখ নিরঞ্জন!'


          এসেছে সে এক দিন

লক্ষ পরানে শঙ্কা না জানে

          না রাখে কাহারো ঋণ।

জীবন মৃত্যু পায়ের ভৃত্য,

          চিত্ত ভাবনাহীন।

পঞ্চনদীর ঘিরি দশ তীর

          এসেছে সে এক দিন।



হোথা বারবার বাদশাজাদার

          তন্দ্রা যেতেছে ছুটে।

কাদের কণ্ঠে গগন মন্থ,

          নিবিড় নিশীথ টুটে--

কাদের মশালে আকাশের ভালে

          আগুন উঠেছে ফুটে!


          পঞ্চনদীর তীরে

ভক্তদেহের রক্তলহরী

          মুক্ত হইল কি রে!

          লক্ষ বক্ষ চিরে

ঝাঁকে ঝাঁকে প্রাণ পক্ষীসমান

          ছুটে যেন নিজনীড়ে।

          বীরগণ জননীরে

রক্ততিলক ললাটে পরালো

          পঞ্চনদীর তীরে।


          মোগল-শিখের রণে


কণ্ঠ পাকড়ি ধরিল আঁকড়ি

          দুইজনা দুইজনে।

দংশনক্ষত শ্যেনবিহঙ্গ

          যুঝে ভুজঙ্গ-সনে।

          সেদিন কঠিন রণে

"জয় গুরুজির' হাঁকে শিখ বীর

          সুগভীর নিঃস্বনে।

মত্ত মোগল রক্তপাগল

          "দীন্‌ দীন্‌' গরজনে।


          গুরুদাসপুর গড়ে

বন্দী যখন বন্দী হইল

      তুরানি সেনার করে,

সিংহের মতো শৃঙ্খল গত

          বাঁধি লয়ে গেল ধরে


বন্দা সমরে বন্দী হইল

          গুরুদাসপুর গড়ে।


সম্মুখে চলে মোগল-সৈন্য

          উড়ায়ে পথের ধূলি,

ছিন্ন শিখের মুণ্ড লইয়া

          বর্শাফলকে তুলি।

শিখ সাত শত চলে পশ্চাতে,

          বাজে শৃঙ্খলগুলি।

রাজপথ-'পরে লোক নাহি ধরে,

          বাতায়ন যায় খুলি।

শিখ গরজয়, "গুরুজির জয়'

          পরানের ভয় ভুলি।

মোগলে ও শিখে উড়ালো আজিকে

          দিল্লিপথের ধূলি।


পড়ি গেল কাড়াকাড়ি,

আগে কেবা প্রাণ করিবেক দান

তারি লাগি তাড়াতাড়ি।

দিন গেলে প্রাতে ঘাতকের হাতে

          বন্দীরা সারি সারি

"জয় গুরুজির' কহি শত বীর

          শত শির দেয় ডারি।


সপ্তাহকালে সাত শত প্রাণ

          নিঃশেষ হয়ে গেলে

বন্দার কোলে কাজি দিল তুলি

          বন্দার এক ছেলে।

কহিল, "ইহারে বধিতে হইবে

          নিজহাতে অবহেলে।'

          দিল তার কোলে ফেলে

কিশোর কুমার, বাঁধা বাহু তার,

          বন্দার এক ছেলে।


          কিছু না কহিল বাণী,

বন্দা সুধীরে ছোটো ছেলেটিরে

      লইল বক্ষে টানি।

ক্ষণকালতরে মাথার উপরে

      রাখে দক্ষিণ পাণি,

শুধু একবার চুম্বিল তার

      রাঙা উষ্ণীষখানি।


তার পরে ধীরে কটিবাস হতে

      ছুরিকা খসায়ে আনি

      বালকের মুখ চাহি

"গুরুজির জয়' কানে কানে কয়,

      "রে পুত্র, ভয় নাহি।'

নবীন বদনে অভয় কিরণ

          জ্বলি উঠি উৎসাহি

কিশোর কণ্ঠে কাঁপে সভাতল

          বালক উঠিল গাহি

"গুরুজির জয়! কিছু নাহি ভয়'

