Monday, October 16, 2023

Kautilya's Arthashastra...

Kautilya's Arthashastra...

प्रजासुखे सुखं राज्ञः प्रजानां तु हिते हितम् ।
नात्मप्रियं हितं राज्ञः प्रजानां तु प्रियं हितम् ॥

PrajaasukhE sukham raagyaha prajaanaam cha hitE hitam
naatma priyam hitam raagyaha prajaanaam tu priyam hitam.

प्रजासुखे सुखं राज्ञः प्रजानां च हिते हितम्।
नात्मप्रियम् हितम् राज्ञः प्रजानां तु प्रियम् हितम्।।

प्रजा के सुख में राजा का सुख निहित है, प्रजा के हित में ही उसे अपना हित दिखना चाहिए । जो स्वयं को प्रिय लगे उसमें राजा का हित नहीं है, उसका हित तो प्रजा को जो प्रिय लगे उसमें है ।

In the happiness of the people lies the Ruler’s happiness
Their welfare is his welfare
What pleases him, the Ruler shall not consider good
but whatever pleases his people, the Ruler shall consider good

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Bharat - My Dreamland...

Enjoy the vibe - Hey Bharatmata - i bow down my head in front of you...


ধনধান্য পুষ্প ভরা আমাদের এই বসুন্ধরা
তাহার মাঝে আছে দেশ এক সকল দেশের সেরা
 সে স্বপ্ন দিয়ে তৈরি সে দেশ স্মৃতি দিয়ে ঘেরা
এমন দেশটি কোথাও খুঁজে পাবে নাকো তুমি
 সে সকল দেশের রাণী সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি
সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি
সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি।

চন্দ্র সূর্য গ্রহতারা,
কোথায় উজল এমন ধারা
কোথায় এমন খেলে তড়িৎ এমন কালো মেঘে
তার পাখির ডাকে ঘুমিয়ে উঠি 
পাখির ডাকে জেগে।

এত স্নিগ্ধ নদী কাহার,
কোথায় এমন ধুম্র পাহাড়
কোথায় এমন হরিত ক্ষেত্র আকাশ তলে মেশে
এমন ধানের উপর ঢেউ খেলে যায়
বাতাস কাহার দেশে।

পুষ্পে পুষ্পে ভরা শাখি কুঞ্জে কুঞ্জে গাহে পাখি
গুঞ্জরিয়া আসে অলি পুঞ্জে পুঞ্জে ধেয়ে
তারা ফুলের ওপর ঘুমিয়ে পড়ে 
ফুলের মধু খেয়ে।

ভায়ের মায়ের এত স্নেহ,
কোথায় গেলে পাবে কেহ
ওমা তোমার চরণ দুটি বক্ষে আমার ধরি
আমার এই দেশেতে জন্ম যেন এই দেশেতে মরি।
এমন দেশটি কোথাও খুঁজে পাবে নাকো তুমি
 সে সকল দেশের রাণী সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি
সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি
সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি।

Translation (taken from internet)

Lavished with a wealth of grains and flowers is our Mother Earth…

In the midst of this is a land, more splendid than all other lands…

She is created by dreams, she is surrounded by memories…

Nowhere will you discover such a land as this…

O’ she is the queen of all lands,

She is my motherland…

Moon and sun, planets and stars…

Is there a similar surge of brilliance anywhere?

Where does the lightning play quite like this, among such black clouds?

After the call of her birds put me to sleep, I am awakened by the birdsongs again.

Nowhere will you discover such a land as this…

O’ she is the queen of all lands,

She is my motherland…

Whose rivers are so gentle? Do such massive mountains exist anywhere?

Where do such green acres meet like this, under the skies?

In whose land does the wind dance like waves on paddy?

Nowhere will you discover such a land as this…

O’ she is the queen of all lands,

She is my motherland…

The trees are covered with flowers, birds sing in every haunt,

Buzzing, the bees arrive and chase each other in great clusters…

They fall asleep on the flowers after drinking their nectar…

Nowhere will you discover such a land as this…

O’ she is the queen of all lands,

She is my motherland…

Where can one go to attain so much affection, from a mother or brother?

