Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Sabkuch dikhta nahin hai - part II - Not everything is visible...


People of Bharat... It's good that Modiji and BJP survived and emerged as winner in three consecutive elections - but the threat was real. 

I have taken a cue from Mike Benz, a free internet lover.

Join the dots backward.... everything will be clear.

Starting from the limited sharing option of Whatsapp to USAID funding to various so-called mis-information companies' sudden birth in Bharat during 2019.

Sab kuch dikhta nahi hain...

Wake up.... Hindus of Bharat....

Read ON...

From Mike Benz...

Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO), a non-profit watchdog dedicated to protecting digital liberties and restoring the free and open Internet. Previously. I was in charge of the cyber and "Big Tech" portfolios for the US State Department. where I served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology. That role included formulating and negotiating US policy on cyber issues as well as in- terfacing with private industry and civil society in the Big Tech space.

Prior to this, I served as a White House speechwriter for President Trump and advised on tech matters. Before that, I served as speechwriter to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr Ben Carson and was a policy adviser on economic development. Before my roles in the public sector, I practised business law for seven years as an attorney in New York. primarily representing technology companies and financial firms.

Where were you posted and in what position when these alleged interference occurred? 

A: If you're talking about US tech platforms interfering with the free flow of political information in India. that started before my time at the State Department. In late 2018/early 2019, the US-UK foreign policy establishment began a campaign to paint Modi's political success as being the result of "misinformation" online. For instance:

BBC: Nationalism a driving force behind fake news in India, research shows (Nov 2018)

*Time: How Volunteers for India's Ruling Party Are Using WhatsApp to Fuel Fake News Ahead of Elections (January 2019) 

*Quartz: There's no stopping fake news in India when the prime minister's
of the United States. 

New York Times: India Has a Public Health Crisis. It's Called Fake News (April 2019)


"Misinformation" is a censorship predicate. When the US foreign policy establishment says a foreign country has a "misinformation crisis," that is a cue to US tech companies to work with entities like the State Department's Global Engagement Center or cut-out think tanks like the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensics Research Lab or counter misinformation USAID fundees to censor the "mis information" in that foreign country.

Q: What was the modus operand that was put in play?

They censored chat apps like WhatsApp because Modi supporters were spreading pro-Modi messages there.

Poynter Institute: Inside WhatsApp's battle against misinformation in India (Dee 2018)

BBC: Whats App blocks two million Indian accounts (July 2021)

The US foreign policy establishment leaned on Facebook, which owns WhatsApp, very heavily to limit the amount of WhatsApp messages that could be shared, which would therefore limit the amount of pro-Modi content that could circulate in India (Modi supporters dispro- portionately shared con- tent on WhatsApp).

Like here, you can see in January 2019 WhatsApp started limiting sharing in India explicitly to stop Modi's misinformation" sharing

CNN: WhatsApp tightens limit on the number of people you can share messages with (Jan 2019)

When I was at the State Department. I saw all these same think tanks like the "Atlantic Council" were inundating me and my policy peers with recommendations to promote censoring "misinformation" abroad in so-called "nationalist or "authoritarian" governments. Modi's name was always circulated in lists that hit my inbox of places where US tech companies should be more aggressively engaged in "content moderation" (meaning censorship).

Which tech companies were involved in this? And why were they doing it? 

Facebook, WhatsApp. YouTube, Twitter, and probably others, but I do not want to speculate beyond that.

Q: Were the US government agencies, including the State Department, aware of this interference to defeat BJP and Modi?

A: That was not my direct portfolio, so I cannot answer that. It would be surprising to me if the State Department's Global Engagement Center was not talking to and placing pressure on US tech company liaisons to fa cilitate censorship of Modi BJP in India. The State Department keeps close tabs on social media influence of political parties and when they are hostile to a foreign leader, they tend to let US tech companies know early and often.

