Sunday, June 12, 2022

Learning beyond classroom - my childhood learning by observing the growth cycle of Jamun (Java plums / Indian Blackberry)


For the young students of the #universe, my message as a guru is that real learning always happens beyond the classroom. I will narrate my childhood lesson today that I have learned pretty early in life by just spending time on a Jamun tree in the backyard of our ancestral home at #purulia, plucking Jamun (Java Plums or Indian blackberry)  from the tree and directly putting them inside the mouth.

In the early days of its growth cycle, usually, a Jamun is reddish in color. It looks beautiful from the outside, but the taste is very bitter - not suitable for calm and cool people who like only goody, sweet Jamun. It’s like powerful Vodka - although the ordinary potatoes are transformed into Vodka - then it's not for everyone - once it's transformed into Vodka, very few people can handle it - even in its diluted form - mixed with water.

But that’s natural. The size of the Jamun will be small, the color will be reddish and its taste will be a bit bitter - just suitable for the powerful people, young in heart, young in mind, and a little bit maverick kind of fellows.

However, only a nutritionist can say to you how healthy it might be, but remember, a powerful person actually depends upon his internal power to remain healthy, and naturally he does not have to care about the external health food for his own body and soul.

Then with the advent of the rainy season, with a few showers, on the Jamun tree, the small-sized, reddish Jamun grows in size and becomes a bit blackish. How black - maybe it is dependent upon the genes and all such internal structures - which is beyond my limited knowledge. But then, it becomes sweet in taste - suitable for most people - maverick or cool-headed or geek and all other kinds of people.

With age, the outer look of the Jamun becomes a bit ugly, But then if someone really has to do a value proposition considering the pros and cons by comparing the young small-sized reddish bitter Jamun to a big-sized blackish sweet Jamun - maybe it may present a different point of view towards nature and natural growth.

Now, this is the beauty of nature - the laws meticulously created by none other than #lordshiva - the ultimate creator.

The problem arises when, a few people, with their limited knowledge and huge money power, try to play around with this basic principle of nature and artificially try to create a large-sized Jamun at its early growth cycle by means of external force - may not be for the benefit of human society, but for the benefit of his swollen ego.

As I am from a very backward place of #bharat, this was my childhood experience which I got and nurtured well throughout my life. and please remember, most of my life skills were developed by staying in the lap of nature and not by reading books as such.

As I have no idea about grapevines, maybe someone from a cold place on this planet can write his experience of roaming inside grapevines and what that taught him.

Friday, June 10, 2022

in search of #whoami - aas - hope - the poem written and recited by my wife Reema...


my search for #whoami continues...

This is today's contribution from my wife Reema - the lost girl in the wilderness of a complex world...

listen to her aas - hope...

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Clarion Call for the Hindus of #bharat - don't nurture the non-venomous #dhonda saap and welcome the venomous snakes in our community...

Dhonda Saap

The checkered keelback (Fowlea piscator), also known commonly as the Asiatic water snake, is a common species in the subfamily Natricinae of the family Colubridae. The species is endemic to Asia.

 It is non-venomous.

The Indian cobra (Naja naja), also known as the spectacled cobra, Asian cobra, or binocellate cobra, is a species of the genus Naja found in India.  The Indian cobra is revered in Indian mythology and culture. The generic name and the specific epithet naja is a Latinisation of the Sanskrit word nāgá (नाग) meaning "cobra".

The common krait (Bungarus caeruleus), also known as Bengali krait, is a species of highly venomous snake of the genus Bungarus native to the Indian subcontinent.

What do all of these images prove?

They prove we should never be afraid of playing with poisonous snakes and at any cost, we shall never avoid them  - as the last image of Parikshit has shown

But rather,

we all must be trained on how to utilize the power of the venom, we must develop the skill to decide which venomous snake is good for the society and which must be killed - the way #lordkrishna killed #kaliya.

But, we shall never live a life like Parikshit - being afraid to be bitten by a poisonous snake and at the same time we must stop celebrating the #dhonda saap (the non-venomous snakes) of the society - and reconsider our thought processing and fix our mindset to think that these kinds of people are just a bunch of feeble powerless non-venomous snakes - who - even if they wish cannot do any significant contribution to the society.

