We have invested hell lot of money and energy to build the infrastructure of the country... But have we ever given it a thought how the future generations of India should look like... I think the time has come when we should invest all our energy to develop future Indians... Otherwise we will get India without Indians...
I was just thinking how our future generation should be like... I would prefer a moral Indian to a smart Indian - a simple Indian who will stick to his morality instead of getting his work done by hook or by crook... A student who would study by heart instead of taking help of unfair means to qualify the examination - a student who would stick to the fair means whatever may be the outcome of the exam... An Indian above corruption...
To fight the corruption we must change the mindset of our future generation... We must create simple Indians, ( and i mean it... not ultra smart Indians) who just cannot think of getting corrupted... Its not easy to fight corruption only by RTI because as the adage goes..."prevention is better than cure..." Hence we must create Indians who just cannot think of getting the things done in whatever possible way, even if it is by unfair means... but Indians who stick to their moral grounds, unsucceptible to the outcome...
We got India from British Raj almost 60 years back... but in the ecstasy that followed to build modern India did we somewhere forget to start the process of building Indians in the line of Buddha, Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Bhagat Singh or Netaji?
I know its very difficult to create such Indians without proper nurturing and it becomes more difficult as the surroundings have already become corrupted... But we should give it an honest try...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The change management
Sometimes back i appeared for a test of a subject called "Change Management" for my professional purpose. This subject dealt with the mindset change to adapt to the changing environment of a corporate world - be it in the form of requirement change for a software product or the change in process of the internal system of an organization. But have we ever thought of the change management in our lives that we did in the last few years or so? Let me try to elaborate a little more...
The first change that i saw during childhood was the source of entertainment of my family members. When i was a child, my dad used to switch on his big HMV radio set on every Sunday morning for the Binaca Geetmala. My Mom used to listen to Chayachobir Asor almost regularly... That big radio set became smaller and smaller with the advent of time and ultimately got scrapped. Then during the mid-80's, we first experienced a new source of entertainment in the form of a black and white television. There used to be an huge Yagi antenna (please excuse me for this technical term) on the roof top. There used to be device called Booster used in conjunction with the antenna. And the most interesting part was that whenever there was poor signal strength, there used to be talks of increasing the heights of the antenna or changing its direction. However, the impact of the change in the source of entertainment was pretty big. Our beloved radio set went almost into oblivion...
However, the TV programs at that time in my place was pretty simple. There used to be only a single national channel, and the station that used to relay that program in my place usually used to stop relaying after 9:30 pm or 10:00 pm (i am sorry i can't remember the exact timing). But the craze was definitely in the air. People from neighborhood used to gather in our house to see programs like Chitrahhar, or Saturday/Sunday's movies, or Ramayana. People used to curse the electricity board if there was a power cut during those times. We did the necessary change management to adapt from Radio to TV.
With that change another change started taking shapes in rural India. That change is from Football to Cricket. During my childhood it was pretty common to see boys playing football in villages. But with India's victory in the Cricket World Cup and WCC cup, the choice for the favorite game tilted from Football to Cricket. And this change was huge. We started to forget listening to the relay of Mohun Bagan - East Bengal football match in the radio and adapted to cricket relay. Thus the whole new generation of cricket fans became omnipresent. We did another change management...
Then there was another change with the advent of Cable TV in 90's. The antennas from the roof top were pulled down and we started getting familiar with the new source of entertainment. Our National channels gradually gave way to the Star TV. MTv and channel V gradually took the place of the Chitrahaar. The movies of Saturday and Sunday and the Rangolli of the Sunday morning gradually lost their significance with the 24/7 entertainment of the private channels. The 8:30 pm national news lost their shines with the advent of news channels... And we did another change management....
In the 90's there was another change that was taking shape in India. This was the change in the way we communicate. With the advent of advanced telecommunication technologies the old black telephone (POTs) which used to be the status symbol of a family, gave way to the modern telephone. It became a pretty common gadget in the Indian house holds. People then started to communicate over the phone. The appointment with a doctor or getting news for an exam result became dependent on this small device placed in one corner of Indian homes...We did another change management in our lives...