          বন্দার মুখ চাহি।


বন্দা তখন বামবাহুপাশ

      জড়াইল তার গলে,

দক্ষিণ করে ছেলের বক্ষে

        ছুরি বসাইল বলেড্ড

"গুরুজির জয়' কহিয়া বালক

        লুটালো ধরণীতলে।

        সভা হল নিস্তব্ধ

বন্দার দেহ ছিঁড়িল ঘাতক

        সাঁড়াশি করিয়া দগ্ধ।

স্থির হয়ে বীর মরিল, না করি'

    একটি কাতর শব্দ।

দর্শনজন মুদিল নয়ন,

    সভা হল নিস্তব্ধ।


On the banks of the rivers five,

His locks coiled upon his head,

Has risen the Sikh

Inspired by his Gurus' writ

With unrelenting tread.

Waver or fear he does not.

"Hail the Gurus," the quarters resound

With the cry that rises

From voices that in thousands abound.

Thus has the Sikh risen,

His gaze fixated unblinking

Upon the new sun of dawn.

"Alakh Niranjan," -

The great cry breaks all fetters,

Scatters all fears.

While close to the breast,

With a joy so great,

Rattles the sword.

Today, all Punjab raises the roar

"Alakh Niranjan."

Today is the day

When a million hearts

Know no doubts

Nor bear any debts.

Life and death

Are as slaves at their feet

Of all worries are their spirits freed.

Such a day has arrived indeed

Upon the ten banks bounding

The rivers five.

Upon the ramparts

Of the palace in Delhi

The Emperor worries

Unable to sleep -

'Whose voices churn the heavens,

Shatter the night so silent and deep,

The fire from whose torches

The brow of the sky scorches?'

On the banks of the rivers five

Gushes blood devout

From a million hearts so stout.

As flocks of birds, souls so many

Rush to their nests.

The mothers of the braves

With blood anoint their brows

Upon the banks of the rivers five.

In war, each other

Mughal and Sikh face,

And fall

Clasping in a death embrace.

One the other battles

As a falcon, poison rent,

Battles a serpent.

In fray so terrible that day

"Victory to the Gurus," the brave Sikhs say,

The cry from a deep store of peace hails.

While the Mughal, blood maddened,

"Deen, Deen" yells.

At the fort in Gurdaspur

Was Banda captured

By the Turani legion.

Chaining him

As they will a lion

Delhi's road they take.

Thus of Banda in battle

A prisoner did they make.

The Mughal soldiers lead the way,

Upon the road, clouds of dust appear.

The severed heads of Sikhs they display

Impaled upon spears.

Seven hundred Sikhs, their chains rattling,

In the soldiers' wake walk following.

Multitudes gather by the way, jostling for space,

Many windows are thrown open, many eyes gaze.

The Sikhs roar, "Victory to the Gurus,"

For their own lives, they do not sorrow.

Thus, today,

Mughal and Sikh walk Delhi's way

The Sikhs jostle in impatience

To be the first to die,

As a day ends,

And night draws nigh

Line they up and at terminator's hands

Saying "Victory to the Gurus"

A hundred braves give up their hundred heads.

Thus, a week was past

And the seven hundredth life

Was taken at last.

Then a Qazi put on Banda's lap

One of his sons.

"With unconcern

Must you slay your son,"

The Qazi said.

With these words, his hands fettered,

Was Banda his little son given.

Banda's speech lay at rest.

Tenderly, his little son

He drew to his breast.

For a moment, he put his right hand upon the boy's head,

Once Banda kissed his turban red.

Then from his girdle

He pulled his dagger.

Looking upon his son, "Victory to the Gurus,"

Banda whispered in his ear,

"Fear not my son," said he.

That form so new

Shone with fervour.

A song from that young voice flew

Over the court which was a-tremor.

"Victory to the Gurus, all fear is a mirage,"

Sang the little boy

Looking at Banda's visage.

Then Banda curled his left arm

Around the boy's neck.

While his right hand, unwavering, firm

With a dagger did the child's breast rake.

