Monday, April 18, 2022

yeah andar ki baat hain - বাঁশবনে ডোম কানা - too many choices will make one blind...


বাঁশবনে ডোম কানা — বাঁশের কাজে অভ্যস্ত হয়েও ডোম যেমন বহু বাঁশের মধ্যে ভালো বাঁশ বেছে নিতে পারে না তেমনই, অসংখ্য ভালো জিনিসের মধ্যে উপযুক্ত একটি বেছে নিতে অক্ষম হওয়া; দিশাহারা।

English translations:

Too many choices will make even an expert blind…

Please excuse me for my naivety. actually being a scientist of nonsense is teaching me so many things.

please someone takes the responsibility to explain to the engineers of #bharat about the basic principles of logic development behind the  great endeavor


delivery in 10 minutes…

now the question arises for the young people of #bharat

what kinds of input choice does the consumer has to make it a reality

My thought process about it and the implications of this fallacy…

- as I don't travel much these days, I will not comment about the chaos of Indian roads - for this reason, all the delivery boys are preparing their as**oles and probably may find a new trainer in Bharat for these special skills so that they can handle this great thought process of 10-minutes delivery…

- the other kind of training centers to cater to this kind of thinking will be owned by celebrity cooks explaining which potatoes to choose for which purpose and all such esoteric culinary principles

- the advertisement company will be active now to pack the potatoes with the exact amount of time to be boiled before being ready

- the #magi companies will specify their minimum timing of cooking to be ready to be eaten by a hungry customer -  hungry hai kya...

- with so many choices of input, there will be more mental health problems in #bharat

- the above phenomenon is very dangerous as experienced by me during my first visit to #usa back in the late ‘90s when I found people reading carefully about the different qualities of #eggs and #milk before buying

- because many of the rural guys of #bharat  knew only one mantra for maintaining good mental health

"Khendi penchi Nurjahan...

Rater balay sab samannn"

With many choices, they will be blinded…

And as I am explaining the mindset of a powerful young person who is living a life of purpose to the #universe

Future repercussions for the revelation of this basic mantra…

"Khendi penchi Nurjahan...

Rater balay sab samannn”

may be the cosmetics companies will target me

  • The showbiz will flop

  • The fall of ladies like (in my time, i know they are no more important as such for the #universe)

  • Susshhh sen

  • A rai

and maybe the recent beauty queen as well

will be imminent

-sales of these cosmetic companies will become negative

-people will try to find out beauty beyond skin

- the end of skin-deep beauty will start…

And if I tell you why his mindset should be developed for all the male population who are being raised/trained to join an important mission for the betterment of #universe, you will be astonished.

But for the answer, you don’t have to go anywhere

Just listen to the story of Arjuna and Urvashi, the dancing damsel of the heaven, when the former was on a mission to establish #dharm - which portrayed the better version of a male leader when the Man on the mission sees the dancing damsel as his mother because he knows there is no time for other things to do at that moment or he should not lose his focus as the task or the responsibility on his shoulder is far more important than anything else. This is called a strong character, resilience.

And now imagine a situation when such a dancing damsel is planted purposefully before a sage doing deep meditation or maybe in deep thoughts of some scientific research just to extract the information from him…So how do you expect him to behave?

Now you understand not every behavioral trait that one develops is not really to vilify others, but maybe for shielding his own #lordshiva from external noises.

Now let me tell you about another leadership quality that I learned from the stories narrated by my grandfather when I was just a little kid. Promiscuity was never the part of our religion or culture. 

But, even when one leader is on a mission, spending day-in and day-out alone for a better cause for #mankind, he also needs physical and psychological healing which only a lady can offer because of her inherent nature which is obviously not there in a man. This way Arjun was attracted to Chitrangada or Bhim was attracted to Hirimba. Now the difference between such a relationship and the modern-day emotionless relationship. Chitrangada became wife of Arjun and Hirimba became wife of Bhim. No illicit relationship as we know it these days. Draupadi accepted it as a normal way of lifestyle. Both Chitrangada and Hirimba became mothers and enjoyed motherhood because of these two persons while they were on a mission. But their sons accepted them as their fathers and even they fought along with them in their time of need. Both Chitrangada and Hirimba were proud of their relationships and there was no hiding the fact.

