Sunday, January 26, 2025

It's Light that matters - Light.... My light... Happy Republic Day...

Happy Republic Day to all of you.
This morning my heart is singing this song...

The English translation :

Light, my light, the world-filling light, the eye-kissing light, heart-sweetening light!
Ah, the light dances, my darling, at the centre of my life; the light strikes, my darling, the chords of my love; the sky opens, the wind runs wild, laughter passes over the earth.
The butterflies spread their sails on the sea of light. Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light. 
The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling, and it scatters gems in profusion.
Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf, my darling, and gladness without measure. The heaven's river has drowned its banks and the flood of joy is abroad.


lead me from untruth to truth...
lead me from darkness to light...
lead me from mortality to immortality...

Light symbolizes wisdom while darkness symbolizes ignorance — a profound metaphor that has resonated through ages, encapsulating the human experience of seeking understanding amidst the unknown.


Bestow light to the unsighted,
Endow life to the dead.
Tender a drop of mercy, O' Gracious.
Rock-hard is my arid heart -
Soak my parched eyes with flowing love.
Send your hearty call to him
Who doesn't call you,
Protect him intimately
Who looks away from you.
He who roams thirsty
On the banks of your ocean of nectar -
Sooth him with your flow of affection,
Help him drink the divine potion.
That I had obtained you,
That I had lost you, unwittingly,
That I fell asleep
To rise and find all plunged in the dark.
Whom do I exchange my estrangement,
Who would console me,
Years passed quietly looking for love -
Unveil yourself, O' do it,
My sobbing heart is down.

And here's my wife's poem...

अंधेरा - उजाला

अंधेरे और उजाले के बीच युद्ध छिड़ी।
कौन है श्रेष्ठ की तर्क भिड़ी।
अंधेरा बोला अहंकार से
मैं आऊं तो सबको लुप्त कर जाऊं।
मेरे समक्ष किसी की क्या पहचान!
न उम्र की भेद करूं मैं न जात की,
न देश की न धान्य की।
सबको अपने रंग में रंग देता हूं 
पक्षपाती नहीं हूं मैं। 
उजाला शांत न रह सका‌ दहाड़ कर बोला,
अरे मूर्ख! यह सोचा कभी तूने
कि अज्ञानता, पाप, क्रोध, द्वेष भी हैं तेरे रंग के?
मैं प्रतीक हूं ज्ञान का, सत्य का, जीवन का।
नहीं रंगता मैं दूसरों को अपने रंग में,
वरन् सबका सही रंग दिखलाता हूं।
अपनी चादर ओढ़ सबको भ्रमित न कर
मैं सबकुछ स्पष्ट दिखलाता हूं।
किंतु यह भी सत्य है कि तुम अगर ना होते 
तो सब मेरा महत्व भी न समझते।

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Having an uncluttered mind is an essential leadership quality...

Having an uncluttered mind in whatever we do - be it identifying the enemies of our nation to performing daily chores - is an essential leadership quality. We, the Hindus of Bharat have suffered maximum for not having it abundantly. 

Our history was distorted, our Dharma had been villainized, in both the world wars, we, as a community were butchered like lambs, a not-so-great person was made our father of the nation - but what we did - we kept silent.

You know....

Silence = Complicity ...

We have not learned our lessons.

I have tremendous respects for Putin sir for having an uncluttered mind about Right and Wrong...

Read... o my Hindus of Bharat... Read...

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, passed away on August 30, 2022. While he was widely recognized internationally for his role in ending the Cold War and implementing reforms like glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring), his legacy in Russia is more controversial.

Vladimir Putin did not grant Gorbachev a full state funeral, which is typically reserved for figures of significant national importance. Instead, Gorbachev was given a farewell ceremony at Moscow's House of the Unions and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery beside his wife, Raisa. Putin did not attend the funeral, citing scheduling conflicts.

This decision was likely influenced by Gorbachev's divisive reputation within Russia. Many Russians associate him with the collapse of the Soviet Union, which some view as a period of national humiliation and economic hardship. Meanwhile, Putin has often expressed regret about the Soviet Union's dissolution, calling it a "major geopolitical catastrophe."

This was how Putin sir's Russia treated Gorbachev sir - a puppet of the Western world.

Now juxtapose this kind of behaviour of Putin sir with the current leadership of Bharat in the context of how we have been acting as wilfully blind people to treat Gandhi ji.

And I am not exaggerating - watch the video of 15th August 2022, when our beloved Modiji paid tributes to Gandhiji and I am also sure that he knows the Truth of our current Father of the Nation... 

The historical blunder of Bharat must be corrected if we want to be recognised as a nation of Lions and not a herd of blind sheep...

Jai Hind...