"Victory to the Gurus," the child cried

And fell upon the earth and died.

The court stood silent!

Banda's form

The terminator did rend

With heated tongs.

Banda died a death stoic,

Not once did the brave moan,

He was a man heroic.

Not once did Banda in pain cry.

Of the onlookers,

Horror shut every eye

In stunned silence, the court watched by...

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Vaimanika Shastra -the ancient #Sanskrit textbooks on aeroplane...

Hey, Human of the Universe,

if you think, Aeroplane was discovered by Wright Brothers,

Please hold your breath.

 You have no idea - who we are.

The new face in the global order of knowledge...


Read ON....

We are here to reclaim our position in the new world order...

Come ON.... the Humans of Bharat...

reclaim #whoyouare - the progeny of great saints and Kshatriya like Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Arjuna, Karna, Bhisma and so many...

Here we go...

Please don't make the voice of science silent...

And here we go...

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

If we don't learn a lesson from the #History, History will repeat itself...

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः


Chanakya (c.350 - c.275 BC) 

also known as 


is one of the earliest known political thinkers and kingmakers in the literal sense of the word.

The commonly told tale is that after Chanakya was humilated by the Nandas, and chandragupta being thrown out of the nanda army, chanakya was walking in a forest when the kusa grass hurt him by tripping him over. Since the grass is extremely difficult to uproot, people let it grow without destroying it but chanakya poured sugar syrup on the grass. When Chandragupta asked him why, Chanakya replied that he was making the root of the grass sweet which will attract ants and the ants will destroy the grass. And that did happen. When asked why a simple grass was being destroyed for vegenance, Chanakya replied that everyone owes a duty to the society by removing noxious things, and he would remove even a king if the king adopted adharma. Seeing Chanakya's intelligence and foresight, Chandragupta asked to be accepted as a disciple.

Chanakya entered the palace of the Nandas. He saw ten gold plates and thrones. He was told that nine were for the eight Nanda princes (who were brothers) and their father Sarvarthasiddhi. The tenth was for the most learned person in Vedas. It was occupied by Subandhu, whose incompetence was widely known. Chanakya sat down in the tenth throne. The nine princes and Subandhu entered the place and noticed Chanakya sitting on the throne. The youngest two brothers, Sukalpa and Dhanananda, asked him to get up and leave. Chanakya replies, 'I am the most qualified for the tenth throne. It is my right to sit on it. If subandhu defeats me in a literary debate, I will readily step down.'

The princes become angry but Chanakya remains calm and continues his request for a debate. Sukalpa insults him by calling him a monkey but Chanakya continues to be calm and says that the duty of the king is obey the dharma. Since the tenth throne is to be given to the most learned man, it is dharmic that a contest be held. Further, Chanakya notes that he may be black like a monkey but scholars are noted for what is in them.

The princes get angry and ask the guards to throw him out by pulling him by the tuft of the hair. At this instance, Chanakya takes the famous oath, 'I will not tie my tuft of hair until I uproot the whole Nanda dynasty and establish dharma in magadha. Rulers like you have spoiled Bharat. The tuft of hair which you arrogantly pull now will be like a serpent which comes back to bite you.'

The lesson that should be learned from the first paragraph of this write-up - is especially important for the next Prime Minister Candidate of #Bharat - Yogi Maharaj...

Just don't shut down the madrasas...

But destroy it completely in the Chanakya way 

so that they cannot pop up again...

Enjoy the poem written and recited by my wife...