Now let me tell you why wives play a very important role in a man's life. If Hirimba and Chitrangada never made the necessary sacrifices to let go of their men to carry on the mission they were actually meant for the establishment of #dharm and #truth, then probably the history of ancient Bharat looked absolutely bland and the #universe would have never got #gita

If I narrate to you about two such great wives, you will look at the viewpoint of why wives play very important roles for a man to play their true role and their sacrifices should never be forgotten.

Think about the sacrifice of the wife of #lordbuddha when she woke up in the morning and found she was all alone there with her son and spent her whole life never claiming her own part from #lordbuddha even when He became famous.

And the other woman in the story was the wife of our hero Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose who sacrificed her family life knowingly when he left her and plunged himself completely into the service of the nation. And let us not forget, had she made her love as a strangle around her husband and stopped him, #bharat would not have been freed from the strangle of Brisheres in 1947.

So, when we speak about strong women, we should always remember the sacrifices of the brave wives without whom history books would have been just a few blank pages.

Now compare the relationship between Arjin and his son from his wife Chitrangada or Bhim and Ghatotkoch, the son of Hirimba with the relationship of the late founder of Apple and his daughter and the former’s apathy to accept the fatherhood of the lady even during his last few days of life.

See the difference between the values of the two cultures...

So, even when promiscuity is normal in western society, we were different and somehow we have lost it in our craziness to emulate the westerners.

Such is the power to make a society blind about their roots if they mimic others.

Let the #universe heal and understand the difference between promiscuity and responsible #fatherhood.

As a #guru, I am ready to take up this risk to awaken people...

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Message from a #liberated #guru of #bharat...


#liberation means many things to many people.

for me, #liberation was to find out the purpose of why #lordshiva sent me to this #universe

living a life with a purpose

at last

after I became a #guru of my young son #ridit


there is a little difference between the term #guru and #teacher

in ancient #bharat, we had #guru

A #guru was not dependent on the salary of anybody for his day-to-day needs

hence he was free from being influenced by any boss

so if he wished, he could see things as they are

not as they are projected by powerful people

i am not sure

but probably the term #bhikshhok was formed during the time of #lordbuddha

this was the term that drew utter respect in the society

and remember, this is not exactly the term that we use at present to debase a person - the #bhikhari 

#bhikhari means #beggar

but a #bhikshook was of high caliber people

and the rich people of the society used to offer everything they could whenever a #bhikshook came to the village

and this was the tradition of ancient #bharat

which got damaged utterly by the scoundrel #macaulay with his nasty plan to destroy the oldest civilization of this #universe

and I am sorry to say, this tradition is still going on in the guise of #education

so, the #crux of the ancient #guru of #bharat was that

they were free from any #bondage of the powerful people of the society

and hence their teaching was like pure milk. - not contaminated with polluted water provided by the powerful people to establish their own #game - healthy for both the #brain and the #brawn of the #shishya

after a lot of struggle to know #whoami

the real me is coming out

as a #guru of my young son

my great grandfather was a highly educated person working as #inspector of #colleges under the #british period for mainly three universities - #dhaka #calcutta and #burdwan and if I can remember how my grandfather used to explain his facial expression having terrific disdainful frowning while putting Red marks on the exam copies of the graduates of those times, I can imagine that he was probably a purist as far as the language was concerned.

but as I can see it, even he was somehow molded and did his higher education in the subject #english - but of course, that was the trend at that time - which was the part and parcel of the story behind the great Bengal Renaissance at that time...