I hold both your feet, O Mother, close to my breast,

I was born in this very land, let me die here, as well…

Nowhere will you discover such a land as this…

O’ she is the queen of all lands,

She is my motherland…

Monday, October 9, 2023

Conspiracy theory? - Universe - you decide - Letter of Albert Pike - a Freemason of the USA - written in 1871 - predicting three world wars

Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini on 15th August 1871 regarding a conspiracy involving 3 world wars, that were planned in an attempt to take over the world.

Pike's letter was on display in the British Museum Library until 1977. British Library denies the letter exists.

Here we go...

The gist - 

- The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

- The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

- Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion.

As an avid reader, my responsibility is to awaken the people of the Universe.

Please wake up.

There's not enough time.

Please come out from the slumber...

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

My first experience with Google Bard and I am happy to see the result...

Today for the first time I used Google Bard, and I am pretty happy with the result.

My first question was 

Was the effect of Gandhiji's QUIT INDIA movement MINIMAL for Bharat to get independence?

The result from the Google Bard is as follows

Whether the effect of Gandhiji's Quit India Movement was minimal for Bharat to get independence is a matter of debate among historians. Some argue that the movement was a failure because it was crushed by the British and did not achieve its immediate goal of forcing the British to leave India. Others argue that the movement had a significant impact on the British decision to grant India independence, even if it was not immediately successful.

One of the main arguments in favor of the view that the Quit India Movement had a minimal impact on India's independence is that the British were already planning to leave India by the time the movement took place. The Second World War had been a major drain on British resources, and the British government was facing increasing pressure from the United States to grant India independence. The Quit India Movement may have accelerated the British decision to leave India, but it is unlikely that it was the sole factor that led to independence.

Another argument in favor of the view that the Quit India Movement had a minimal impact is that the movement was poorly organized and did not have widespread support. The British were able to suppress the movement relatively easily, and the Indian National Congress leadership was imprisoned for most of the war.

However, there are also a number of arguments in favor of the view that the Quit India Movement had a significant impact on India's independence. One argument is that the movement showed the British that Indian nationalism was a powerful force that could not be ignored. The Quit India Movement was the largest and most widespread anti-colonial movement in Indian history, and it demonstrated to the British that the Indian people were united in their demand for independence.

Another argument in favor of the view that the Quit India Movement had a significant impact is that it helped to mobilize the Indian people and to spread the message of nationalism. The movement inspired millions of Indians to take action against British rule, and it helped to create a sense of national unity.

Finally, some historians argue that the Quit India Movement had a significant impact on the British government's decision to grant India independence. The British government was concerned about the possibility of a more violent uprising in India, and it was also worried about the potential impact of the Quit India Movement on its relations with the United States. These concerns may have helped to persuade the British government to grant India independence sooner rather than later.

Overall, it is difficult to say definitively whether the Quit India Movement had a minimal impact on India's independence. There are strong arguments to be made on both sides of the debate. However, it is clear that the movement was a significant event in the history of India's freedom struggle, and it helped to lay the groundwork for India's independence in 1947.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting that former British Prime Minister Clement Attlee himself reportedly said that the extent of Gandhi's influence upon the British decision to quit India was "minimal." This suggests that even some British officials believed that the Quit India Movement was not a major factor in the British decision to grant India independence.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they believe that the Quit India Movement had a minimal impact on India's independence. There is no easy answer to this question, and there are strong arguments to be made on both sides of the debate.

My second question was related with the first one.
It was

Was the QUIT INDIA or the INA soldier's trial that triggered the naval mutiny for which the British left India in a hurry

The answer given by Google Bard is

The Indian National Army (INA) trials were a major factor in triggering the Royal Indian Navy mutiny of 1946. The INA was a military force raised by Subhas Chandra Bose to fight against British rule in India during World War II. After the war, the British government tried several INA officers for treason. This sparked widespread anger and protests in India, and it also had a significant impact on the Indian Navy.

Many sailors in the Indian Navy were sympathetic to the INA and its cause. They were also unhappy with their own working conditions and the discrimination they faced from British officers. The INA trials were the final straw for many sailors, and they decided to mutiny.

