I am almost at the fag end of my career.
I am actively in the search for #WhoAmI - trying to join the dots backward.
However, the journey through the maze of my life is all alone.
Although I am a complete family man now, and in fact, I love my family - but with more days passing by - it seems to be obvious that
Mainly we are just a few actors playing our solo roles in this #UNIVERSE
In this role, we interact with one another - and we will have to accept when we interact with someone else - that the other person is also an actor in his/her own rights.
In the software world - more precisely - in the Object Oriented software world - we are some full-fledged objects -
having all sorts of polymorphic behavior - which determines how we react depending upon the circumstances -
Sending signals to other objects we are in contact with.
Just like in the software world not every object is equally powerful. For example, if there is an application class - which might be a Singleton - will hold the maximum weightage among all of the other smaller objects.
And the lifetime of this object will have to be the same as the lifetime of the program loaded into the memory
Just like human society, there will be some auxiliary objects - without which - we will be okay - but they are there to make the lives of the programmers easy.
But, ultimately, all of the active objects will one day die, and then there will not be much history of those objects - they will simply be flushed out of the memory of the society
Some objects, while getting destroyed, may cause memory leaks - which is a dangerous part of the OOAD world
Hence, Java people took care of that many years ago, through garbage collection.
C++ - after being in a timid state for many years - are waking up - and they introduced Boost's library in the year 2009 release of the new C++ to handle this dreaded disease called memory leaks.
For the early day's software engineers, when Symbian was a dominant force in the mobile world, Symbian C++ engineers had to get rid of such abnormal memory-related behavior with the help of two-phase construction - later on with the advent of Template in C++ - auto_ptr or smart_pointer and later Boost's pointer came into the right time
As software is now more than just a few combinations of 0's and 1's -
the technologies behind the software world is also fast changing
the same way we, the human race are becoming more and more complicated in the process of making our lives simpler through the usage of Technology
so, the folks of my generation - who are somewhat kinda 50 years old - have all experienced the death knoll of the camera industry, the death of Kodak, the death of the normal calendar industry - and now witnessing the death of the wristwatch industry
we have seen the death of the Analog signal industry
But, for the human of the Universe
Human Life is analog and so is the experience of a Human being
The moment we want to digitize it, encrypt it, and then transmit it, we obviously introduce noise in it, distortion in it - and whatever way we may reproduce it on the receivers' end - it will not give you the #WHOLE picture - it will be distorted
It's like the big ZERO - at the end of our lives - we will be like a big ZERO - inside of which all of our digitized pieces of the lifetime will be captured - all for the others to watch and USE
but for you - at the end of the life
You will be complete - just like a ZERO - where two ends of the circle will meet - a perfect 0 -
the #WHOLE before you get yourself dissolved into
the #WHOLE -
the #PERFECT -
The Shunya -
the ZERO...
So #WhoAmI
I am #energy without #form
Feel the vibe...
Towards the fag end of your career - it's very important to renunciate everything that you thought of your own during your active life...
Enjoy my write-up called