but maybe that tradition is continuing in my family - and after the tremendous financial struggle I have again become a #guru after we have lost two generations of our family to work just as hand in the mouth circumstances

but I am thankful to my grandfather, who took the charge of enlightening me with the real history of #bharat showing the true picture of a person like #maxmuller and his role in destroying the facts of contemporary history of #bharat and all such facts along with stories #ramayana and #mahabharata

I am continuing to play this role with my son #ridit

so along with teaching him advanced #computerscience

now another role that I have to pick up

as a #guru showing him the real history of #bharat

not through the glasses of the first gigolo of independent #bharat after the #british left

but as an enlightened #guru from the knowledge of my #grandfather answerable only to my #lordshiva or the inner conscience

so, I and my wife took a decision today not to teach our son the history of #bharat during the darkest period - that is from Babur to Jafar shah - and this is a purposeful omit from our part to align his thought process on the real essence of #bharat 

so I have picked up the famous historian #rcmajumdar to start with - one of the many scapegoats because of his #wisdom and alignment with #truth

for the #universe

Know the real History of Bharat from here...

History of the Freedom Movement in India - I

History of the Freedom Movement in India - II

History of the Freedom Movement in India - III

Let us get rid of all the rotten eggs of society like Romila Thapar capable of producing only rotten potatoes...

And, let me end this fantastic description of the difference between Bhikhari (beggar) and Bhikshhok (the learned Guru), with one of the most fascinating poems by none other than Rabindranath Tagore describing that the Bhikshook does not care for the materialistic value of a gift, but he looks for the real love and compassion which makes the soul of the giver a real source of light - a true giver - in that gift.