But the real change in the way we communicate was no sooner than late 90's when the mobile phone gradually started invading the Indian minds. With the advent of Mobile technologies, people in the cities first got used to pager... and then they switched over to the Mobile phones... But the phones at that time was brick phones and it is really difficult to match it with today's slick phones...But still mobile phones were a status symbol in the early stage of deployment of the network... But gradually it became omnipresent and now-a-days, probably we can't imagine our lives a mobile phones...We did another change management in our lives...
Then the next change happened in our lives was with the way we get information - the internet...But still in the late 90s or the early 2000, internet was again a status symbol. There used to be point to point protocol (PPP), dial-in networks... The internet was very slow... Yet it started opening up another era to us... But with the advent of Broadband in the late 2000, Internet became a force to beckon with... And now-a-days probably, we have changed ourselves to mix-up with Internet...We did another change management...
And with the advent of 3G and 4G, WiMax, WiFi - probably we are about to see another change management in the Indian households... We are about to see how Mobile Banking would change our lives, how the social networking websites are flooding the internet space... how online radio and youtube are changing the way we entertain ourselves...Probably we will have to do a lot of change management in our lives in the years to come...
The first change that i saw during childhood was the source of entertainment of my family members. When i was a child, my dad used to switch on his big HMV radio set on every Sunday morning for the Binaca Geetmala. My Mom used to listen to Chayachobir Asor almost regularly... That big radio set became smaller and smaller with the advent of time and ultimately got scrapped. Then during the mid-80's, we first experienced a new source of entertainment in the form of a black and white television. There used to be an huge Yagi antenna (please excuse me for this technical term) on the roof top. There used to be device called Booster used in conjunction with the antenna. And the most interesting part was that whenever there was poor signal strength, there used to be talks of increasing the heights of the antenna or changing its direction. However, the impact of the change in the source of entertainment was pretty big. Our beloved radio set went almost into oblivion...
However, the TV programs at that time in my place was pretty simple. There used to be only a single national channel, and the station that used to relay that program in my place usually used to stop relaying after 9:30 pm or 10:00 pm (i am sorry i can't remember the exact timing). But the craze was definitely in the air. People from neighborhood used to gather in our house to see programs like Chitrahhar, or Saturday/Sunday's movies, or Ramayana. People used to curse the electricity board if there was a power cut during those times. We did the necessary change management to adapt from Radio to TV.
With that change another change started taking shapes in rural India. That change is from Football to Cricket. During my childhood it was pretty common to see boys playing football in villages. But with India's victory in the Cricket World Cup and WCC cup, the choice for the favorite game tilted from Football to Cricket. And this change was huge. We started to forget listening to the relay of Mohun Bagan - East Bengal football match in the radio and adapted to cricket relay. Thus the whole new generation of cricket fans became omnipresent. We did another change management...
Then there was another change with the advent of Cable TV in 90's. The antennas from the roof top were pulled down and we started getting familiar with the new source of entertainment. Our National channels gradually gave way to the Star TV. MTv and channel V gradually took the place of the Chitrahaar. The movies of Saturday and Sunday and the Rangolli of the Sunday morning gradually lost their significance with the 24/7 entertainment of the private channels. The 8:30 pm national news lost their shines with the advent of news channels... And we did another change management....
In the 90's there was another change that was taking shape in India. This was the change in the way we communicate. With the advent of advanced telecommunication technologies the old black telephone (POTs) which used to be the status symbol of a family, gave way to the modern telephone. It became a pretty common gadget in the Indian house holds. People then started to communicate over the phone. The appointment with a doctor or getting news for an exam result became dependent on this small device placed in one corner of Indian homes...We did another change management in our lives...
But the real change in the way we communicate was no sooner than late 90's when the mobile phone gradually started invading the Indian minds. With the advent of Mobile technologies, people in the cities first got used to pager... and then they switched over to the Mobile phones... But the phones at that time was brick phones and it is really difficult to match it with today's slick phones...But still mobile phones were a status symbol in the early stage of deployment of the network... But gradually it became omnipresent and now-a-days, probably we can't imagine our lives a mobile phones...We did another change management in our lives...
Then the next change happened in our lives was with the way we get information - the internet...But still in the late 90s or the early 2000, internet was again a status symbol. There used to be point to point protocol (PPP), dial-in networks... The internet was very slow... Yet it started opening up another era to us... But with the advent of Broadband in the late 2000, Internet became a force to beckon with... And now-a-days probably, we have changed ourselves to mix-up with Internet...We did another change management...