Saturday, September 17, 2022

Viswase Milaye Bostu - Tarke Bohudur - Conviction - Faith - Trust

First... let me take care of the prelude on the very basic subject - missing trust in society...

one major lesson I learned while working in the corporate sector - is that there is a major problem of trust among the employees. u will feel it if u work in a big corporate head office - mainly where the major decisions are usually taken inside the ac room - taken by top bosses - who hardly have any ground-level knowledge - and the decision is pushed through the throats of the lower level officials and then ultimately the consumers.

whereas it should have been from the bottom up and not from the top to bottom.

for example, a guy who is doing sales on the roads, interacting day-to-day with real-life customers hardly plays any role in the major decision-making policy of a corporate house.

the result?

the employees just lose the basic purpose - why they do - why they struggle each and every day - for whom - just for earning the bread and butter for their family members?

so when I raised this issue in the USA, that might sound ridiculous to the corporate people of the USA, that if an employee feels an emotional attachment with the policy of the companies - or maybe if they think whatever they do is actually adding some values - and not just to be thrown away in the dustbin- they would perform better - i got the answer as - okay - the company might vanish - u ll change the organization - but your family will always be your family - so it's better not to be emotionally attached to an organization.

then I iterated the old ethos of employees from TISCO, Jamshedpur - how they think of Rushi Modi or Tata - as facilitators for whom they are able to flourish - a different kind of attitude towards the top bosses - but frankly speaking, I got a cold shoulder for making such a statement.

maybe, I came from a very small town where it was just absolutely normal to keep your babies in the house of a neighbor - if u need to go shopping or whatever - that's why this kind of so-called lower middle-class thought process has "polluted" my mind - and hence nobody actually did any efforts to make me a friend in my careers in the corporate world.

in fact, I got a very strong message that

बुद्धिर्यस्य बलं तस्य निर्बुद्धेश्च कुतो बलम् ।

वने सिंहो यदोन्मत्तः मशकेन निपातितः ॥

and spent my whole corporate life 


am I a moron?


is it that modern society suffers from the basic amount of #trust among each other?

Sometimes, one has to walk alone to establish #Truth

The English Translation of the song

If they pay no heed to your call walk on your own.

Walk alone, walk alone, walk alone, walk all alone.

If none speaks, o wretched one,

If all turn their face away and cower in silence—

Then open out your heart

dear one, speak out your mind, voice alone.

If everyone spurns, o wretched one

If all leave you in the lurch in the wilderness

Then trample the trail of thorns

With your blood-stained feet alone, on your own.

If no one holds up a light, o wretched one

And bolts the doors on a dark, stormy night

Then in the lightning fire of pain

Kindle your own heart and keep it burning bright alone.

Today I'd like to explain why I like the management policy of Modiji based on #viswas - #trust -  and how it matches my way of thinking.

when I was in class V, there was a librarian called Sundarbabu in my school

one day, he narrated a story - Viswase milaye bostu... tarke bohudur

the meaning - is the first one has to have tremendous faith and conviction before he achieves something - and once he starts doubting - it never comes to his reach

then he narrated about Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna

meeting in which Swamiji asked the #guru 

can u show me, God

the guru replied - sure.100 percent

so just try to understand - the conviction of the #guru - the faith in his own power and connection with the almighty #maakaali -when he uttered such a statement to one of the most logical-minded, well-read young #notanotherbrickinthewall kind of fellow.

and the most interesting part is that after that, Swamiji accepted Ramakrishna as his #guru 

so, as u can see

every relationship first must start with the viswas - the trust - in fact, the blind trust - it should not be judged by mere logic.

and all throughout my personal life - I did the exact same thing while interacting with others - I always believed in starting or making friendships with absolute trust - viswas

I was cheated many times - many people termed me as an asshole, stupid, moron, emotional fool, and whatnot

it shattered my basis of the characteristic - the viswas - the trust

and after that I had to suffer a lot in my personal life - I lost a major portion of my life with this polluted, muddy nature of myself - which I am really not.

my basic nature was broken - and I became someone else

at last - left everything - and started keeping the trust in #lordshiva and other powerful personalities like #lordkrishna #lordrama - the story of whom made my character during childhood - the kind of narrative psychology as you know in modern medical science.

in fact, started living a secluded life - always remain  happy in my own world - don't depend on anybody else, and will live the rest of my life doing 

#kartabya - the #PURPOSE  - the #duty - as a #dad, as a #guru of my young son #ridit - making him capable of taking a role in the nation-building 

and for that whoever helps me

will be ready to accept that - 

as if this is the ultimate duty to my #LordShiva 

here is my write-up on this called 