অনাথপিণ্ডদ বুদ্ধের একজন প্রধান শিষ্য ছিলেন
"প্রভু বুদ্ধ লাগি আমি ভিক্ষা মাগি,
ওগো পুরবাসী, কে রয়েছে জাগি,
অনাথপিণ্ডদ কহিলা অম্বুদ-
সদ্য মেলিতেছে তরুণ তপন
আলস্যে অরুণ সহাস্য লোচন
শ্রাবস্তীপুরীর গগনলগন
বৈতালিকদল সুপ্তিতে শয়ান
এখনো ধরে নি মাঙ্গলিক গান,
দ্বিধাভরে পিক মৃদু কুহুতান
ভিক্ষু কহে ডাকি, "হে নিদ্রিত পুর,
দেহো ভিক্ষা মোরে, করো নিদ্রা দূর'--
সুপ্ত পৌরজন শুনি সেই সুর
সাধু কহে, "শুন, মেঘ বরিষার
নিজেরে নাশিয়া দেয় বৃষ্টিধার,
সর্ব ধর্মমাঝে ত্যাগধর্ম সার
কৈলাসশিখর হতে দূরাগত
ভৈরবের মহাসংগীতের মতো
সে বাণী মন্দ্রিল সুখতন্দ্রারত
রাজা জাগি ভাবে বৃথা রাজ্য ধন,
গৃহী ভাবে মিছা তুচ্ছ আয়োজন,
অশ্রু অকারণে করে বিসর্জন
যে ললিত সুখে হৃদয় অধীর
মনে হল তাহা গত যামিনীর
স্খলিত দলিত শুষ্ক কামিনীর
বাতায়ন খুলে যায় ঘরে ঘরে,
ঘুমভাঙা আঁখি ফুটে থরে থরে
অন্ধকার পথ কৌতূহলভরে
"জাগো, ভিক্ষা দাও' সবে ডাকি ডাকি
সুপ্ত সৌধে তুলি নিদ্রাহীন আঁখি
শূন্য রাজবাটে চলেছে একাকী
ফেলি দিল পথে বণিকধনিকা
মুঠি মুঠি তুলি রতনকণিকা--
কেহ কণ্ঠহার, মাথার মণিকা
কেহ গো।
ধনী স্বর্ণ আনে থালি পূরে পূরে,
সাধু নাহি চাহে, পড়ে থাকে দূরে--
ভিক্ষু কহে, "ভিক্ষা আমার প্রভুরে
দেহো গো।'
বসনে ভূষণে ঢাকি গেল ধূলি,
কনকে রতনে খেলিল বিজুলি,
সন্ন্যাসী ফুকারে লয়ে শূন্য ঝুলি
"ওগো পৌরজন, করো অবধান,
ভিক্ষুশ্রেষ্ঠ তিনি বুদ্ধ ভগবান,
দেহো তারে নিজ সর্বশ্রেষ্ঠ দান
ফিরে যায় রাজা, ফিরে যায় শেঠ,
মিলে না প্রভুর যোগ্য কোনো ভেট,
বিশাল নগরী লাজে রহে হেঁট-
রৌদ্র উঠে ফুটে, জেগে উঠে দেশ,
মহানগরীর পথ হল শেষ,
পুরপ্রান্তে সাধু করিলা প্রবেশ
দীন নারী এক ভূতলশয়ন
না ছিল তাহার অশন ভূষণ,
সে আসি নমিল সাধুর চরণ-
অরণ্য-আড়ালে রহি কোনোমতে
একমাত্র বাস নিল গাত্র হতে,
বাহুটি বাড়ায়ে ফেলি দিল পথে
ভিক্ষু ঊর্ধ্বভুজে করে জয়নাদ--
কহে, "ধন্য মাতঃ, করি আশীর্বাদ,
মহাভিক্ষুকের পুরাইলে সাধ
চলিলা সন্ন্যাসী ত্যজিয়া নগর
ছিন্ন চীরখানি লয়ে শিরোপর
সঁপিতে বুদ্ধের চরণনখর-
Anathapindada was a leading disciple of the Buddha
"Lord Buddha, I beg,
O people of the city, who are awake,
Anathpindad said Ambud-
Young Tapan has just met
Arun laughter in laziness
Gaganalgan of Sravastipuri
In the palace.
Baitalikadal sleeping in sleep
Manglik song not yet caught,
Hesitant peak mild kuhutana
In the fog.
The monk says, "O sleeping city,
Deho bhiksha more, do nidra door '-
The latent citizen hears that tune
In the city.
The saint says, "Listen, the clouds are raining
The rain gives itself intoxication,
Sacrifice is the essence of all religions
In the world. '
Not far from Kailashshikhar
Like the great music of Bhairab
He is happy with the message Mandril
In the building.
The king awakens in vain the kingdom's wealth,
Homely false trivial arrangement,
Tears are wasted unnecessarily
The heart is excited by that beautiful happiness
I think it is the last guarantor
Slippery Dalit dry Kamini
The window opens from room to room,
Sleepy eyes burst into layers
The dark path curiously
"Wake up, beg," he cried
Sleepless eyes in the dormant monument
Zero Rajbat is running alone
He threw the merchant on the way
Muthi Muthi Tuli Ratankanika--
Someone necklace, head bead
Someone go.
The rich bring gold to the plate,
The saint does not want, stays away--
The monk says, “Begging is my lord
Go away. '
The dust covered the clothes,
Konke Ratne played lightning,
The monk holds the empty bag in Fukare
"O citizen, pay attention,
The greatest of monks is Lord Buddha,
Deho is his greatest gift
As much as. '
The king goes back, Seth goes back,
No match for the Lord,
The great city is ashamed to walk.
The sun rises, the country wakes up,
The way to the metropolis is the end,
Sadhu Karila entered the city
In the garden.
Deen Nari is an underground bed
There was no Ashan Bhushan,
He came to the feet of Namil Sadhu-
Somehow I stayed behind the forest
The only bus to be taken,
He raised his arm and threw it on the way
On the ground
The monk raises his head in joy--
Says, "Blessed Mother, bless you,
Mahabhikshukera puraile sadha
Paul. '
Chalila Sannyasi abandoned the city
Shredded chirkhani lay heading
Sampite Buddha's footsteps-
In the light.