And with the advent of 3G and 4G, WiMax, WiFi - probably we are about to see another change management in the Indian households... We are about to see how Mobile Banking would change our lives, how the social networking websites are flooding the internet space... how online radio and youtube are changing the way we entertain ourselves...Probably we will have to do a lot of change management in our lives in the years to come...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
"Saach ka Saamna"
Satymeva Jayate
When a child does something wrong and runs to his Mom and whispers in her ears "Mamma.. i have done something wrong... ", that is what we can call "Saach ka samna...". When a person goes to temple or church, sits in front of God and weepingly confesses..."Oh Lord! I have done something wrong... Please pardon me...", that can be called "Saach ka saamna..." When the husband confesses about his wrong doings in front of his wife in the cozy corner of his home, that is "Saach ka saamna..." Because that is when we speak out our conscience...
There are differences between fact findings and truth findings. There is always two sides of an action or a thought...One is the fact and the other is the truth behind that fact...
It reminds me of one of his famous poems of Tagore called
"Debotar Graas".
In this poem after getting pissed off, the mother of a child uttered "Chol tore diye asi sagorer jole..." meaning that she would like to immolate her child in the river... But in Tagore's own words "Sunecho ki mukher katha...Sononi ki jananir antorer katha...", meaning these were the words of her mouth, but not the words from the heart of a mother...
Now the fact is that she did utter those cruel words to her son, but the truth is that she never meant that...
So what is the truth and what is the fact behind those words from a mother?
When a poor person takes the first bribe in his life, he sells out his dignity. Probably it hurts him more than had he not taken the bribe...So the fact is that the guy indeed took bribe... but did he really want to do that?
I strongly believe that a man dies as many times as his dignity is hurt.
When a person confesses in front of the TV camera and lie detector and becomes fully aware of his importance for speaking out the truth, it does not remain "Saach ka Samna"... it becomes another short cut to earn some quick bucks and grab the lime light...
Then at most it can be termed as one of the many so-called reality shows or fact finding shows, glued wrongly against the backdrop of truth...but not the "Saach ka Saamna"....
because it presents facts... not the real truth...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The changing face of Bangalore...
It was a cloudy Saturday morning. We planned to go out to Brigade Road and Church Street. So we were to find out which bus would take us there... Few years back i had to depend on the information from other passengers at the bus stop or from the neighbors or by asking my friends around.....
But Bangalore has changed... It has changed for the good... With the broadband internet connection, i just typed in the url of the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation... and OOO La La... all the information were at our fingertips....
So we stepped out of our home and started going towards the bus stop. It started drizzling. We rode the bus... if somebody is thinking its the old jharjhariya tin-made bus.. he will be wrong.. its a brand new air conditioned Volvo bus...And it was of course not over crowded...We took the seat in the front row...With the FM radio channel music soothing our ears inside the bus, we started our journey...
We entered a bank... It had a completely different look than a bank of yesteryears... With a laptop in front of her, a highly sophisticated, English speaking lady greeted us... And i thought is there really any difference between a bank of Singapore or a bank of Japan and this bank in India?
After we came out of that institution, there was a three wheeler... While riding on that small vehicle i was wondering how over the years Bangalore has become the melting pot of old and modern lifestyles...a volvo bus and a three wheeler co-exist here without any friction...
When i see a lady painting Rangolli in front of her home in the morning...going to office in formal in the afternoon and solving Sudoku in the evening... it just strengthens my view that Bangalore has become a potpourri of old and new values...
When i see people from one corner of India coming out of sleek modern car and ordering a tender coconut from a roadside vendor who may be from another part of India and both probably having different mother-tongues, i start thinking that this is probably the demographic dividend which has made us unique...probably India is the only country where we can see such a confluence of people in the market place... probably this is the place where people from every stratum of the society come out in such an afternoon to flow in the river of life...
After spending few hours at a second hand book stall we felt hungry... Here also there were plenty of options... from a sophisticated restaurant to a roadside dhaba...we preferred the second one because of its authenticity... We ordered Masalla dosa, Rawa idly and butter milk...