The naval mutiny began on February 18, 1946, in Bombay. It quickly spread to other ports across India, and it involved over 20,000 sailors. The mutineers demanded better pay, better working conditions, and an end to discrimination. They also demanded that the British government release the INA prisoners.

The British government was caught off guard by the mutiny, and they were unable to suppress it quickly. The mutiny lasted for several days, and it caused a great deal of chaos and disruption. The British government was eventually forced to release the INA prisoners and to make some concessions to the mutineers.

The naval mutiny was a major turning point in the Indian independence movement. It showed the British that they could no longer rely on the Indian military to maintain their rule. The mutiny also accelerated the British government's decision to grant India independence.

It is difficult to say definitively whether the Quit India Movement or the INA trials were the main factors in triggering the naval mutiny. However, it is clear that both events played a role. The Quit India Movement had helped to create a climate of anti-British sentiment in India, and the INA trials had focused attention on the issue of Indian nationalism. The naval mutiny was the culmination of these factors, and it forced the British government to reconsider its position in India.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting that former British Prime Minister Clement Attlee himself reportedly said that the naval mutiny was one of the main factors that led to the British decision to grant India independence. This suggests that the British government was very concerned about the potential impact of the mutiny on its ability to maintain control of India.

Overall, it is likely that both the Quit India Movement and the INA trials played a role in triggering the naval mutiny. However, the naval mutiny itself was the key factor that forced the British government to leave India in a hurry.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Lies... Lies... pure lies...

Lies... lies... pure lies...

These lies have infiltrated the minds of the students of Bharat for many years, and when awakening happens - most students become confused - what is Truth and what is lies.

if we don't learn from History, History will repeat itself - so says the adage.

but what if the History itself is BS - full of lies and deception created by some of the leftist historians?

this is exactly the case for Bharat.

all of us were taught the falsified History - such was the camouflage.

even without our knowledge - we started belittling our own culture, science, and whatever Indic values we have.

Hindus of Bharat - wake up.

Watch how the Ideological Subversion was applied in Bharat by the Britishers...

The clarion call is here...

wake up - the Hindus of Bharat.

My awakening happened at a pretty early age.

My fault?

I didn't want to behave like a blind sheep following the false historical events described in the so-called history books of Bharat written by a few leftist historians.

Can't believe?

Watch... how the leftist historians have distorted our past...

Naturally, I was made an outcast in a society full of conformists.

Remember the movie - Happy Feet?

Have you read the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull?

Read here...

I was kicked out of almost 30-40 IT companies in Bharat.

Such is the behaviour of the wilful blind people of Bharat.

Today I am enjoying a drug-free happy life with the only aim of making the life of my only son, Ridit.

Here's my story - say NO to psychiatric drugs...

As there is no such thing as mental illness.

My search for #WhoAmI continues.

Read.... Read....

And here's the story of my awakening.

Always remember that a nation without ideologies is a nation of slaves...

I knew for sure that Akbar was not that a great sultan.

But from class VII to class X I had to write on the exam paper why Akbar is called the greatest sultan of Bharat knowingly that he even didn't spare the women and the girls of Mansigh's family, his Army Chief, and brought them into the harem and during his time maximum Hindu to Muslim conversion happened.

The brainwash... by the leftist historians...


#universe #peopleofbharat

please open your eyes...

The pic of a famous Mughal Emporer raping his daughter

I came to know that between Bharat and Britain, there was simply a power transfer and what we call freedom in 1947, was just a transfer of power - it was not freedom. This information my Mom passed to me from an extremely good Bengali newspaper called Yugantar (now closed). The question that everyone should ask is the role of Mountbatten from 1948-64 - and why each of his opinions mattered.

Moreover, what is the role of British Intelligence MI5 in Bharat well after 1947?

Humans of Bharat - please wake up - nahi to dhundte rahey jaoge...

Kiss the #Truth and avail #salvation at the national level.

My awakening happened in many layers...