Q During that time, President Trump, who had an excellent equation with Prime Minister Modi, was in power. So bow do you explain this dichotomy? Was the State Department and other agencies working inde- pendently against their boss (Trump)?

A: Yes. Trump had very little influence over the rank-and-file of the State Department. There were many pockets of rogue factions that simply never accepted Trump's foreign policy and did not even pretend to 
accept Trump was their boss. 

Q: Did you come across any evidence that suggests other India-based political entities were coordinating with these tech companies in order to impact BJP's and Modi's poll campaign?

Not directly, it wasn't my direct portfolio. But I'm sure you can look up all the little counter-misin- formation companies that popped up in India and see to what extent they got State Department or USAID funding.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

It's Light that matters - Light.... My light... Happy Republic Day...

Happy Republic Day to all of you.
This morning my heart is singing this song...

The English translation :

Light, my light, the world-filling light, the eye-kissing light, heart-sweetening light!
Ah, the light dances, my darling, at the centre of my life; the light strikes, my darling, the chords of my love; the sky opens, the wind runs wild, laughter passes over the earth.
The butterflies spread their sails on the sea of light. Lilies and jasmines surge up on the crest of the waves of light. 
The light is shattered into gold on every cloud, my darling, and it scatters gems in profusion.
Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf, my darling, and gladness without measure. The heaven's river has drowned its banks and the flood of joy is abroad.


lead me from untruth to truth...
lead me from darkness to light...
lead me from mortality to immortality...

Light symbolizes wisdom while darkness symbolizes ignorance — a profound metaphor that has resonated through ages, encapsulating the human experience of seeking understanding amidst the unknown.


Bestow light to the unsighted,
Endow life to the dead.
Tender a drop of mercy, O' Gracious.
Rock-hard is my arid heart -
Soak my parched eyes with flowing love.
Send your hearty call to him
Who doesn't call you,
Protect him intimately
Who looks away from you.
He who roams thirsty
On the banks of your ocean of nectar -
Sooth him with your flow of affection,
Help him drink the divine potion.
That I had obtained you,
That I had lost you, unwittingly,
That I fell asleep
To rise and find all plunged in the dark.
Whom do I exchange my estrangement,
Who would console me,
Years passed quietly looking for love -
Unveil yourself, O' do it,
My sobbing heart is down.

And here's my wife's poem...

अंधेरा - उजाला

अंधेरे और उजाले के बीच युद्ध छिड़ी।
कौन है श्रेष्ठ की तर्क भिड़ी।
अंधेरा बोला अहंकार से
मैं आऊं तो सबको लुप्त कर जाऊं।
मेरे समक्ष किसी की क्या पहचान!
न उम्र की भेद करूं मैं न जात की,
न देश की न धान्य की।
सबको अपने रंग में रंग देता हूं 
पक्षपाती नहीं हूं मैं। 
उजाला शांत न रह सका‌ दहाड़ कर बोला,
अरे मूर्ख! यह सोचा कभी तूने
कि अज्ञानता, पाप, क्रोध, द्वेष भी हैं तेरे रंग के?
मैं प्रतीक हूं ज्ञान का, सत्य का, जीवन का।
नहीं रंगता मैं दूसरों को अपने रंग में,
वरन् सबका सही रंग दिखलाता हूं।
अपनी चादर ओढ़ सबको भ्रमित न कर
मैं सबकुछ स्पष्ट दिखलाता हूं।
किंतु यह भी सत्य है कि तुम अगर ना होते 
तो सब मेरा महत्व भी न समझते।

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Having an uncluttered mind is an essential leadership quality...

Having an uncluttered mind in whatever we do - be it identifying the enemies of our nation to performing daily chores - is an essential leadership quality. We, the Hindus of Bharat have suffered maximum for not having it abundantly. 

Our history was distorted, our Dharma had been villainized, in both the world wars, we, as a community were butchered like lambs, a not-so-great person was made our father of the nation - but what we did - we kept silent.

You know....