There is a huge difference between the foods that are available in different corners of India.. in Bangalore if its Dosa and idly-Bada...in Mumbai it ought to be BadaPpaow... in Kolkata it may be Fish Curry-Rice...and in Delhi it could have been Rajma-chaul...
After our lunch, we took another airconditioned bus back to our home.. When that bus was speeding up on the decongested Air-port road... i strongly felt that Bangalore has changed in front of our eyes... And it has changed for the good....
Note: It would have been nice to see BMTC procuring a software which would let a passenger enter the two end points of his journey and give the possible combination of buses to do that. i have seen these kinds of software are heavily used in Japan. Please give it a thought...
But Bangalore has changed... It has changed for the good... With the broadband internet connection, i just typed in the url of the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation... and OOO La La... all the information were at our fingertips....
So we stepped out of our home and started going towards the bus stop. It started drizzling. We rode the bus... if somebody is thinking its the old jharjhariya tin-made bus.. he will be wrong.. its a brand new air conditioned Volvo bus...And it was of course not over crowded...We took the seat in the front row...With the FM radio channel music soothing our ears inside the bus, we started our journey...
We entered a bank... It had a completely different look than a bank of yesteryears... With a laptop in front of her, a highly sophisticated, English speaking lady greeted us... And i thought is there really any difference between a bank of Singapore or a bank of Japan and this bank in India?
After we came out of that institution, there was a three wheeler... While riding on that small vehicle i was wondering how over the years Bangalore has become the melting pot of old and modern lifestyles...a volvo bus and a three wheeler co-exist here without any friction...
When i see a lady painting Rangolli in front of her home in the morning...going to office in formal in the afternoon and solving Sudoku in the evening... it just strengthens my view that Bangalore has become a potpourri of old and new values...
When i see people from one corner of India coming out of sleek modern car and ordering a tender coconut from a roadside vendor who may be from another part of India and both probably having different mother-tongues, i start thinking that this is probably the demographic dividend which has made us unique...probably India is the only country where we can see such a confluence of people in the market place... probably this is the place where people from every stratum of the society come out in such an afternoon to flow in the river of life...
After spending few hours at a second hand book stall we felt hungry... Here also there were plenty of options... from a sophisticated restaurant to a roadside dhaba...we preferred the second one because of its authenticity... We ordered Masalla dosa, Rawa idly and butter milk...
There is a huge difference between the foods that are available in different corners of India.. in Bangalore if its Dosa and idly-Bada...in Mumbai it ought to be BadaPpaow... in Kolkata it may be Fish Curry-Rice...and in Delhi it could have been Rajma-chaul...
After our lunch, we took another airconditioned bus back to our home.. When that bus was speeding up on the decongested Air-port road... i strongly felt that Bangalore has changed in front of our eyes... And it has changed for the good....
Note: It would have been nice to see BMTC procuring a software which would let a passenger enter the two end points of his journey and give the possible combination of buses to do that. i have seen these kinds of software are heavily used in Japan. Please give it a thought...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Getting to Live... But not Living
During my childhood days, i was an extremely carefree guy. Although I used to stand first in the class, but frankly speaking i never tried that hard. All through the day and the evening i used to play. i used to study for the sake of the joy of learning... i didn't have much ambition. i used to live the life to its fullest potential.. but when i went to do my engineering, the carrot of the social awards came to play in my life. it was the award that if i do well in the BE i will lead a better life... if i do well in the GRE and TOEFL, i will be able to avail better education in USA which will give me more carrots.... and after i passed, BE i started "Getting to Live... But not living..."
these days i have understood that an engineering degree comes in a package.. with it comes the ambition of a "better life" (in the materialistic sense), a better life partner,a big house, a bigger car, more power in the society...although none of these contribute anything to a person's quality of life, but most of the time a person gets entangled in achieving all of these things till one day the bathroom mirror shows few grey hairs...
the Hindu philosophy says these things very clearly... it says there are two kinds of ambition... the first is for more money, more power, more promotions in the job, a bigger car, a big house.. it makes a man listless...
and the second kind of ambition is for knowledge, truth and wisdom... it makes a man happy...
these days when i read some books, i read it just for the joy of learning without the ambition that it may lead to a fatter pay package... this attitude is giving me enough pleasure to spend my days blissfully...
i have started "Living the life".. and left the "Getting to live ... but not living" syndrome far behind...