And here we go...


The Real Man Comes Around with A Sankalp - A Resolution

The Kanyakumari resolve of 1892 was the resolution taken by Indian Hindu monk Swami Vivekananda to dedicate himself to the service and the welfare of people. In 1970 Vivekananda Rock Memorial was founded at the place where Vivekananda took this resolution.

Ramakrishna, the spiritual teacher of Vivekananda, desired to see his disciple dedicate his life to the welfare of society. After the death of Ramakrishna in 1886, Narendranath Datta (Pre-monastic name of Swami Vivekananda) and other disciples founded their first monastery at Baranagar.

In 1888, Narendranath Datta left the monastery as a parivrajaka (meaning: "the Hindu religious life of a wandering monk") "without fixed abode, without ties, independent and strangers wherever they go". Between 1888 and 1893 he traveled extensively in several states of India. In 1888, he visited several places in Northern India like Ayodhya, Lucknow, Agra, Vrindavan, Hathras, and Rishikesh. Between 1888 and 1890, Vivekananda visited Vaidyanath and Allahabad.

In 1891, he traveled to Ahmedabad, Wadhwan, and Limbdi. He also visited Girnar, Kutch, Porbandar, Dwaraka, Palitana, Nadiad, Nadiad ni haveli, and Baroda.

In 1892, he went to South India. He first traveled to Bangalore and then visited other cities like Trissur, Kodungalloor, Ernakulam, Nagercoil, and Trivandrum. He offered worship at Rameswaram and finally reached Kanyakumari on 24 December 1892.

Kanyakumari resolve

During his wandering years, Vivekananda experienced the sufferings and problems faced by common people. Poverty, lack of self-respect, and education pained him. He wanted to help these poor people. He wanted to restore the dignity and self-respect of these people.

When Vivekananda reached Kanyakumari on 24 December 1892, he was still unable to formulate an idea to help the masses of the country. In Kanyakumari, he swam across the ocean to reach a large mid-sea rock. There he sat on the rock and started meditating on India's past, present, and future. His meditation on the "last bit of Indian rock" (later known as the Vivekananda Rock Memorial) continued for three days from 25 to 27 December. Swami Vivekananda contemplated on India since the Vedic age during his 3 days of meditation in Kanya Kumari. The past glory of India brought tears to his eyes. In Bodhgaya, he contemplated the Buddhist age of India and its glory was so mesmerizing that he was overwhelmed while being in meditation.

Here he had a "vision of one India" and came up with a solution in the form of resolution, which is popularly known as the "Kanyakumari resolve of 1892"..." The purpose of the 'resolve' was also to organize sannyasins for social service...

In a letter written to Swami Ramakrishnananda on 19 March 1894, Vivekananda recalled

My brother, in view of all this, especially of poverty and ignorance, I had no sleep. At Cape Comorin sitting in Mother Kumari's temple, sitting on the last bit of Indian rock—I hit upon a plan: We are so many Sannyasins wandering about, and teaching the people metaphysics—it is all madness. Did not our Gurudeva use to say, "An empty stomach is no good for religion"? That those poor people are leading the life of brutes is simply due to ignorance. We have for all ages been sucking their blood and trampling them underfoot.

At Kanyakumari, he decided to dedicate his life to the welfare and uplifting of the common masses of India.

Sankalp Divas

The date 24 December, when Vivekananda took the resolution at Kanyakumari, is celebrated as Sankalp Divas (the resolve day, resolution day)

Learning beyond the classroom - part II

From a post of an MBA Lady of XLRI posted on Linkedin

"A close friend of mine is an IRS officer. And I recently went to meet her at a fancy government office in the heart of Delhi.

The guard at the gate asked me what I wanted. I said I was there to meet a friend.

He rudely asked me to go find another gate.

So I left and started to look around for this elusive 'other' gate.