When I came to know that Newton just cut, copied, and translated from our ancient texts 

See below

( Vaishesika Sutras proposed 1800 years before Newton’s Three Laws of Motion by Kanada
वेगः निमित्तविशेषात कर्मणो जायते |
Translation: Change of motion is due to impressed force.
(The law states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.)
वेगः निमित्तापेक्षात कर्मणो जायते नियतदिक क्रियाप्रबन्धहेतु |
Translation: Change of motion is proportional to the impressed force and is in the direction of the force.
वेगः संयोगविशेषविरोधी |
Translation: Action and reaction are equal and opposite.
and became famous for the Laws of Motion without mentioning the original source of these three rules and hardly any student knows about that in the present Bharat - the confusion was natural.

As with age, I came to know that our sage Kanada was the first scientist to speak about Molecule and Atom - and nobody in Bharat actually feels proud for this - the confusion was natural.

Here's some fact about Maharshi Kanad...

Kanad, an ancient Indian sage and philosopher, is credited with developing one of the earliest atomic theories, documented in his work on the Vaisheshika Sutras around the 6th century BCE. His atomic theory predates the modern understanding of atoms by millennia and is a cornerstone of the Vaisheshika school of Hindu philosophy. 

When I knew about the Vaimanika Shastra of Ancient Bharat - and knew that nobody in Bharat actually cared - the lies' deep tentacles were firmly established among the student community.

Read here...

When I knew for sure that Gandhiji's QUIT INDIA movement had M.I.N.I.M.A.L effect on why the Britishers left Bharat in a hurry and actually it was the Naval Mutiny after the INA trial started, I became confused - why so many lies. And on top of that, almost every year we had to write the significance of the QUIT INDIA movement for the independence of Bharat.

When I watched a movie called "Jo Jeeta wohi Sikander" I started thinking that Sikander was actually defeated by Chandragupta Maurya of Bharat. So no way - Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikander.

When I found that it was Shyama Prasad Mukherjee and Gopal Patha that I am part of Bharat and not Bangladesh and then discovered there are hardly any mentions of that in the history book of Bharat - the confusion was natural.

When I found that the people of modern Kolkata felt proud to be at the MaxMueller bhavan, I despised them as I came to know pretty early the very basic reason why he learned Sanskrit and how all the knowledge along with the Sanskrit textbooks was smuggled to the library of Germany during the British period.

When I found that the destroyer of our ancient Nalanda University, Bakhtiyar has a railway junction still in his name and nobody in the modern Bharat actually cares, the confusion is natural - can a nation progress by reading the history of her invaders and celebrating this? Do we, as a nation, have an iota of shame?

When I see ourselves acting like willfully blind people, I feel ashamed to be called a Bharatiya for the way we worship our invaders. 

Can't believe it?

Have a look at Delhi's map and #WakeUp

Enough Is Enough...

When I watch Indian parents rush to get a seat for their kids in Saint Xavier school, I become confused - don't they know the reality of Xaviers - which was far from being a saint.

There are so many incidents of lies - which are enough to obliterate the history of a nation.

And if we join the dots backward, surely we will find the role of our first education minister - Abul Kalam Azad in obliterating our knowledge of Real History.


Hindus of Bharat - you have been cheated badly.

please #WakeUp

The saddest part is that, as described in the book Propaganda - the lies seem to be True even for the modern generation students of Bharat - such is the level of brainwashing.

The Hindus of Bharat - wake up - you are from a great civilization.
Be proud of being a Bharatiya...

And here we go - my morning vibe on any ordinary day - at around 4 'o'clock in the morning - feel the energy - feel the frequency - feel the vibe - this was missing from my life for all those years I took psychiatric drugs. That's why I say, " Say NO to Psychiatric medicines" and I really mean it...

And here is another - feel the energy, vibe, and frequency.

The song is the rest of the poem from where our national anthem has been taken.

Psychiatric drugs must be the last option for the patients as these drugs are dangerous.


Reclaiming #WhoIAm...


Read.... read.... Humans of Bharat.... wake up...

Taken from the last few lines of the following book...

India has democracy because India is Hindu...

India is secular because India is Hindu...

Wake up...