these days i have understood that an engineering degree comes in a package.. with it comes the ambition of a "better life" (in the materialistic sense), a better life partner,a big house, a bigger car, more power in the society...although none of these contribute anything to a person's quality of life, but most of the time a person gets entangled in achieving all of these things till one day the bathroom mirror shows few grey hairs...
the Hindu philosophy says these things very clearly... it says there are two kinds of ambition... the first is for more money, more power, more promotions in the job, a bigger car, a big house.. it makes a man listless...
and the second kind of ambition is for knowledge, truth and wisdom... it makes a man happy...
these days when i read some books, i read it just for the joy of learning without the ambition that it may lead to a fatter pay package... this attitude is giving me enough pleasure to spend my days blissfully...
i have started "Living the life".. and left the "Getting to live ... but not living" syndrome far behind...
Ganapati temple at my locality
There is a beautiful huge ganapati temple at the place where i stay. i visit that temple almost regularly. it has become an habit for me. this is the way we the Indians grow up. so somebody can ask "OK... whats the big deal...."
its all about faith in religion... had this temple been a kali temple and not a ganapati temple, i can bet that people would still flock to it.
i think most of us grow up in an environment which instills this faith inside us from childhood. in my childhood, i have seen my Mom going to Kali temple every tuesday and saturday, i have seen her watering the Peeple tree. My dad used to offer incense sticks to the God at his small shop. After my marriage i have seen my mother-in-law going to Hanuman temple on tuesday, and i have seen my father-in-law visiting temple everyday. i have seen my wife offering puja to her own set of God and Goddesses everyday at one corner of my small apartment. And i regularly water the small Tulsi plant at my home.
There is an adage in Bengali which goes like this "Biswase milaye bostu.. Torke bohudur.... "
What it essentially means is that if we believe in something, it becomes easier to achieve.. And if we disbelieve, it becomes unattainable.
in distress, my wife earnestly calls Sankatmochan as if she is talking to Him. in distress, i earnestly chant the Gayatri mantra. Now a logical mind may term it as a superstition. But it has nothing to do with superstition, its just plain faith that, in distress we have a friend to fall upon.
This is our Indian philosophy. i think along with other goods and services, we must export this to the outside world. this is the best thing we can actually export...
its all about faith in religion... had this temple been a kali temple and not a ganapati temple, i can bet that people would still flock to it.
i think most of us grow up in an environment which instills this faith inside us from childhood. in my childhood, i have seen my Mom going to Kali temple every tuesday and saturday, i have seen her watering the Peeple tree. My dad used to offer incense sticks to the God at his small shop. After my marriage i have seen my mother-in-law going to Hanuman temple on tuesday, and i have seen my father-in-law visiting temple everyday. i have seen my wife offering puja to her own set of God and Goddesses everyday at one corner of my small apartment. And i regularly water the small Tulsi plant at my home.
There is an adage in Bengali which goes like this "Biswase milaye bostu.. Torke bohudur.... "
What it essentially means is that if we believe in something, it becomes easier to achieve.. And if we disbelieve, it becomes unattainable.
in distress, my wife earnestly calls Sankatmochan as if she is talking to Him. in distress, i earnestly chant the Gayatri mantra. Now a logical mind may term it as a superstition. But it has nothing to do with superstition, its just plain faith that, in distress we have a friend to fall upon.
This is our Indian philosophy. i think along with other goods and services, we must export this to the outside world. this is the best thing we can actually export...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Roadside Mirchi Shops
It was a cloudy afternoon. Rain was in the air. As i was walking empty stomach towards my home, an aroma tingled my nostrils. Turning back, i saw a heaps of deep fried savories. Pakoda as you would call it in India....Bread pakodas, Aloo bondaas, Gram cutlets and my favorite Mirchis. Looking beyond my eyes popped up. He was frying Jillibis. i had no option but to retrace my steps and stand in front of the shop. I had a wonderful lunch of hot Jillibis and even hotter Mirchis.
I was first exposed to the "Mirchi"s almost a decade back in Hyderabad. Mirchi is made of big Green Chillies coated with Bason and deep fried.
There is definitely something special about these roadside pakoda shops and the tea stalls in India. The energy level with which these shops are bestowed with is something special. The agility and the multi functioning activities that the shop owner shows while handling different customers, frying the mirchis, serving tea and managing the cash all by himself is something awesome. The business in these shops are run by the words of mouth. There is no calculator, no bill receipts, no computers.