Immediately another guard came and started shouting at me for loitering. He insisted that I leave immediately.

In a fix, I called my friend to come down.

And the moment she came and gave me a big hug, I was suddenly transformed into royalty.

I was now being treated with extreme courtesy – even deference.

Someone helped me into the lift. Someone else insisted on opening the car door for me.

I was exactly who I'd been 3 minutes ago. And yet, to them, I became a completely different person.

And this may just seem like a typical 'sarkari' thing to happen, but the truth is that we all do it.

We use our inherent biases to decide almost everything.

Whom we hire, whom we promote, and whom we trust.

Whom we open the car door for – and whom we shoo away from the gate.

So the next time we are the gatekeepers, maybe we can make a conscious effort to see beyond our biases.

To see people for who they truly are – and not just the baggage they come with."

This was my response to her:

aapko malum nahi aisey situation kayse handle karte hain... mujhe bhi kuch patay nahi tha. phir dhire dhire aankhe khulne laga... aur reality pata chala... phir ye sare tarikh pe tarikh lawyear kaysa hota hain, phir ye sare income tax ke logo ki ware mein jo gaon wala baatein karte hain uska thoda example kejri ji ne sunaya, phir pata chala police department mein kayse posting auction hota hain, aur ye sare cheese ka account kayse chori bazar se khrida hua MS- excel mein calculate hota hain, kayse bujurg log jhamela se nikalne ke liye haddi deta hain, aur ye sare ke sare cheese pata chala... phir ye sab kayse handle karna parta hain... kahan pe ghamandi kahan pe thoda muskan, aur kahan pe girls low necked dress pahante hain, sab malum hua... matlab life mein thoda senior ban gaya. to ayse mahal mein kaysa bolna chaiye . woh bhi bujurg ne sikhaya

to thoda iss haal mein aapko bolna chaye tha ki...

"aap log chinta mat karo...wapas jane ke time aap sab logo ko khush kar dungi..."

itna chota sa dialog agar aap emotion ke ssath, aankhon mein aankhein daal ke, voice mein thoda njuk hote hue hue bol dete ...

matlab jo boltein hain na ... narikala ... uoh college mein sikh leta ... sayyed aapko jo experience yaahaan pe describe kiya uoh na karna parta…

dekho boss, aisey kuch der nahin hua... mere yaad hain, purana Bengali newspaper mein kuch kuch ladies ek advertisement dete the...

Learn Bashikaran Mantra...

meaning how to tame a person...

woh sayed iss technology mein expert hain...

sikho boss...

sabse sikho...

open your mind...

Reality check: the futility of classroom education

From the above two discussions, what can a sane person learn?

If I answer you with my recent awakening, this may not sound good to many people of #bharat, and maybe I will be subjected to harassment or whatever by the so-called purist, but, as a #guru of my young son, I have to take up this reality check of the uselessness of classroom education and then you will surely understand why I have discarded all of my past experience and my engineering degree as I consider all these things were just the sheer wastage of my energy and it worked just to camouflage the real me from the outside world instead of showing my real version - the #whoami

Now let us juxtapose two of such famous political people of modern #bharat and then you will surely realize, that the training needs to be aligned with the change in the perception of the modern society…

The first one :

an absolute diligent student - may be an expert in statistics, bayesian econometrics, and all of the modern economic theories - who had worked as a senior economist in many top international monetary bodies, who probably, while studying very hard under the open sky of #punjab, under the feeble light of a lantern, roamed the field of his village barefoot, and then went to the USA to do research and gathered all such esoteric knowledge which is really unimaginable for a common person of #bharat - thought one day he would be the change maker to see his nation move ahead.

But could not really understand the reality of the universe.

So in the process, lost his voice of sanity, maybe out of fear and surrendered to the poison of an absolute a**-hole lady, who probably did not have the power to fathom his knowledge and wisdom and made him just a joker.

Such a feeble joker, that one statesman of a neighboring nation dared to call him a #dehatiauraut in an international forum in front of the camera.