For the #hindu ladies of #bharat - get ready to live a life of #daupradi not in the sense that she had five husbands - but in the sense that she utilized her poisonous venoms to establish #truth - the real #agnikanya of #bharat - and was #truthful enough to see through the fallacy - that the #dharm as practiced by Yudshisthir was just absurd and impractical and rather chose a more practical one - survival of the fittest - and with this mindset, she dared to challenge the tyranny of Kaurabh and ultimately worked as a real source of energy to cleanse the society by inspiring her lions to kill each member of the gangs - no mercy for the wicked and the evil.

A true warrior lady of ancient #bharat practicing the basic rule as advised by none other than #lordkrishna

"We must clean the underwood and the coppice before we can create a garden of beautiful flowers."

कृष्ण की चेतावनी - the clarion call to wake up the Hindus of #bharat - wake up - open your eyes - experience the Viswaroop

Recitation by my wife #reema

वर्षों तक वन में घूम-घूम,

बाधा-विघ्नों को चूम-चूम,

सह धूप-घाम, पानी-पत्थर,

पांडव आये कुछ और निखर।

सौभाग्य न सब दिन सोता है,

देखें, आगे क्या होता है।

मैत्री की राह बताने को,

सबको सुमार्ग पर लाने को,

दुर्योधन को समझाने को,

भीषण विध्वंस बचाने को,

भगवान् हस्तिनापुर आये,

पांडव का संदेशा लाये।

‘दो न्याय अगर तो आधा दो,

पर, इसमें भी यदि बाधा हो,

तो दे दो केवल पाँच ग्राम,

रक्खो अपनी धरती तमाम।

हम वहीं खुशी से खायेंगे,

परिजन पर असि न उठायेंगे!

दुर्योधन वह भी दे ना सका,

आशीष समाज की ले न सका,

उलटे, हरि को बाँधने चला,

जो था असाध्य, साधने चला।

जब नाश मनुज पर छाता है,

पहले विवेक मर जाता है।

हरि ने भीषण हुंकार किया,

अपना स्वरूप-विस्तार किया,

डगमग-डगमग दिग्गज डोले,

भगवान् कुपित होकर बोले-

‘जंजीर बढ़ा कर साध मुझे,

हाँ, हाँ दुर्योधन! बाँध मुझे।

यह देख, गगन मुझमें लय है,

यह देख, पवन मुझमें लय है,

मुझमें विलीन झंकार सकल,

मुझमें लय है संसार सकल।

अमरत्व फूलता है मुझमें,

संहार झूलता है मुझमें।

‘उदयाचल मेरा दीप्त भाल,

भूमंडल वक्षस्थल विशाल,

भुज परिधि-बन्ध को घेरे हैं,

मैनाक-मेरु पग मेरे हैं।

दिपते जो ग्रह नक्षत्र निकर,

सब हैं मेरे मुख के अन्दर।

‘दृग हों तो दृश्य अकाण्ड देख,

मुझमें सारा ब्रह्माण्ड देख,

चर-अचर जीव, जग, क्षर-अक्षर,

नश्वर मनुष्य सुरजाति अमर।

शत कोटि सूर्य, शत कोटि चन्द्र,

शत कोटि सरित, सर, सिन्धु मन्द्र।

‘शत कोटि विष्णु, ब्रह्मा, महेश,

शत कोटि जिष्णु, जलपति, धनेश,

शत कोटि रुद्र, शत कोटि काल,

शत कोटि दण्डधर लोकपाल।

जञ्जीर बढ़ाकर साध इन्हें,

हाँ-हाँ दुर्योधन! बाँध इन्हें।

‘भूलोक, अतल, पाताल देख,

गत और अनागत काल देख,

यह देख जगत का आदि-सृजन,

यह देख, महाभारत का रण,

मृतकों से पटी हुई भू है,

पहचान, इसमें कहाँ तू है।

‘अम्बर में कुन्तल-जाल देख,

पद के नीचे पाताल देख,

मुट्ठी में तीनों काल देख,

मेरा स्वरूप विकराल देख।

सब जन्म मुझी से पाते हैं,

फिर लौट मुझी में आते हैं।

‘जिह्वा से कढ़ती ज्वाल सघन,

साँसों में पाता जन्म पवन,

पड़ जाती मेरी दृष्टि जिधर,

हँसने लगती है सृष्टि उधर!

मैं जभी मूँदता हूँ लोचन,

छा जाता चारों ओर मरण।

‘बाँधने मुझे तो आया है,

जंजीर बड़ी क्या लाया है?