Silence = Complicity ...

We have not learned our lessons.

I have tremendous respects for Putin sir for having an uncluttered mind about Right and Wrong...

Read... o my Hindus of Bharat... Read...

Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, passed away on August 30, 2022. While he was widely recognized internationally for his role in ending the Cold War and implementing reforms like glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring), his legacy in Russia is more controversial.

Vladimir Putin did not grant Gorbachev a full state funeral, which is typically reserved for figures of significant national importance. Instead, Gorbachev was given a farewell ceremony at Moscow's House of the Unions and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery beside his wife, Raisa. Putin did not attend the funeral, citing scheduling conflicts.

This decision was likely influenced by Gorbachev's divisive reputation within Russia. Many Russians associate him with the collapse of the Soviet Union, which some view as a period of national humiliation and economic hardship. Meanwhile, Putin has often expressed regret about the Soviet Union's dissolution, calling it a "major geopolitical catastrophe."

This was how Putin sir's Russia treated Gorbachev sir - a puppet of the Western world.

Now juxtapose this kind of behaviour of Putin sir with the current leadership of Bharat in the context of how we have been acting as wilfully blind people to treat Gandhi ji.

And I am not exaggerating - watch the video of 15th August 2022, when our beloved Modiji paid tributes to Gandhiji and I am also sure that he knows the Truth of our current Father of the Nation... 

The historical blunder of Bharat must be corrected if we want to be recognised as a nation of Lions and not a herd of blind sheep...

Jai Hind...

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Gratitude - thank you God for bringing me in this universe - my search for WhoAmI continues...

The English translation of the song...

My heart sings at the wonder of my place
In this world of light and life;
At the feel in my pulse of the rhythm of creation
Cadenced by the swing of the endless time.
I feel the tenderness of the grass in my forest walk,
The wayside flowers startle me:
That the gifts of the infinite are strewn in the dust
Wakens my song in wonder.
I have seen, have heard, have lived;
In the depth of the known have felt
The truth that exceeds all knowledge
Which fills my heart with wonder and I sing.

Monday, December 2, 2024

At last - The sleeping giant is waking up - the decolonisation of bureaucracy in Bharat is an essential part of broader reforms...

At last we are experiencing the rebirth of a modern Bharat - unshackled from the colonised mindset. In recent time, the present government's effort in including Gita as the basis of retraining the brown sahibs in the government should be welcomed by everyone who wholeheartedly wants to see Bharat reclaiming her true position on the New World Order - as the Vishwaguru Bharat.

Taking inspiration from ancient Bharatiya textbook like Gita for retraining the government babus is the correct shift towards making Bharat an original Bharat - not a copy of the western world.

Remember, a copy cat cannot become glorious - its just a copy... Originality matters...

In this context, I would like to suggest of making Sanskrit as the national language of Bharat - it will solve many problems at once - the new Bharat will stand on the strong shoulders of unity through unison. This one language will be able to stitch different parts of Bharat in an unified nation - where harmony at different parts will propel better growth - the unity in Oneness...

We must not forget that the residues of our colonial masters is still very much active in the form of bureaucracy. The Britisher created the Indian Civil service to control the native Indians - which grew upon a single policy of suck the people at the top and f*ck the people of the bottom. The real freedom fighters were sidelined by the brown sahibs in the 'free' Bharat. We should have rejected it many years ago... but alas!!! this was even encouraged by a colonial system fuelled by the sycophants of Bharat. 

For the Humans of Bharat - please wake up from the slumber - you have been in the servile mode for many years - now please reclaim your position in the New World Order - as citizens of Vishwaguru Bharat.

This is why we must elect responsible multi dimensional government.

Remember, if we elect a clown, we will experience nothing but circus...

Bharat has many thousands of years of collective wisdom.... Only drawback of our Hindu society is that the river of our ancient civilisation is being polluted by external enemies and we have been purposefully made to believe that we don't have a rich past - by none other than Macaulay - the agent of the Britisher...