And all of the people of #bharat just watched, maybe with disdain, but could not help him move out from the poisonous snake hole

The second one :  

the poisonous snake who never thought about education at all and never cared about being educated, as we, the middle-class families know as education, but learned the real game-changing mantra of the powerplay - how much poison to inject in which situation and to whom, whom to pick up as a shield, how to play the role of a bahu of #bharat without even caring for getting the citizenship of #bharat, how to create the camouflage to blind the poor and the uneducated farmers, how to keep the educated middle class happy with the masala wala haddi (the tasty bone), and what kind of masala to use for the haddi based upon the geography, and make it all under the guise of the #sacrifice just to keep the seat  warm by the former voiceless joker, so that when her own joker-son would become adult may be at the age of 65, would sit on the hot seat to rule over the blind people of #bharat

So rather than depending upon the education of statistics, literature, or philosophy, she learned how to dance around a pole to impress a gullible pilot of a cargo plane

So now you understand - who was smarter among those two and who actually won the Game Of  Life…

This is for the Reality Check of Education...

Do we need any classroom training anymore in #bharat and if we need what kind of changes in the syllabus do you suggest...

this is the question for the #universe to ponder upon...

Last but not the least...

if anyone wants to open such a department in any university to teach this

Bashikaran Mantra - or how to tame a person

which will be an exclusive women-oriented department, here is a suggestion from a #guru of #bharat to keep a statue of Urvashi or Menoka as they were probably the oldest specialist in this art form.

I can suggest recruiting a few professors -  the profile of whom you can easily get on LinkedIn

I know few such international female artists who may be recruited as a guest lecturers - one may be the Chinese ambassador planted in Nepal a few months back, and another one may be the foreign minister of a neighboring country, I have no idea about the current status of any of them because of my limited knowledge.  But I am sure we have many experts in this field who can help the Government in this endeavor. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Learning happens outside the classroom...

This is the college admission time. Many people are posting videos that are a perfect representation of #youngistan, young in nature, showing a positive mind, creating opportunities, a perfect win-win condition for many youngsters and you. I appreciate that because of the way the presenters presented themselves - the charm of a really good presenter to explain a subject.

Now let me explain why I am trying to reach out to you through this message.

have you ever wondered, about the kinds of learning that one can achieve outside the university campus?

let me tell you. real learning happens not inside a classroom. but outside.

for example, you will know about a country not by watching the TV news, social websites, or all such things that came out from the educated mind to educate others.

but by mixing with people on the roadside, in the dhaba, at the tea stall, or in the vegetable market, or by speaking to the delivery boy of some of the so-called internet companies.

let me tell you how it can enrich a person.

yesterday morning I went to the local market.

As I voluntarily spoke with the people on the road and common people, the first shopkeeper started telling me that he had a gym friend whose name is also the same as my name. but he is very junior and still look up to him, a 55+ plus guy for some tips.

He continued about the health hazards of modern kids because of the virtual world and how to overcome it

I told him about a great person in my name who was the first recipient of Param Vir Chakra - the great Somnath Sharma. Read about him here…

Then the talk continued and we spoke about how we lost the real power of #bharat by glamorizing #ahimsa of #bapuji as a strength instead of a weakness.

and then it came to the Russia-Ukraine war and the resistance of Ukraine as a natural phenomenon of humanity.

and then I added about the great Second World War and the similar resistance by the Red Army of Russia in the war of Belgrade with just bayonets in each and every staircase and why it was an important lesson for war pundits about not to undermine the basic human nature of resistance only by means of mental strength which defy any possible logic.

I told him this is what you can say as godly power, which defies any logic from so-called human intelligence.

and so when you find a naked #rishi or #yogi in the freezing cold of #himalaya doing yoga as if it's such a natural condition, normal people can't explain it and hence many such people are called as #zany or #crazy by our society.

for the #universe, when you see #Einstein getting down from a train at some uncanny station, naturally normal people would have marked him as #mad had he not become famous before showing such behavior.