यदि मुझे बाँधना चाहे मन,

पहले तो बाँध अनन्त गगन।

सूने को साध न सकता है,

वह मुझे बाँध कब सकता है?

‘हित-वचन नहीं तूने माना,

मैत्री का मूल्य न पहचाना,

तो ले, मैं भी अब जाता हूँ,

अन्तिम संकल्प सुनाता हूँ।

याचना नहीं, अब रण होगा,

जीवन-जय या कि मरण होगा।

‘टकरायेंगे नक्षत्र-निकर,

बरसेगी भू पर वह्नि प्रखर,

फण शेषनाग का डोलेगा,

विकराल काल मुँह खोलेगा।

दुर्योधन! रण ऐसा होगा।

फिर कभी नहीं जैसा होगा।

‘भाई पर भाई टूटेंगे,

विष-बाण बूँद-से छूटेंगे,

वायस-श्रृगाल सुख लूटेंगे,

सौभाग्य मनुज के फूटेंगे।

आखिर तू भूशायी होगा,

हिंसा का पर, दायी होगा।’

थी सभा सन्न, सब लोग डरे,

चुप थे या थे बेहोश पड़े।

केवल दो नर ना अघाते थे,

धृतराष्ट्र-विदुर सुख पाते थे।

कर जोड़ खड़े प्रमुदित,

निर्भय, दोनों पुकारते थे ‘जय-जय’!

By रामधारी सिंह "दिनकर"

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

My different shades of Fatherhood - #lordkrishna style...

My lessons as a father of a young kid...

start the planning pretty early...

From the perspective of a young child...

having a #guru early in his/her life is very important for the exact right start in life in the right direction.

And if someone gets his/her #dad taking up this role of his/her  #guru, i think nothing is better than that.

My young son, #ridit, got his dad roaring “I got your back”

From the perspective of an enlightened #guru …

The planning and the preparation must be done by the #guru in the darkness of midnight - in a corner of a room or maybe under the dark, starry sky  - in front of a #laptop - and with just deep thought to ponder #whoami

the power to convince the people - both inside the family and then others - who are hell-bent to create another poultry chicken out of your intelligent kid - must be aligned with the power of #lordkrishna uttering #gita in front of a confused warrior right at the center of the dreaded battlefield of #kurukshrestha - emanating the superpower - I am the best - you dare not doubt my intention -  and if you do - beware - that your everything - including your existence will be in danger. So, you better listen to my advice or take a risk of your life. There is no middle path. 

Accept it


get ready to face 

#death of #ignominy

So, both the #guru and the #disciple play a very important role in this #jugalbandi

and with the grace of the divine power of #lordshiva - the ultimate creator - 

the probability of the outcome in the form of an enlightened citizen of a nation ready to serve the real cause of #humanity will be very high.

And that will be the best prize of the #guru - when he will watch the disciple is blooming - taking his own shape - in its own form - and even surpassing each and every trait of the #guru himself - emanating the lights of wisdom to remove the darkness of ignorance of the society.

And then the transformation of a #bhikhari (the #beggar) into a #bhikshook will be complete.

Monday, June 6, 2022

My different shades of #Fatherhood - Commando Style...

Resilience only matters...

It's neither the


nor the


that makes a


Rather it's the


that ultimately creates a


Life is a long-haul race

So, it's the sense of wisdom that will tell you not to be influenced by

100 m sprinters - does not matter how fast they run.

And we should all welcome marathon specialists.

I got this message about #resilience at a pretty early age.

If I can remember correctly, I think when I was in class VI.

I read how the mindset of the resilient RED ARMY personnel defeated indomitable Nazis at the street fight of Belgrade which was fought at each and every staircase towards the end of the second world war.

Yes, that was a war between two formidable forces fought only with bayonets.

just like a street fight...

My dear brothers and sisters of #universe, please read books and then use the mental filters to bring out your own understanding, your own interpretation - to understand the complexities of this world in a better way.

Here we go.

Read the book, Dwitiyo Biswajuddher Itihaas - which I read when I was just an 11 or 12 years old boy - and it created a tremendous impact on my mind.

read... read...

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Truth - reality bites...


#universe #peopleofbharat

please open your eyes...