Almost all of these shops in rural India are similar in looks. It will have one big bowl in which few fried Mirchis will be piled in open air. There will be a big Kaday with hot oil on an open Burner (rather a Chulla) on one side of the shop. Beside that, the shop owner will sit with one hand busy frying Mirchi and the other managing Tea and Cash. And there will be the customers standing in front of the shop busy in chit chatting and enjoying hot Mirchis and tea. With all probabilities, the tea will be served in small clay cups. However, in modern days cups made of glasses and plastics have made an inroad. And of course there is different dialects depending on the location. For example, in Mumbai, it may be "Ek cutting chai" and in Delhi it may be "Ek batta Do chai". In West Bengal it may be "Ek Half tea"....
Although the glamor of these shops are threatened by sophisticated food joints and the supernatural advertisements of the soft drinks of modern days, but people in India still flock to them. People may complain about these shops being unhygienic and a poor quality oil being used..... But who can resist the delicious spicy Mirchis, sweet jillibies and a cup of tea there?
I was first exposed to the "Mirchi"s almost a decade back in Hyderabad. Mirchi is made of big Green Chillies coated with Bason and deep fried.
There is definitely something special about these roadside pakoda shops and the tea stalls in India. The energy level with which these shops are bestowed with is something special. The agility and the multi functioning activities that the shop owner shows while handling different customers, frying the mirchis, serving tea and managing the cash all by himself is something awesome. The business in these shops are run by the words of mouth. There is no calculator, no bill receipts, no computers.
Almost all of these shops in rural India are similar in looks. It will have one big bowl in which few fried Mirchis will be piled in open air. There will be a big Kaday with hot oil on an open Burner (rather a Chulla) on one side of the shop. Beside that, the shop owner will sit with one hand busy frying Mirchi and the other managing Tea and Cash. And there will be the customers standing in front of the shop busy in chit chatting and enjoying hot Mirchis and tea. With all probabilities, the tea will be served in small clay cups. However, in modern days cups made of glasses and plastics have made an inroad. And of course there is different dialects depending on the location. For example, in Mumbai, it may be "Ek cutting chai" and in Delhi it may be "Ek batta Do chai". In West Bengal it may be "Ek Half tea"....
Although the glamor of these shops are threatened by sophisticated food joints and the supernatural advertisements of the soft drinks of modern days, but people in India still flock to them. People may complain about these shops being unhygienic and a poor quality oil being used..... But who can resist the delicious spicy Mirchis, sweet jillibies and a cup of tea there?
Negotiation skill
It is said worldwide that we the Indians are good at negotiation skills. Its because we have to negotiate everywhere, everyday. We negotiate while traveling by auto rickshaw, we negotiate while buying groceries, we negotiate at the fish market, we negotiate with the hawkers on the footpath. We grow up seeing our parents and neighbors negotiating in their everyday lives. The better we negotiate the smarter we are called. But this tendency to negotiate has created an air of disbelief in almost all of us. We cannot believe the shop owner, we cannot believe the auto rickshaw driver, we cannot believe the hawkers. While staying in Japan, i noticed that we did not have to disbelieve people. Generally they are honest and we can believe them without any loss. Does it mean that this negotiation skill have made us smarter or simply cheaters?
In Gita, it is said that a person by nature is full of faith. It is said that whatever we do without faith is fruitless because it is an untruth (Asatya). A child believes everything till his/her thought processing is polluted by external forces. Does it mean that we are living our daily lives in untruth while negotiating in every step?
In Gita, it is said that a person by nature is full of faith. It is said that whatever we do without faith is fruitless because it is an untruth (Asatya). A child believes everything till his/her thought processing is polluted by external forces. Does it mean that we are living our daily lives in untruth while negotiating in every step?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I have a dream... the importance of dreaming...
Nazriya - a poem written and recited by my wife Reema
It's all a matter of Nazriya - how we look at certain things - the perspective.
So it's all about a dream that will make our country a better nation. People don't need subsidies, they want to dream. A dream of a better Bharat, a dream of a free nation, a dream of a dignified life.
It would be nice to see a leader starting his speech with
"I have a dream"....
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