It's time for us to wake up and awaken others.

I hereby suggest the human resource body of Government of Bharat to take a cue from Kautilya's Arthashastra as well along with philosophy and knowledge from Gita.

Read.... Read... O my Hindus of Bharat...

Please.... wake up and awaken other Hindus...

Read... Read... the following text is from Kautylya's Arthashastra...

प्रजासुखे सुखं राज्ञः प्रजानां तु हिते हितम् ।
नात्मप्रियं हितं राज्ञः प्रजानां तु प्रियं हितम् ॥

PrajaasukhE sukham raagyaha prajaanaam cha hitE hitam
naatma priyam hitam raagyaha prajaanaam tu priyam hitam.

प्रजासुखे सुखं राज्ञः प्रजानां च हिते हितम्।
नात्मप्रियम् हितम् राज्ञः प्रजानां तु प्रियम् हितम्।।

प्रजा के सुख में राजा का सुख निहित है, प्रजा के हित में ही उसे अपना हित दिखना चाहिए । जो स्वयं को प्रिय लगे उसमें राजा का हित नहीं है, उसका हित तो प्रजा को जो प्रिय लगे उसमें है ।

In the happiness of the people lies the Ruler’s happiness
Their welfare is his welfare
What pleases him, the Ruler shall not consider good
but whatever pleases his people, the Ruler shall consider good.

Here we go...

Wake up... The Hindus of Bharat... open your eyes and feel proud of your Hindu ancestors...

And here we go... my wife Reema reciting her own poem - Swadharm...

We all are duty bound to Bhagwan for doing good to humanity...

Jai Hind...

Monday, November 11, 2024

The Clarion Call for the Hindus of Bharat - Wakeup....

"Hindu society is the only significant society in the world today which presents a continuity of cultural existence and functioning since times immemorial.

Most other societies known to human history-East and West, North and South-have suffered a sudden interruption and undergone a traumatic transformation due to the invasion and victory of
latter-day ideologies-Christianity, Islam, and Communism. The pre-Christian, pre-Islamic and pre-Communist cultural creations of these societies are now to be met only in libraries and museums,
thanks to the labours of antiquarian scholars.

Hindu culture can meet the same frightful fate if there were no Hindu society to sustain it. This is the point which is not always remembered even by those who take pride in Hindu culture.

There are many Hindus who cherish the great spiritual traditions of Hinduism and its scriptures like the Gitaand the Upanishads in which that tradition is enshrined. But they do not cherish with an
equal enthusiasm the Hindu society which has honoured and preserved these traditions and scriptures down the ages.

Again, there are many Hindus who proclaim with great confidence that Sanãtana Dharma that is Hinduism can never die. This is true in a sense. There will always be individuals in non-Hindu
societies who will recover the mystique of Sanãtana Dharma through their efforts at self-discovery.

But Sanãtana Dharma will surely suffer an eclipse and no more inform mankind at large with its message, if there is no Hindu society to sustain it.

Lastly, there are many Hindus who are legitimately proud of Hindu art, architecture, sculpture, music, painting, dance, drama, literature, linguistics, lexicography, and so on. But they seldom take
into account the fact that this great wealth of artistic, literary and scientific heritage, will die if Hindu society which created it is no more there to preserve, protect and perpetuate it."


Here we go...

Interesting observation by a hard-core Hindu, Gaurav Pradhan...

Who is HINDUS biggest enemy? Is it Muslims or Soros Cabal?