The pic of a famous Mughal Emporer raping his daughter

I remember when I took the decision to pull out my currently 11-years-old son from the standard schooling system and tried to convince my Mom, now a 75-year-old lady residing at one of the most backward places of #bharat (maybe not anymore), that she was almost shocked and cried,” Khoka, if you do this, will he be able to feed his stomach when he grows up? I don’t care if he becomes intellectually very powerful, a scientist or whatever, but your first and foremost duty as a dad must be to make him capable of earning his livelihood.” 

Yes, this is the reality.

And this is exactly the gameplan of the scrupulous political class of the #universe, especially #bharat, to keep the intelligent people, who can think independently, who can think out of the box in absolute poverty so that they spend their whole lives just as a survivor and hence will remain #bafadar, just like #slaves, to anybody who throws a piece of haddi with masala, even when he knows the person who is giving him the haddi has actually enjoyed the roasted chicken.

And this is exactly what happened to the powerful intellectual brahmin community of Bharat.

And hence, after the untimely demise of my highly educated great grandfather because of Kalaajar, the next three generations including me had to fight just as a survivor, and we lost every possibility as a creator or maybe as intellectually capable people.

Now I feel the pain of my Mom when she used to get up in the middle of the night, and if asked, she used to exclaim, I have three daughters, and you, my only son, my youngest child. How will I get my daughters married without much financial capacity? And we are not that financially strong as well. So, we can’t even give you the basic minimum cushion time and we all know you will have to touch the ground running fast just to survive, and then if #bhagawan permits, flourish.

So, i understand the viewpoint of my Mom, when she explains, “Khoka, i am not sure what exactly the person is doing, but at least he is “Kore khacche” - meaning he is earning his livelihood”

I have been exploited badly only because i was under such crisis for a prolonged period of time and in fact, i could not remain a human being with a soul, and just became a slave, who is being moved, transferred, threatened mercilessly, for a few thousand Rupees.

So, when I say, someone is sold in the marketplace as a prostitute, don’t just think of prostitution as a physical intercourse act, it may have a different meaning altogether for different people. Some people are forced to sell their bodies, some people are forced to sell their souls, some people are forced to sell their humanity, some people are forced to sell their clear thinking power - the bizarre bazaar as the ugly marketplace of #prostitution - where flesh and body, soul, humanity, environment, water, air, wisdom - can be bought and sold using money power.

Now, do you understand the game plan?

Keep them poor.

Let them fight each and every day as a #survivor

Don’t allow them to sit quietly and think.

A thinker is a dangerous element for human society.

Let us keep the intelligent people blindfolded.

Because it's difficult for powerful, manipulative scrupulous people to manipulate the #thinkers

Instead, promote the less intellectually capable people to reach the #top and rule over these more intellectually capable people.

The #rolereversal

Because people with fewer grey cells can be easily manipulated

And they will dance to the #tune of even more powerful people with just money power.

The great game behind all the economic policies, the World Bank, the Chinese financial trap, the pandemic, and the latest entry of individual #carbontax - the urge to control the real #thinkers - by hooks or by crooks - by creating unlawful laws or by applying force.

So, when we retrospect, that on the day of #jalianwalabagh, there was not even a single Indian soldier who could have turned around and aimed his gun toward General Dyer and saved hundreds of innocent people of #bharat with just one gunshot, remember, this basic idea of #slavery was injected as the poison inside all those soldiers just to manipulate them the way the powerful boss wants. 

This is the way a person loses his sanity in the framework as an employee - and if someone gets back his sanity by the grace of #lordshiva - be sure he will be kicked out of the system - because of the heat that his newly awakened #avatar will generate will simply make the #weak, #woke personalities of the society and corporate sectors, the manipulators, burn and turn into ashes.

And hence, we all know, that Maansingh was the Senapati of Akbar, the Mughal Emporer

but what we don’t know that

Man Singh's sister was forced into Harem of Akbar's son.

Man Singh’s daughter was forced into the Harem of Jahangir's son.

Akbar the Great...


You better remain blind.

That's how you will remain happy.

It does not matter in whatever way we celebrate the valor of Mansingh,

but for Akbar,

He was just a paid employee.

The ultimate #truth

Aur sunoge?

Main Aur bolu keya?

If we don't learn from History, History will repeat itself

Wake up - Hindus of Bharat

Watch this - the forgotten history of 

the genocide of the Hindus of Bharat