The next person in the conversation was an old lady in a fruit shop selling fruits. As I started my conversation with her, she gradually opened up after narrating the poor health of her husband and why she is worried about her only son, a 35-year-old family man who is a car mechanic by profession. She explained, that as the price of fuel is rising and because people are not using cars as they used to before corona hit mankind, her son is not getting much income to sustain his family. But she was very expressive when she explained that learning the skill is the only important aspect of a human being, and thanks to the almighty that her son was able to pick up this knowledge of car mechanics by his sheer willpower, you will get the vibe of what common people of #bharat actually wants.

My third lady in the conversation was a sabjiwali, who discussed the daily routine of waking up at 3:00 a.m., reaching the wholesale market vegetable and buying it and then loading it on a mini truck, arriving at the market at 7:00 a.m., and then getting ready for the sale till 1:00 pm and then returning home, far away from the vegetable market and then taking care of her family members. I told her about another such vegetable vendor who used to do double shifts, the morning as a vegetable vendor and the second shift as a rickshaw puller and he proudly admitted that his monthly average income is around 40 to 50 thousand Indian rupees. Then I said to her,” Do you know how much the so-called software engineers from the so-called educated families of #kolaka earn - on an average rs. 20000 per month and mostly writing documentation, and may do a little bit of bug fixing and then return home pretty late with the tension of going back to the office next day without any clue or purpose.” But all of them never miss a chance to flaunt their glossy credit card, or debit cards, a little outing for English breakfast at Park Street, and of course, sharing photos of the plates of the restaurant everywhere on the #internet showing the #fake version of themselves.

Now you all understand why living a life with a purpose is more important than anything else.

so you see, just a few minutes of open talk will enable a student to learn about so many aspects of life which will never be possible inside the classroom.

Now if we talk about professional knowledge, let me tell you, whatever software I have learned is because of my own perseverance and interests - despite the difficult circumstances and of course not with the help of any college professor.

We all should know that the way a man learns engineering is not exactly the way he practices engineering.

so we must cut the waste of time learning it, and use it to practice it.

that's why we, the people of #Bharat will have to change our understanding of real education...

The difference between education, degree, and wisdom…

Real education happens outside the classroom when somebody finds out the purpose of his existence

then nobody has to drive that person.

His #lordshiva or inner conscience will take care of his life

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


The great conundrum of #Human race…

how to achieve  #salvation… 

what it actually means…

how I may achieve it…

what we, as a human race can learn by studying the lives of great people across the globe about how they have achieved it…

to know the ultimate #truth of our lives…

For me, or maybe many people like me…

#salvation is achieved by playing the role in the lives extremely wild








sometimes showing #selflove

sometimes showing #selfless love

executing #duties

acting #smart

and sometimes also

acting #stupid…

to win the battle of life and to make others win…

but ultimately…

winning the last battle of life after surrendering in front of the ultimate #creator, 


through #losing the last game of life…

against Him…

and getting the ultimate winner’s garland

by watching 



The #truth…

Enjoy the songs...

English Translation 

My liberation is radiance on the horizon, My liberation on the dirt and grass. Often I lose myself far away from terrenes, Melodies help my liberation to sail above. My liberation surrounded by universal souls, And in the toughest duties that stand high above stress and distress. Despite being churned in offering shrine - Wish I could offer my life in the quest for liberation

English Translation

Brim my heart, quench my thirst, Bestow me with more life. In your world, in your abode Bestow me with more space. On my wistful eyes - Bestow with more beams of light. In my cacophonic flute - Bestow with more melodic tunes. Oh Master, grind me with more pain, Bestow with more revelations. Blowing doors, breaking barriers - Help me emerge out, liberate me. Bestow me with more love - Let me inundate myself within. Offer me unlimited bestowing, Dispense yourself as drops of nectar.