Let's understand

The one who arrested Advani ji during Rathyatra for Ram Mandir : Was a Hindu 

The one who fought the case against Ram Mandir: Was a Hindu

The one who ordered firing on Ram Bhakts : was a Hindu

The one who filed an affidavit to claim Prabhu Ram doesn't exist: Was a Hindu

Those who approached SC to stop surveys in lands occupied by Muslims : Are Hindu

Those who ordered them to do so : Are Hindus

The one who engineered fall of ABV govt : Was a virat Hindu

The one who went to pakistan and asked to overthrow Modi Govt : was a Hindu

The one collaborated with Dawood for 1993 Mumbai blast : was a Hindu

The one who spoke of Hindu terror : was a Hindu

Who keep advising Modi ji all the time : Hindu

Who want 370 back in valley : Hindu

Who decided to teach a lesson to Modi in LS2024 : Hindu

This is just a partial list of key events. Now show me where is a Muslim here?

Hindus are the biggest enemies of Hindus. 

They can go to any extent just to prove themselves secular and gain validation from the other side.

They'll always pick outsiders over their own brothers.

Our real and most dangerous enemies are such Hindus because they are among us.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Ahimsa Paramo Dharmo - the Half Truth - a perspective from Lala Lajpat Rai...


My Hindu brothers and sisters.... 
It's time for you to wake up and kiss the Truth.
All through these years you have been badly brainwashed and cajoled by a fad called Ahimsa of Gandhiji...
Please open your eyes...
Let's take a pledge that from now onwards we will accept and disseminate only TRUTH and nothing else.

Enjoy the poem about Hinduism written and recited by my wife Reema...

It's time for my Bharatwasi to know the Real History - not through the coloured glasses of some leftist historians...

Come ON... guys...

Wake up...

" There is no religion higher than neither truth, nor a course of conduct nobler than Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah. Rightly understood and rightly applied to life, the latter makes a man a saint and a hero. Misunderstood and misapplied, it makes a man cowardly and craven, base and stupid. There was a time when the Indians understood it rightly and made only the proper use of it and they were a race of truthful, noble and brave people. Then came a time when some good people, thoroughly well-intentioned and otherwise saintly, made a fad of it, placed it not only at the top of all other virtues, but made it the sole test of a good life. They overdid it not only in their own lives but converted it into a supreme national virtue at the cost of everything else.

All other virtues which ennoble men and nations were thrown into the background and subordinated to this, according to them, the supreme test of goodness, courage, bravery, heroism, all lapsed. Honour and self-respect were thrown into the shade. Patriotism, love of country, love of family, honour of the race was all extinguished. It was this perverted use or misuse of ahimsa (non-killing), or its exaggerated importance at the cost of everything else, that brought about the social, political and moral downfall of the Hindus. They forgot that manliness was as good a virtue as ahimsa. In fact the former was in no way inconsistent with the latter, if rightly applied. They overlooked the fact that individual as well as national interests made it incumbent that the weak should be protected against the strong, and that the aggressor and the usurper, the thief and the scoundrel, the lustful villain and the infamous violator of women’s chastity, the ruffian and the cheat, should be prevented from inflicting injustice and doing harm. They ignored the fact that humanity required that the fear of righteous indignation and of the consequences that flow there from, should deter the soul of the evilly disposed people from harming innocence, violating purity and depriving others of their just rights. They failed to realize the importance and the sublimity of the truth that whosoever allows or tolerates forceful dominance of evil or tyranny and oppression, in a way abets and encourages it and is partly responsible for the prosperity and strength of the evil-doer. Ahimsa overdone and misapplied is a gangrene that poisons the system, enervates the faculties and converts men and women into half-lunatic, hysterical, and unnerved creatures, good for nothing that requires the energetic pursuits of noble ends and noble virtues. It converts men into monomaniacs and cowards.

The founders of the Jain religion were saintly people, pledged to a life of self-abnegation and self-mortification. Their followers, the Jain sadhus, are amongst the most saintly people who have achieved the greatest possible success in killing passions and subduing desires both of the senses and the mind. The Tolstoyian ahimsa has been known and practiced in India for three thousand years. There is no country on the face of the globe which contains so many and such profound ahimsaists as India does and which she has been having for centuries. Yet there is no country on the face of the globe which is so downtrodden, so bereft of manly virtues, as India of today is or as India of the last fifteen hundred years has been. Some people may say that it was not the practice of ahimsa that brought about this fall but the desertion of other virtues. I am, however, inclined to insist that the perversion of this truth was at least one of those causes that resulted in India’s forsaking the path of honour, manliness and virtue. The worst is that people, who profess an absolute faith in the doctrine, prove by their own practice that a perverted use of such a truth necessarily leads to a life of hypocrisy, unmanliness and cruelty.

I was born in a Jain family. My grandfather had an all-covering faith in ahimsa. He would rather be bitten by a snake than kill it. He would not harm even a vermin. He spent hours in religious exercise. To all appearances, he was a very virtuous person, who held a high position in his fraternity and commanded great respect. One of his brothers was a sadhu, a high priest who was an exalted leader of his order. This last-named gentleman was one of the “noblest” types of ascetics I have ever met with in my life. He lived up to his principles and excelled in the mortification of the flesh and in keeping down his passions and desires. Yet according to the best standards of ethics, his life was barren and unnatural. I loved and respected him, but I could not follow his creed, nor did he ever show any anxiety to make me do it. His brother, however, i.e., my own grandfather, was a different sort of person. He believed in ahimsa, that perverted ahimsa which forbids the taking of any life under any circumstances whatsoever, but he considered all kinds of trickeries in his trade and profession as not only valid but good. They were permissible according to the ethics of his business. I have known many persons of that faith who would deprive the minor and the widow of their last morsel of food in dealings with them but who would spend thousands in saving lice or birds or other animals standing in danger of being killed. I do not mean to say that the Jains of India are in any way more immoral than the rest of the Hindus or that ahimsa leads to immorality of that kind. Far be it from me to make such an unfounded insinuation. In their own way the Jains are great community, charitable, hospitable, and intelligent and shrewd men of business. So are some of the other communities 0among the Hindus.

What I mean is that the practice of ahimsa in its extreme form has in no way made them better than or morally superior to the other communities. In fact, they are the people who pre-eminently suffer from hooliganism and other manifestations of force, because they are more helpless than others, on account of their inherited fear and dislike of force. They cannot defend themselves, or the honour of those dear and near to them. Europe is the modern incarnation of the divine right of force. It is good for Europe to have given birth to a Tolstoy. But the case of India is different. In India we do not advocate force and violence for purposes of oppression or usurpation or aggression. India, I trust, will never come to that. But we cannot afford to be taught that it is sinful to use legitimate force for purposes of self-defence or for the protection of our honour and the honour of our wives, sisters, daughters and mothers. Such a teaching is unnatural and pernicious. We condemn illegal or unlawful force in the attainment of a lawful object, but we cannot afford to sit silent when a great and a respected man tells our young men that we can only “guard the honour of those who are under our charge by delivering ourselves into the hands of the men who would commit the sacrilege” and that this requires “far great physical and mental courage than delivering blows”. Suppose a ruffian assaults our daughter. Mr. Gandhi says that according to his conception of ahimsa, the only way to protect the honour of our daughter is to stand between her and her assailant. But what becomes of the daughter if her assailant fells us and then completes his diabolical intention? According to Mr. Gandhi, it requires greater mental and physical courage to stand still and let him do his worst than to try to stop him by matching our force against his. With great respect for Mr. Gandhi, this has no meaning. I have the greatest respect for the personality of Mr. Gandhi. He is one of those persons whom idolizes. I do not doubt his sincerity.

I do not question his motives. But I consider it my duty to raise an emphatic protest against the pernicious doctrine he is reported to have propounded. Even a Gandhi should not be allowed to poison the minds of Young India on this subject. No one should be at liberty to pollute the fountains of national vitality. Not even Buddha, much less Christ, even preached that. I do not know if even the Jains would go to that length. Why! Honourable life would be impossible under such conditions. A man who has such a faith cannot consistently resist anyone acting as he likes. Why did Mr. Gandhi then injure the feelings of the white men of South Africa by raising the standard of revolt against their cherished policy of excluding the Indians from that country? To be logical he should have left the country bag and baggage and advised his countrymen to do the same as soon as the South Africans expressed a wish to exclude them. Why, under such circumstances, any resistance would be himsa. After all physical himsa is only a development of mental himsa. If it is a sin to contemplate the wresting of a thief or a robber or any enemy, of course, it is a greater sin to resist him by force. The thing is so absurd on the face of it, that I feel inclined to doubt the accuracy of the report of Mr. Gandhi’s speech. But the Press has been freely commenting on the speech and Mr. Gandhi issued no disclaimer. In any case I feel that I cannot sit silent and let this doctrine go as an unquestioned sublime truth to be followed by Young India, so long as the speech remains uncontradicted or unexplained Mr. Gandhi wants to create a world of imaginary perfection. Of course he is free to do it, as he is free to ask others to do it. But in the same way I consider it my duty to point out his error."

My Hindu brothers and sisters.... remember you are the pro genies of great warriors like LordRama, LordKrishna, Arjuna, Bheem, Abhimunya, Rana Prataap, Shivaji, Netaji, Bhimsa and many other bravehearts, warriors and stalwarts...

Don't loose your own perspective polluted by our spineless people...
It's time for you to wake up...

Here goes my global perspective of Ahimsa...

Read... Read...

Now... humans of Bharat... try to join the dots...

Lala Lajpat Rai died as a result of injuries sustained during a lathi (baton) charge ordered by the British police. This incident occurred on October 30, 1928, during a peaceful protest in Lahore against the Simon Commission.

Do you think it was accidental? No... it was a cold blooded murder as he saw through the smog of Ahimsa of Gandhiji.

Wake up...

No more wilful blindness...

Open your eyes and feel the strength of your forefathers...

Come ON.... guys...

My perspective.... here we go...

Now my dear Bharatwasi... create an uncluttered mind about who is youur enemy - believe in your strength - the way we have worshipped powerful God and Goddess like Maakaali, Maa Durga, Maa Chandi and many others...

Who will you follow - Gita or ahimsa of Gandhiji...

My Hindu brothers and sisters.... wake up - enough servility - now please pick up your Gandib like Arjuna did in the dreaded battlefield of Kurukshetra...

Read.... o my Hindus of Bharat.... read.... read.... open your eyes...

शक्ति और क्षमा

क्षमा, दया, तप, त्याग, मनोबल
सबका लिया सहारा,
पर नर-व्याघ्र सुयोधन तुमसे
कहो, कहाँ, कब हारा?

क्षमाशील हो रिपु-समक्ष
तुम हुये विनत जितना ही,
दुष्ट कौरवों ने तुमको
कायर समझा उतना ही।

अत्याचार सहन करने का
कुफल यही होता है
पौरुष का आतंक मनुज
कोमल होकर खोता है।

क्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को
जिसके पास गरल हो
उसको क्या जो दंतहीन
विषरहित, विनीत, सरल हो।

तीन दिवस तक पंथ मांगते
रघुपति सिन्धु किनारे,
बैठे पढ़ते रहे छन्द
अनुनय के प्यारे-प्यारे।

उत्तर में जब एक नाद भी
उठा नहीं सागर से
उठी अधीर धधक पौरुष की
आग राम के शर से।

सिन्धु देह धर “त्राहि-त्राहि”
करता आ गिरा शरण में
चरण पूज दासता ग्रहण की
बँधा मूढ़ बन्धन में।

सच पूछो, तो शर में ही
बसती है दीप्ति विनय की
सन्धि-वचन संपूज्य उसी का
जिसमें शक्ति विजय की।

सहनशीलता, क्षमा, दया को
तभी पूजता जग है,
बल का दर्प चमकता उसके
पीछे जब जगमग है।

∼ रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’